USMessage boards just banned me for talking about election fraud

Oui. Toi.


Non, comme vous pouvez le voir, je suis un ange innocent.
Thread after thread I've seen y'all in there mocking him, telling him to "go ahead", telling him he'd never do it... Yeah, the left piles on STY. Again, the egocentric nature of your belief that only leftists are the victims causes you to say this nonsense.

We believe "only leftists are victims", that's just hilarious. Not speaking for anyone else but when did I ever claim to be a victim?
STY is an instructive example though. WHen STY plots out how he is going to cut the ears from ATF agents' heads and mail them back to Washington, did Superfreak and Cawacko run up 200 posts about it? Did they say anything at all about it?

Did every right winger, or left winger, come on here to point, laugh, and make 12 tedious jokes each?

Did people come from other boards, join up here, and make announcement threads letting us know they came because other boards are laughing over what a nut STY is?

Did Damo feel the need to make scolding Daddy posts about it?

Or, did none of you say ONE FUCKING WORD?


So you know, tell your story walking. Tell it to Billy.

you keep missing the point. There are some to claim to have the moral high ground on here. You are one of those people, but at the end of the day you are no different than any other poster.
you keep missing the point. There are some to claim to have the moral high ground on here. You are one of those people, but at the end of the day you are no different than any other poster.

What you really mean is now that i've refuted your point, you've decided to change your point.

To something that has nothing to do with this thread or this conversation, at all.

I'll take that as a win. Thanks!
you haven't refuted anything. In fact you seem pretty sparse in this thread after superfreak and damo brought the hammer. The fact remains rana is being hypocritical. You guys go to bat for desh when she is consistently way out of line for things that you are RELENTLESS pointing out from other posters.
Yeah, thought the same thing. She has 40,000 posts on this board. Seems like more than 'a few random posts'.

It doesn't matter how many posts she's posted here.

The mere fact you think you are in any position to make a judgement regarding another person's mental capacity based solely on their posts to an online forum speaks VOLUMES about your arrogance.
40k+ posts by Desh... that is just on this board...

I have 'known' here for almost a decade on these boards.

Hardly 'a few random posts' you half wit.

Yup...SF's just another arrogant, judgemental Rightie who think himself qualified to judge another persons's mental condition based solely on their message board posts.