very important lessons to be learned from brokeback mountain

Here is a picture of the spurs I am talking about:


LMAO - "message thingo" my a$$.
The rope is never pulled that tightly, and you would know it if you read it. As I stated. Watch a bullride. See what happens when the cowboy has been dropped or gotten off. The bull stops, even while wearing the flank rope. It isn't because of that rope that the bull bucks.

I did and from what I read it has to be tight enough for it to be agitated.
LMAO - "message thingo" my a$$.
Once again, you forget that their skin is much thicker than a humans... and also, they are clearly not made to cut or injure the animal.

Do you really think I'd have ever done it if I knew it brought harm to the animal? Seriously.
I did and from what I read it has to be tight enough for it to be agitated.
It hangs loose actually. It only "irritates" during bucking and it does it by the fact that the natural state isn't wearing a little belt and the bull doesn't like having "clothing" imposed on it. The rope actually has fleece on it to even make more sure that there is no harm.
It hangs loose actually. It only "irritates" during bucking and it does it by the fact that the natural state isn't wearing a little belt and the bull doesn't like having "clothing" imposed on it. The rope actually has fleece on it to even make more sure that there is no harm.

Just because you're not breaking the skin doesn't mean its still not cruel.
Just because you're not breaking the skin doesn't mean its still not cruel.
Like I said, it is far more cruel to simply keep them contained and later feed them to humans after killing them inhumanely...

Also, as I said you can clearly see the animals take some enjoyment and pride in their activity.

The spurs are designed not to harm the animal specifically because the animal will actually not buck when they are hurt. I am not saying that some wouldn't attempt to hurt them if they thought it would help, I am saying that injury to the animal is exactly the opposite you want when riding a bull...
Like I said, it is far more cruel to simply keep them contained and later feed them to humans after killing them inhumanely...

Also, as I said you can clearly see the animals take some enjoyment and pride in their activity.

The spurs are designed not to harm the animal specifically because the animal will actually not buck when they are hurt. I am not saying that some wouldn't attempt to hurt them if they thought it would help, I am saying that injury to the animal is exactly the opposite you want when riding a bull...

And what being wouldn't be happy if they got something off of them that was torturing them?
And what being wouldn't be happy if they got something off of them that was torturing them?
Well, if they enjoy the activity to begin with, "torture" is only in the imagination of those that are anthropomorphizing the animal so much that they can't understand that they have different motive.

If you don't think how they treat food animals is cruel, and you actually eat the food, then you have no room to call what is done to these animals as "torture"...
Once again, do you honestly believe I would do something like this if I didn't know that the animal wasn't to be harmed?
If you don't think how they treat food animals is cruel, and you actually eat the food, then you have no room to call what is done to these animals as "torture"...

I've not once argued that the treatment of chickens that you described wasn't cruel. Please stop insinuating that I've said or implied otherwise.

However I can easily get over the situation you've outlined because of the fact that the animals are eaten. I've yet to see any carnivorous activitiy in nature that is cruelty free and that's life. One is done for sustenance and the other is done for entertainment. I think inflicting cruelty upon animals purely for the sake of entertainment is worse IMO.
Once again, do you honestly believe I would do something like this if I didn't know that the animal wasn't to be harmed?

I don't know. You have a history.....weren't you the one who supported killing pit bulls? :eek:
I don't know. You have a history.....weren't you the one who supported killing pit bulls? :eek:
Never. Robdawg says that because I live in Colorado and the Liberals in Denver outlawed and kill those animals. I have not ever condoned the killing of those animals.
This thread cracks me up....

First and foremost most if not all rodeo stock are extremely well cared for..I can't speak for all so I must say most...hell most broncs and bulls can be handled by a child when not performing...and my horses going back many years were treated better than most girls are treated by their bo's...hell my old Jr had a game going with me...if I did not stop at the local Hamburger joint and share fries and a beer with him he was free to unsaddle was a game he loved to spirs needed! Horses are not dumb animals they are equivalent in mentality to a dog or three year old humane...treat em' well and they will perform...they are competitive animals...same could probably be said for bulls too!
I've not once argued that the treatment of chickens that you described wasn't cruel. Please stop insinuating that I've said or implied otherwise.

However I can easily get over the situation you've outlined because of the fact that the animals are eaten. I've yet to see any carnivorous activitiy in nature that is cruelty free and that's life. One is done for sustenance and the other is done for entertainment. I think inflicting cruelty upon animals purely for the sake of entertainment is worse IMO.
Once again, it depends on "cruelty". I find it cruel to keep an animal contained in a small area it was never meant to live in without giving it any release at all. And I know that if I were a bull I'd choose the life of rodeo stock over the life of meat stock on any given day.

Once again, it depends on "cruelty". I find it cruel to keep an animal contained in a small area it was never meant to live in without giving it any release at all is far more cruel.

speaking of cruel and unusual punishment...most women use the old cush to torture dinner out... no new hooters for you!:rolleyes:
That's the accepted paradigm and I'm sure it's true for a lot of people. Probably the ones who move to suburbs. Fact is, though, that suburbs either tend to build up to cities or wither away.

The highest home prices are *always* in densely populated urban centers. That's the prestigious place to live: always has been and probably always will be. Sure, there are counter examples. Diversity is the hallmark of humanity. The fact remains, though, that the majority of people generally prefer to live in or near cities.

I do. I could never live in a rural enviroment. Now, if I had loads of money, sure I'd also have a home on the water, to get away when I wanted to. But that's as far as I'd ever go. You know, Sag Harbor or something. Montana? Damo has no worries.
I went to more than a few rodeos as a youngun and know a few people who still do -- I hang out with people with a lot of anachronistic leanings. While I agree that most rodeo contestants genuinely care for the animals and don't intend harm, harm does happen. Fairly often. Calf roping being the most notorious example.

I think that the days of rodeo are numbered. That number is probably greater than the remaining days of my life, but I still think they're numbered.

You should tell your horse story Ornot. I only vaguely remember it, but I do remember I couldn't stop laughing. :)