trump: oblivious moron II

Obama's AVERAGE unemployment rate was higher than Bush's highest unemployment rate.......

Bush inherited a 4.4 and nearly doubled it....Obama inherited an 8.1 and nearly halved it.....

Now let's look at the actual number of private sector jobs created.....

Are you ready?

Do you have any idea where to find them?
But, you witless fucking drone, I've shown you a comment from AEIs economist informing you that Stimulus reversed The Great Recession....

Can't you read?'ve "shown me a comment".......from some idiot who shares your opinion......if the stimulus reversed the "great recession" perhaps you could document when the "great recession" ended........perhaps you could also point out when the "great recovery" happened.......
Obama's AVERAGE unemployment rate was higher than Bush's highest unemployment rate.......

What you fail to report, you amazingly STUPID FUCK is that PRESIDENT OBAMA inherited a nation that was on the precipice of tumbling into the ABYSS. When he took office, unemployment skyrocketed because FAILURE 43 TANKED THE ECONOMY. He INHERITED that mess, and REPUBLISCUM convinced the RUBES that it was PRESIDENT OBAMA'S FAULT.

REPUBLISCUM are evil SCUM who are good at one thing and one thing only...DUPING STUPID RUBES.'ve "shown me a comment".......from some idiot who shares your opinion......if the stimulus reversed the "great recession" perhaps you could document when the "great recession" ended........perhaps you could also point out when the "great recovery" happened.......

You have no idea what AEI is, or how recessions are dated...

Come back when you know something.
You don't have the slightest idea how amortization works, do you....

actually, I I pointed out, what I posted was based on the assumption that the weasel was incapable of paying back the principal......that would mean it was an unamortized, interest only know how those work, don't you?......
Show me your math on the Scrub're wrong, and fucking pig ignorant....

Add up the reported deficits....

oh stop being an ass......its been cited already in this thread, I'm not doing it again......its not my fault you idiots try to do everything in one thread and it stretches out for pages and pages.....
Bush inherited a 4.4 and nearly doubled it....Obama inherited an 8.1 and nearly halved it.....

Now let's look at the actual number of private sector jobs created.....

Are you ready?

Do you have any idea where to find them?
1) Obama didn't inherit an 8.1 unemployment rate......remember, he promised that if his stimmy-less package was passed it would keep unemployment under 8%
2) Bush's unemployment rate averaged annual rates of 4% to 5.8%.....the first year that Obama averaged that low was 2015
3) Private sector jobs created are meaningless unless you subtract private sector jobs lost.......a number in which Obama also excelled.....