Trump sat down for over one hour.

Everyone here complaining about him is in worse health... Much worse... (Though i'm not sure about archives so I won't include him... Hey, I thought he was bowling. That's good
Ah, tempting karma again by mocking other members' supposed health? Not smart, but then you never were. Lol
Donā€™t have to watch it to pretty much guess what was said, just like I donā€™t have to watch Rachel Maddow to know what she said on her show last night, all the infotainment channels are melodramas, there is nothing new nor worthy to make any of them noteworthy

And, again nothing personal, but canā€™t wrap my head around why anyone would watch a political talk show on prime time TV
She didn't watch it last night. She's always passed out by 9pm. Look at when her first morning post is. She's just repeating what Fox gushed and whoring for your attention.
Unlikely, Sybil. He's being given more security protection than any other candidate in history.
Note that the Republicans refuse to increase the Secret Service budget. They are only moving assets around thus reducing security in other areas.

If Trump loses and is sentenced to house arrest, the security will be easier.

Fuck you, asswiper.

Biden garbles a word here and there and you shitbags have him in end stage dementia even though it's obvious his thought process is still more acute than that idiot trump's ever was.

So fuck off over anything you decide upsets or angers you.

Same goes for the rest of your fellow turds.
Hahahaha love it! Though, I have to admit that when I started reading it, I thought you had gone crazy (until I got to the end). It's sad that a person can no longer instantly dismiss such a claim as an obvious joke because leftists are so insane that they regularly make such claims and are totally serious when they do so, even if it IS just to troll (like Jarod does).
No you are wrong, it is a Republic based upon democratic principles, a Democratic Republic if you want to get specific over semantics, and if Trump were elected it certainly wouldnā€™t be for very much longer

Nonsense. We are Constitutional Republic. We use democratically elected representatives. Initially that was only the house, but democrats corrupted the Senate and destroyed the function of representation of the states.

We are a classical Republic - laws are made by leftist courts by representatives elected by the people. There is no direct influence over our laws by the public - no one can vote a federal law in or out.

We are a Republic with a Constitution that protects the rights of the minority.

The Republic has been severely damaged by the corruption of the Harris/Biden Junta and the weaponizing of the federal government to crush opponents of the democrat party. Should the Oligarchy that controls Harris/Biden continue in power, the Republic and the concept of civil rights are over.

We will finish our degradation into a Marxist dictatorship.