USMessage boards just banned me for talking about election fraud

Desh, your wish to kill off political opposition, regardless of exactly how you justify it, is a significant sign of borderline personality disorder traits and a sign you may be dangerous to yourself or others. You really should seek out professional psychiatric help.

Desh, your wish to kill off political opposition, regardless of exactly how you justify it, is a significant sign of borderline personality disorder traits and a sign you may be dangerous to yourself or others. You really should seek out professional psychiatric help.

damo if you make it a crime punishable by death that dooesnt ONLY apply to one party huh
I want the people who find it worth the risk to cheat voters to not find it worth it anymore.

the only way to stop them seems to be the threat of DEATH.

your party just keeps cheating and getting slapped in the wrist.

then the elections they steal done get overtruned
USMessage borads jsut banned me for talking about election fraud

So just a few things

1) this has been entertaining as all get out

2) I reject Desh's so called facts on election cheating.

3) Damo if you really think she is a threat to herself or someone else are you doing her any favors by letting her post here when it obviously agitates her? I am not trying to stir the pot but wouldn't you feel horrible if you found out she actually did something because of her agitated state from posting on this board? I know I am going to curtail speaking to her or about her as I don't want that on my conscience.
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They toss some idiot cohort under the Bus and alls good

Caution... Desh is driving...

If you keep Americans from voting your a traitor.

traitors get death penalties

yeah assholes its gone there now

Remind me, Desh:

Which party lost the Civil War?

Is it still around, and has it ever been held accountable?

Was Jane Fonda executed for committing treason?
how can you go about your daily business and KNOW the people you support and vote for are subverting our democracy?

You are the enemy of this nation

how about you shut the fuck up retard and take a break from calling us freedom haters when this is like the last board on the internet that will tolerate your sorry ass?
I don't call for murdering people who voted for a different political party, thats you. I only hope the ATF, NSA, or DHS doesn't see your posts. You might be the next Kingraw.

report them you fucking fool.

dude I killed no one remember you fucking idiot
see how much the care that their party cheats?

they even claim its not their party yet they defend against every mention of the cheating