Trump Slammed Over ‘Disgraceful’ Behavior at Soldiers’ Graves

How can anyone take him seriously since his comments about McCain?

It's been one thing after another after that. The man has disdain for our military.
No veterans who abide by their oaths would trust a man who willfully violated his own oath.

Trump's support within the military fell greatly when he fired Mattis and then Kelly. Trust burned is hard to earn. I can't see how Trump's multiple gaffs against the military can be helping him much.

OTOH, the military voters are usually from Red States, not swing states, and only number about 2M voters versus the 161M Americans registered to vote.

Key insights

Number of registered voters in the U.S. 161.42m
Number of registered voters in the United States from 1996 to 2022 (in millions)

Percentage of people aged 18 to 24 registered to vote in the U.S. 49.1%
Share of people registered to vote in the United States in 2022, by gender

Share of adults aged 35 to 49 motivated to vote in 2024 than 2020 in the U.S.

The latest Military Times poll shows a continued decline in active-duty service members’ views of President Donald Trump and a slight but significant preference for former Vice President Joe Biden in the upcoming November election among troops surveyed.

How can anyone take him seriously since his comments about McCain?

It's been one thing after another after that. The man has disdain for our military.
and Disdain might be too lite of a word to use.
he does NOT respect any of our Military or our Military dead and our intel community even less.
these are the people we depend on for the security of our country.
Trump is the low of the low.
Have a nice day
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Yes, TEAM CRAZY has turned into SLAM BAM theater 24/7!

And THE PEOPLE are sick of these horrible people and their filthy hateful mouths.

The Good news, is THE TRUMPTARDS HAVE TOPPED out, and unable to pick up any new HATERS- as all of the haters, racists, sexists, gay-bashers, Science deniers, History Haters, and TIDY WHITEY HOLY ROLLERS in the nation are already in their CULT.

Meanwhile, Kamala continues to pick up, Legacy Republicans FOR KAMALA, MEN FOR KAMALA, NEVER-TRUMPERS for Kamala, Veterans FOR KAMALA, DOUBLE-HATERS FOR KAMALA, Independents for KAMALA, and first time voters FOR KAMALA, and those coming in new are enough to move the needle in her favor- AND THE REASON WHY SHE IS NOW LEADING TRUMP IN THE POLLS ACROSS THE NATION.

Meanwhile TRUMP, J.D. VANCE and all of the TRUMPTARDS just keep the hatred going and are only PREACHING TO THEIR OWN CHOIR and that is just driving even more people towards voting for KAMALA.

Like I keep saying- THE PEOPLE HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF THE TRUMPTARDATION that has run out of control for the last 9 years now- like a contageous nasty virus.
Some on Team Crazy are asking Trump to dump Vance and hire RFK Jr. but I doubt that will happen. Didn't Trump offer to make him Secretary of the Interior in violation of federal law?
It was intended from the start to be a campaign event. Had Trump's photographer(s) not been there, he wouldn't have been.
Agreed. No doubt they had a rain plan so Draft-Dodger Donnie wouldn't get his hair mussed.

Meanwhile, the Army is backing up the assaulted woman's statement. I hope charges are filed against the assaulters since there were witnesses.

The U.S. Army on Thursday disputed claims made by the campaign of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump about the nature of an apparent altercation involving a staffer at Arlington National Cemetery.

In a statement distributed to media outlets, an Army spokesperson said Trump campaign members "abruptly pushed aside" a cemetery staff member who was trying to stop the filming of the former president's visit to Arlington's Section 60 on Monday for political purposes, an activity prohibited by federal law.

'She can go to hell!' J.D. Vance lashes out at Kamala Harris amid Arlington Cemetery furor​

Former President Donald Trump's running mate, Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH), lashed out at Vice President Kamala Harris during a Wednesday rally speech in response to media scrutiny over the Trump campaign's possibly unlawful photo event at Arlington National Cemetery.

LOL. He wants an inquiry.
He/trump will NOT like the results.
The propaganda regime is clearly running on fumes.

I am eternally fascinated at how Trump is given a pass to say and do the most appalling things in relation to US veterans.

So why is that? Why is Trump (a draft dodger) allowed to denigrate POW's for "getting caught" as he did with McCain? Why is he allowed to use fallen soldiers for political photo ops?

If a Dem did anything even MARGINALLY like what Trump has done now on many occasions they would have been crucified by the Right. And rightfully so.

I'm curious why Trump is given a pass?
It's all about the families and their losses that day....i didn't notice any campaigning..

Bringing your own photographer was a hint. And apparently it is against the law to do that.

If the family misunderstood what they were allowed to do around the graves of their loved ones, that is unfortunate...

I'm not saying anything about the families. They are free to grieve as they see fit. They can even invite Trump. But Trump needed to show some respect by not turning it into a circus that he was the main feature of.

When the Arlington official told them they couldn't film in that area that should have been the end of it. But it wasn't. Trump's people pushed the official out of the way and the later lied about the official being someone with mental issues.

Bottom line...the present administration should have recognized that three years had passed without any word to the families from them...
When the families were ignored, they turned to ask that President Trump help them out...

Then they are free to vote for Trump if they feel like he will get them satisfaction despite his long-standing disrespect and hatred of most American vets.
The families have said that they asked President Trump... And they hsve very publicly stated that Joe and Co have ignored them... This is three years now.... If you have proof that he has reached out to them , you're more than welcome to share it...
Prove it
It’s clear that the trend line is in favor of Harris and the Trump campaign is melting down. Stolen AI images, disgraceful cemetery displays, disagreements with the candidate, unhinged sexually explicit posts…. He appears unable to stop himself. And his lead in every single swing state is gone. It’s a disastrous campaign. And I believe he’s being sentenced next week. Meanwhile I’m on a cruise the the Mediterranean 😂

There are a fair share of ugly Americans, but we met this great couple from Ann Arbor. She was a teacher, he is retired Navy. They are as anti Trump as they come. We are out there and we are winning.

As a side note, I’ve visited our lady of the rocks island. Magnificent and the history is so interesting. I’m not a religious guy but the place is awe inspiring.
It sounds like you guys are having a wonderful time. Hope you can share a few photos on your return!

I've been amazed at the number of veterans I'm coming across both in real life and online who are anti-Trump and who are definitely either voting for or who are considering voting for Harris. Trump has mined out the grievance and hate gold mine. Harris is tapping into Americans' weariness with the gloom and doom and our eagerness for someone who is promoting a hopeful, promising future, much like Obama successfully did.