Trump will not win

The first time I saw that filthy whore and was aware of her existence was during the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation hearings. What a nasty cunt she was. What the fuck is wrong with America that something like this could be remotely considered for POTUS?
Compared with Trump...she is the smart and moral choice. Easily!
There is no lie they won't fabricate. Nothing is below their dignity. They will put you in prison or kill you if given the chance.

I noticed the dumbest conservative on this board is smarter than even the most clever representative of the left. Low intelligence seems a prerequisite for being a devoted democrat.
If you "noticed" means you are part of the dumbest 25% here. seem like a bottom quarter percentile kind of guy.
OH so you are one of those right wingers that puts the blame on the DEM Presidents when the debt go up but not on a Republican President .
When the debt goes up under a Republican President it is all Congresses fault.
Well who is the last person to sign budgets into law?
The President that is why they have to take the blame for it ALL of them
Have a nice day
On the button, Tbird!
after the democrats get their ass handed to them, will they finally reject the far left progressive policies that are causing men to leave in droves?
Why do you say that? It's the vile people of the world who refer to good people as vile.

Your inability to understand why We the People support a candidate that serves Us as opposed to the vile people on the left, such as you, who can only support candidates who have you bent over furniture, that sounds very much like a personal problem on your end (no pun intended).

... or you are a vile person.

Donald Trump was arguably the best President the United States ever had, giving We the People every reason to reelect him. That's a lot of optimism right there.
IMO it is the inability to understand why people who say they back and stand behind the CONSTITUTION are backing a person who has come right out and said he will be taking some AMERICANS Constitutional rights away.
Trump has said take their guns away we will deal with the due process thing later, he has said he will weaponize Every dept. of government he can to go after his political opponents and put them in jail without due process, he has said he wants to shut down all left leaning MSM outlets these are things DICTATORS do NOT Presidents of the USA.
This is STOMPING on the CONSTITUTION and the Constitutional rights of some of the American people.
Trump is AGAINST the Constitution and the American people and will destroy the USA as we know it.