Trump supporter forces her goofy goofball views on shoppers

I wonder how many MAGA/KAG rallies she's attended.


:eek: Yep, and still nobody talking about reopening Mental Hospitals...

No other countries closed theirs down, they still care for the crazies with institutions.

There's no connection to Trump here. She cusses almost as much as port workers. Almost..

I don't think she quite got to 2 "fucks" in every sentence.
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What have I ever tried to "force" on anyone, goober?

Your stupid fucking left wing way of doing things. I bet you're one of those idiots that's out "protesting" over the George Floyd incident and wanting to defund the police.
Your stupid fucking left wing way of doing things. I bet you're one of those idiots that's out "protesting" over the George Floyd incident and wanting to defund the police.

Well go ahead and bet, goober.

Bet your entire disability (aka "redneck welfare") check on it.

Because you'd lose it all and I'd laugh my ass off.
Well go ahead and bet, goober.

Bet your entire disability (aka "redneck welfare") check on it.

Because you'd lose it all and I'd laugh my ass off.

I just did. If you think you've won the bet, come and try to collect it. You'll end up going into hiding just like you did after your last challenge was accepted. So sad you're not man enough to take what you think should be taken. Perhaps you're just smart enough to realize it would be the worst move you ever made in your miserable life