Universal, subsidized child Day care - scandinavian style

then why the comment that only those who listen to right-wing radio would assume a federal involvement when the term universal is invovled and here you are saying you believe the Feds should run it?

I think he's talking about administering said program, versus the feds who would simply set up guidelines. I see this as an extension of our current education system.

Also it would help to keep kids out of trouble during the day which could have a great impact on some certain communities.
So "involved" is the same as running it? You really should read damocle's posts. this has been covered already.


-Originally Posted by LadyT
I'd prefer state sponsored child-care.

-Damocles: I would as well, while block grants to state based on per capita need might be a good thing as well.
I think he's talking about administering said program, versus the feds who would simply set up guidelines. I see this as an extension of our current education system.

Also it would help to keep kids out of trouble during the day which could have a great impact on some certain communities.

I fail to understand why the middle class/rich should be subsidized, since a considerable number of those groups already have it covered. IF there IS a need for the poor and it's going to be state funded, then having these taxes, but the outgoing only going to the 'needy' would give more funds to those needy, while keeping taxes lower.
Thank you Prak. What you posted and what you linked said two opposite things. Should we be mind readers as well?

Numerous posters on this thread have mentioned State run or sponsored programs, with support from federal grants.

That is the equivalent of federal involvment but its NOT a federally run program.

Are you going to pretend that you still don't undertand?
Grasping at straws.

I'm involved in my community.

Does that mean I "run" my community?

Read Damocles post on this thread, and you'll understand the distinction.

Try to remain calm.

There's about 800 million posts on this thread. Who has that kind of time?

In my dialogue with you, you've stated that it would be stupid for the Fed to run it, and that you think the Fed should run it.

Please clarify via your own finger tips, not some nebulous "Damocles" post buried in one of these 4 pages.

Thanks in advance, and God Speed.
Numerous posters on this thread have mentioned State run or sponsored programs, with support from federal grants.

That is the equivalent of federal involvment but its NOT a federally run program.

Are you going to pretend that you still don't undertand?

You said the Feds should run it and then linked to a post where you said it would be stupid for the Feds to run it. Nothing to do with Damo.
Try to remain calm.

There's about 800 million posts on this thread. Who has that kind of time?

In my dialogue with you, you've stated that it would be stupid for the Fed to run it, and that you think the Fed should run it.

Please clarify via your own finger tips, not some nebulous "Damocles" post buried in one of these 4 pages.

Thanks in advance, and God Speed.

Its cool.

Here you go:

You said the Feds should run it and then linked to a post where you said it would be stupid for the Feds to run it. Nothing to do with Damo.

Show me where I said that the Feds should run it. I don't believe I ever said that.
You said the Feds should run it and then linked to a post where you said it would be stupid for the Feds to run it. Nothing to do with Damo.

This is what I'm trying to figure out.

I can't find this phantom post of Damocles' that is apparently floating around somewhere on the internets.
Okay, I see where I confused you cawako.

I think I made a typo on one post: I wrote "should", when I meant to write "shouldn't".
I fail to understand why the middle class/rich should be subsidized, since a considerable number of those groups already have it covered. IF there IS a need for the poor and it's going to be state funded, then having these taxes, but the outgoing only going to the 'needy' would give more funds to those needy, while keeping taxes lower.

The same reason you fund middle class/rich children's education now. Not to mention that 'rich' and 'middle class' are relative terms. Particularly when they are spoken about on a national level.

Dude, I wasn't angry: you're totally cool. Me and cawacko go way back too, he's a good dude.

It was my fault...I made a typo that confused y'all.

As long as we're still friends. That's the most important thing.

You were pretty sore at us for a minute there.
My problem is the "universal". There are people that don't need the help and don't want it.

I prefer a system that is more "welfare" than "universal" and that ends when it is no longer a necessity.