Cancel 2016.2
The Almighty
dudes come right out and say what you believe Im suffering from as a mental disorder.
go ahead
Schizoprhenic - severely so...
dudes come right out and say what you believe Im suffering from as a mental disorder.
go ahead
You are suffering from several mental disorders. You are a great danger to yourself and others. You should commit yourself immediately, for your own safety or be committed.
the right is run by sociopaths
thata is a mental disorder,
Yeah Im way pissed today.
Yes I don't like to be threatened.
yes its makes me act like a "man" and don't back down
that is a society construct btw
yes you guys think Im nuts
about a penny??how much is that worth?
does it make facts disappear?
yes the shit the republican keep doing are in my eyes.
Its why Im mad
Schizoprhenic - severely so...
super your good at playing stupid but it doesnt fit EVERY situation
So once again you cannot answer a question? You said someone threatened you... WHO?
well can you make the case so I can understand further you diagnosis?
Yeah that's what everyone tells me when I talk to you.
ok Im done with you
your no more honest than the fucking idiots who just banned me so no one would learn about the SCOTUS decision
I have never wanted to kill any human I met
Even the men who have threatened me physically.
I didn't fear them and didn't harm them physically.
I dint even think about hurting them.
It was more a SHAMING them publically right to their fucking faces.
Not one of them even swung at me when I did it.
one guys girl TRIED to push me down.
I barely moved and looked at her and said "that's assult",
I do think traitors should be up for the death penalty though
The only thing I can see as a real symptom is that fear draining thing I get when Im threatened.
I fully realize that that one symptom could cost me my life.
I truly have no idea why that happens to me.
it has been that way all my life
Again... WHO has threatened you? What 'fear draining thing'?
The above rambling nonsense is what makes me think you are schizo...
fuck off