USMessage boards just banned me for talking about election fraud

You are all disgusting and you think you are being humorous.

I leave you to your less than human behavior.

You can trade your tasteless comments with each other.

You call her mentally ill then provoke her to her madness, it is juvenile.

i go back and forth between her being actually mentally ill versus just very stupid.

what are your thoughts?

Do you believe she is mentally ill? Maybe she would get help if she heard it from you.

Do you believe she is NOT mentally ill? Because if that's the case, she deserves everything she gets. She has called for war on people today, called for people to be killed, uses awful language all the time, etc. You are being selectively outraged if that's the case.

Rana, here is my deal: if you make a public statement that you believe desh is mentally ill, I will cease and desist at once. (but you have to be serious).
rana you are such a sap. if a conservative said the type of things desh said today you would be making fun of them, calling them a nutjob, etc. get the fuck over yourself and quit defending desh. maybe she wouldn't act like a total psycho if her friends told her to calm the fuck down every once and a while instead of enabling her.
dudes come right out and say what you believe Im suffering from as a mental disorder.

go ahead

Paranoid Delusion
By Renée Grinnell

A paranoid delusion is the fixed, false belief that one is being harmed or persecuted by a particular person or group of people. Paranoid delusions are known technically as a “persecutory delusion.”

It involves the person’s belief that he or she is being conspired against, cheated, spied on, followed, poisoned or drugged, maliciously maligned, harassed, or obstructed in the pursuit of long-term goals.

Small slights may be exaggerated and become the focus of a delusional system with a person suffers from a paranoid delusion.

The focus of the delusion is often on some injustice that must be remedied by legal action. The affected person may engage in repeated attempts to obtain satisfaction by appeal to the courts and other government agencies.

Individuals with paranoid delusions are often resentful and angry, and may even resort to violence against those they believe are hurting them or a loved one.

Paranoid delusions are most often diagnosed in the context of schizophrenia. But they can also occur in non-psychotic disorders, such as obsessive-compulsive disorder, or the use of certain medications or street drugs.
You are all disgusting and you think you are being humorous.

I leave you to your less than human behavior.

You can trade your tasteless comments with each other.

You call her mentally ill then provoke her to her madness, it is juvenile.

It's lord of the flies. I wonder if this hyena pack mentality is a male thing or a righty thing or both.
rana you are such a sap. if a conservative said the type of things desh said today you would be making fun of them, calling them a nutjob, etc. get the fuck over yourself and quit defending desh. maybe she wouldn't act like a total psycho if her friends told her to calm the fuck down every once and a while instead of enabling her.

Let me know when you have something like this to say about ILA
Let me know when you have something like this to say about ILA

i've never pretended that ILA wasn't racist, or an asshole, on many occasions I have called him that straight up. The difference is, I am not an apologist for ILA. Rana IS an apologist for desh. There is NO WAY if a conservative here said the things desh said that rana would have been telling people to leave that person alone.
well meltdown ?

yeah it was a meltdown.

I should have known that site could not be trusted to fairly mod in light of the facts.

Im sorry if anyone here felt threatened by my anger.

Its not really directed at you minions.

I would scream in your faces for being stupid dupes like I screamed in the faces of drug dealers for being scum.

I sure would like the LAWS to have some teeth so that our elections system no longer is a joke.

without clean elections you don't have anything but a dictatorship in the end.

So far we have avoided the ONE PARTY RULE the right is seeking.

If we don't stop them from cheating and allow idiots to deny all the FACTS then they will get their one party rule.

at the point you will hate them too but it will be too late

If you were standing in front of me and screaming in my face; I would laugh at you and probably goad you into screaming even louder, so that I could continue laughing at you.
Desh, your wish to kill off political opposition, regardless of exactly how you justify it, is a significant sign of borderline personality disorder traits and a sign you may be dangerous to yourself or others. You really should seek out professional psychiatric help.

I'm afraid she's writing a manifesto and needs to be reported; before she hurts herself or more likely, someone else.
So just a few things

1) this has been entertaining as all get out

2) I reject Desh's so called facts on election cheating.

3) Damo if you really think she is a threat to herself or someone else are you doing her any favors by letting her post here when it obviously agitates her? I am not trying to stir the pot but wouldn't you feel horrible if you found out she actually did something because of her agitated state from posting on this board? I know I am going to curtail speaking to her or about her as I don't want that on my conscience.

I'm more worried about what she might do, if she was banned from here.
This maybe the only social outlet she has and if she's denied access to JPP, she might just go "postal" and harm others.
I can see her now, barging into a building, spitting in the faces of everyone there, calling them drug dealers, and then continually referring to her favorite link.
i've never pretended that ILA wasn't racist, or an asshole, on many occasions I have called him that straight up. The difference is, I am not an apologist for ILA. Rana IS an apologist for desh. There is NO WAY if a conservative here said the things desh said that rana would have been telling people to leave that person alone.

If you think rana is an apologist for desh you don't know what the term means.
i've never pretended that ILA wasn't racist, or an asshole, on many occasions I have called him that straight up. The difference is, I am not an apologist for ILA. Rana IS an apologist for desh. There is NO WAY if a conservative here said the things desh said that rana would have been telling people to leave that person alone.

And you've run plenty of interference for that scumbag grind.
Hi, folks. This is my first post outside of the introduction forum. I was tempted to join because I heard that a USMB member was having an epic meltdown here over being banned. Hi, Truthmatters. :)

greetings....the first thing I must ask is about this "cereal killer" that she is convinced is me? he in fact as dashingly good looking and cunningly gifted with prose as myself, or is her assumption totally misguided?.....