trump: oblivious moron II

So Obama policies reversed the course of The Great Recession in a matter of a few months, while Reagan - nearly 2 years into his first term z was driving unemployment over 10%....
a few months?.....Obama said his stimmu-less would insure that unemployment would not go over October it peaked at 10.3

it didn't get back to the level he inherited from Bush until his second term.....even then millions had been dropped from the list because they had given up hope of ever getting a job again......
The only thing hiding is your evidence.....

Well, shithead. Instead of arguing with that moderator you should have kissed his ass and thanked him for deleting it. I suspect you don't realize how close you came to having an unwanted knock on your door if that had gone on any longer.
silly, silly one has said he caused inflation.......his failure was in not solving inflation......just as Obama's failure was in not bringing about economic recovery until the Republicans took over Congress in 2014.......

But, you witless fucking drone, I've shown you a comment from AEIs economist informing you that Stimulus reversed The Great Recession....

Can't you read?
That would make him a clerk in the county recorder's office. Anthony is an MBA, too.

The ANT hasn't been the same since Twump assumed the seat.

My thoughts are they finally caught up to him for his "on the clock" internet usage at the GAY BATH HOUSE where he passes out towels.

Even Odious has been hiding under a rock lately.

The walls are closing in on these idiots.

Here's the problem...There is NO ESCAPE FOR THEM...They are ON RECORD voting for and fluffing the CURRENT CRIMINAL IDIOT.

They will DIE WITH THE SIN!!!
what flaw?......when you borrowed the money to buy your $2000 car and they charged you 15% interest the first year and 15% interest the second year was the total interest you paid $300 or $600 (assuming you were financially unable to pay down any principal).......

You don't have the slightest idea how amortization works, do you....
Add up the reported deficits between by 2002 and by 2009.....doesit equal the net change in gross debt?

the reported deficits from 1776 to 2016 equals the national debt.......the sum of Bush's deficits equals the net change in the public national debt during the Bush administration......the sum of Obama's deficits equals the net change in the public national debt during the Obama administration......
a few months?.....Obama said his stimmu-less would insure that unemployment would not go over October it peaked at 10.3

it didn't get back to the level he inherited from Bush until his second term.....even then millions had been dropped from the list because they had given up hope of ever getting a job again......

"it didn't get back to the level he inherited from Bush until his second term...."

Bullshit....try May 2012....

You haven't gotten a single thing right yet.
the reported deficits from 1776 to 2016 equals the national debt.......the sum of Bush's deficits equals the net change in the public national debt during the Bush administration......the sum of Obama's deficits equals the net change in the public national debt during the Obama administration......

Show me your math on the Scrub're wrong, and fucking pig ignorant....

Add up the reported deficits....