Trump sat down for over one hour.

He is looking pretty great.

I have no use for liars.

Sit Down.
Just who are YOU looking at? Or talking about???
Trump is a fat pig, LOOK at him.
and if you have no use for liars then YOU don't want to look in to a Mirror , IF you do you will see one of the biggest ones we have seen in our life time almost as big as TRUMP and he is known for being one of the biggest liars the world has ever known.
So go find a corner and SIT in it you fucking ASSHOLE
He's a 78-year-old geezer who never exercised anything but his mouth and lived on fast food for most of his life. He's a walking heart-attack and/or stroke waiting-to-happen.

Real doctors know this is true.
As it turns out, even sitting with Gutfeld didn't help. He thought that there was a crowd at the ass whoopin he took at the debate.
looking at him I am not sure he isn't over 300 pounds already.
I think he might be pushing 300 Cheeseburgers a week.
Have a nice day and make sure to stay out of the way of the Cheeseburger vacuum.
Agreed. It was a joke. The fact remains Trump is obese, never exercised a day in his life* and is notorious for eating fatty foods and fast foods. He almost died of COVID and extreme, experimental measures were taken to save his life. He's walking heart-attack or stroke waiting to happen.

*walking on a golf course, if he actually walked, is great for older people, but Trump never jogged, biked, swam or otherwise engaged in a regular routine of physical exercise.
As opposed to you taken in by salad bar buffets? ;)

I get that trumpers lack the capacity to understand the higher level concepts that Harris' speeches touch upon, so it's not surprising that you all prefer the kind of obviously fake, disingenuous, platitudes and empty, insincere, flag waving rhetoric trump engages in.

Remember when he said "I love the uneducated"?

He was talking about the unsophisticated simpletons who pack his rallies with their red ball caps, Trump t-shirts and gauze patches glued to their ears.

As to your comment, my love of a good salad bar, has nothing to do with Kamala Harris.
I get that trumpers lack the capacity to understand the higher level concepts that Harris' speeches touch upon, so it's not surprising that you all prefer the kind of obviously fake, disingenuous, platitudes and empty, insincere, flag waving rhetoric trump engages in.

Remember when he said "I love the uneducated"?

He was talking about the unsophisticated simpletons who pack his rallies with their red ball caps, Trump t-shirts gauze patches on their ears.

As to your comment, my love of a good salad bar, has nothing to do with Kamala Harris.
Who doesn't love a good salad bar? But did you watch her with oprah? That sneeze guard was filthy...;) They'll be cleaning up for days...
Nor will I ever care.

You should be more concerned with your own embarrassment over trump and his low level and obviously declining mental ability.

Not that it was ever anything to be proud of.
I accept that you do not care... and understand...
He's a lot healthier than those complaining about him here...;)
You have nothing to base that on.
Trump is not a good physical specimen. If he were, he would have happily released the results of his physicals. He even kept the doctors who treated him for the ear scratch from giving a presser. Joe and Kamala released theirs. Trump hid not only his but prohibited Pences from being released. He knew Pence's coming out would destroy his hiding of physicals.
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