The ecopy is $13.99 which is standard for ebooks. His hard copy has sold over 2 million copies.
The ecopy is $13.99 which is standard for ebooks. His hard copy has sold over 2 million copies.
Incoming Sanctions to be ordered for Trump to pay for all the legal costs of yet another frivolous lawsuit that will go no where.
Now that seal is broken, and a Court has issued a 'Finding' that Trump is a serial abusing litigant, with a tactic of filling abusive frivolous lawsuits, we should see other judges referencing and building on that with similar findings and judgement awards against him.
With BidenPresident, it's:
Trump sues someone = Evil and bad
Someone sues Trump = Virtuous and good
Well, NOTHING could make it look worse...
Nope. You don't know anything about the law. There has been no ruling. The suit was filed less than a week ago. Get a clue. Read a book. Anything so you don't come here and post unadulterated bullshit.
Too many big words for you?
Jeff Bezo's hate blog?
Too few facts. Only the Voice of the Reich (formerly NY Times) is more "fact free."
So it WAS dismissed then?
OMFG seriously, learn something, would you? The suit was filed a week ago. ANYONE can file a lawsuit. Woodward hasn't even responded to it yet. There have been no rulings on the merits of the case, no rulings on the venue, the standing, NOTHING. You appear to be completely clueless. Nice bird. Very telling.
Woodward lied to slander and libel Trump.
We sue for defamation in this country.
Ohhh look, a staw man.
As close to logic as Nazi democrats ever get.
The suit is for the slanderous statements that Woodward adds which are nowhere on these tapes - try and follow along.
Trump very well may lose, not for the reasons you ignorantly claim - but for reasons I've outlined in a different post.
It "sells" so well they are giving it away...
Pure propaganda.
Incredible to know that there are *still* knuckledraggers defending the #MalignantMango.
"The morons will always be with you." -- Cheezus
You're not too bright, are you? It's on Kindle Unlimited, an Amazon service that you pay $9.99/month for. With the subscription, you can download an unlimited number of books if the authors have contracted with Amazon. Woodward is one of those authors. Looks like many of his books are available for free on Kindle Unlimited. People who actually read, unlike yourself, know this. Thanks for the tip; I just downloaded it.
And by "defend," you mean my stating "Trump may very well lose."
Just post "Seig Heil," it captures the true spirit of your party. Let's face it, every post by every democrat drone boils down to it, anyway.
You're not too bright, are you? It's on Kindle Unlimited, an Amazon service that you pay $9.99/month for. With the subscription, you can download an unlimited number of books if the authors have contracted with Amazon. Woodward is one of those authors. Looks like many of his books are available for free on Kindle Unlimited. People who actually read, unlike yourself, know this. Thanks for the tip; I just downloaded it.