USMessage boards just banned me for talking about election fraud

Damo, you know Desh reported JPP to the FBI...I hear Agents Muldur and Scully are working the case. Be very, very afraid.


You are all disgusting and you think you are being humorous.

I leave you to your less than human behavior.

You can trade your tasteless comments with each other.

You call her mentally ill then provoke her to her madness, it is juvenile.

Just think if one of her 'friends' would sit her down and try and help her, rather than telling her all is well and that she is brilliant. I bet that would help a great deal. But no. You continue to enable her. So take your sanctimonious crap somewhere else.
i go back and forth between her being actually mentally ill versus just very stupid.

what are your thoughts?

Do you believe she is mentally ill? Maybe she would get help if she heard it from you.

Do you believe she is NOT mentally ill? Because if that's the case, she deserves everything she gets. She has called for war on people today, called for people to be killed, uses awful language all the time, etc. You are being selectively outraged if that's the case.

Rana, here is my deal: if you make a public statement that you believe desh is mentally ill, I will cease and desist at once. (but you have to be serious).

Also you informed him Damo? Did billy report him and then laugh over the NSA reading the thread? Billy never said a godamned word. And in fact sty's threats would be far more likely to have excited the interest of the authorities. But billy didn't stay up all night laughing over it, implying he had reported it, or claimed the NSA was reading the thread. Billy said nothing.

And Cawacko and superfreak made like they never saw it.

So grinds charges of hypocrisy? Hilariously absent of any self awareness. When rana can touch any of the aforementioned in that category wake me up, whiners.

Yes, I informed him. Just as I informed Desh that her post had warning signs and made some effort to see that she knows that help is available.

You do this often. When dudes talk about sticking stuff into places with other dudes it is so acceptable you don't even notice it, it's the same here. Based on experience on this board you tend to have an egocentric view of things, that you build so much of it on things you believe you and Desh have in common causes you get up in arms whenever you feel that this construct is under attack. You see it here because you believe that "you" are under attack here in the form of that shared experience.

All that being on the side. Yes, "Damo" did his "daddy post" to STY as well as to Desh, and the circle jerk piles on STY on his threads. My observation that you don't notice it bears out here in this thread. You just don't even see it, because you agree with it.
It's lord of the flies. I wonder if this hyena pack mentality is a male thing or a righty thing or both.

LMAO... ah, more holier than thou... because we have never seen the left wing circle jerk pack mentality on this board... right Darla? Never happened.... nope... you are all above it.
Yes, I informed him. Just as I informed Desh that her post had warning signs and made some effort to see that she knows that help is available.

You do this often. When dudes talk about sticking stuff into places with other dudes it is so acceptable you don't even notice it, it's the same here. Based on experience on this board you tend to have an egocentric view of things, that you build so much of it on things you believe you and Desh have in common you get up in arms whenever you feel that this construct is under attack.

All that being on the side. Yes, "Damo" did his "daddy post" to STY as well as to Desh, and the circle jerk piles on STY on his threads. My observation that you don't notice it bears out here in this thread. You just don't even see it, because you agree with it.

I really don't understand a lot of your post, but most especially this stands out:

"when dudes talk about sticking stuff into places on other dudes it's so acceptable "

Um, not in my crowd. It's not even common. Sounds kinda weird.
Just the idea of my wanting you to fight my battles is hilarious.

I'm sure you have no idea what I mean grind. You're oblivious.

Or quite simply, you are full of shit. Unless you would care to provide an example of Grind 'running interference'. Let me guess, that is some super double secret probation code phrase?
chat site are not supposed to be KEEPING people from discussing are they?

No they are not

only UnAmerican pieces of shit want election CHEATING covered up so your party can cheat

Desh... the parts YOU don't ever seem to grasp:

1) No ONE is saying that SCOTUS case didn't happen

2) When you post the SAME FUCKING LINK 10000000 times, that is NOT 'discussion', it is SPAMMING
They didn't come from other boards because he didn't come here from another board announcing how they had banned him for saying he likes guns. I did inform him that government entities have contacted people from this board for what they have said here.

The reality is, when they do pile on STY you don't notice because you agree with it. It's more difficult to notice it happening to him because you are part of it.

Nobody ever piles on STY the way they do to Desh. Never. STY talks about revolution and anarchy like it's just around the corner, how we'll all be sorry we didn't join up, how he'll defend his family with his stockpile of ammo, how he won't share his stockpiled food with the clueless proles etc. but you guys ignore it for the most part because he doesn't repeat it often enough to raise red flags. I don't agree with STY on this and I've never seen a real pile-on so maybe you can link up.
Just think if one of her 'friends' would sit her down and try and help her, rather than telling her all is well and that she is brilliant. I bet that would help a great deal. But no. You continue to enable her. So take your sanctimonious crap somewhere else.

Yet when we talked to SD about his depression and tried to help him, you guys made fun of us and taunted him even more. So you can take the dishonest lecture somewhere else also.
Nobody ever piles on STY the way they do to Desh. Never. STY talks about revolution and anarchy like it's just around the corner, how we'll all be sorry we didn't join up, how he'll defend his family with his stockpile of ammo, how he won't share his stockpiled food with the clueless proles etc. but you guys ignore it for the most part because he doesn't repeat it often enough to raise red flags. I don't agree with STY on this and I've never seen a real pile-on so maybe you can link up.

Thread after thread I've seen y'all in there mocking him, telling him to "go ahead", telling him he'd never do it... Yeah, the left piles on STY. Again, the egocentric nature of your belief that only leftists are the victims causes you to say this nonsense.