VFW blasts Obama's DoD

Further proof that obstructionist Righties don't give two rat farts about those fighting to keep their freedoms intact. Congressional Republicans KNEW this would happen when they chose to shut down the Government.

LOL, Obama signed it after the Democrat-controlled Senate passed it.

Sucks to be you.
No...this rest SOLELY on the shoulders of obstructionist REPUBLICANS who chose to shut down the Government.



“In the last week of September, the Department of Defense’s Comptroller Robert Hale warned that the death gratuity and other benefits would be affected by shutdown,” this aide said. “Following week, Congress passed, and the President signed the Pay Our Military Act which included authorization for all military benefits. Everyone felt relieved, believing military pay and benefits are protected.”

Then Thursday and Friday of last week, the aide said he and other Republican colleagues started to hear whispers from third parties that there was a problem with Death Gratuity. The House wasn’t notified by the Obama administration or made aware that Department of Defense felt they lacked authorization to pay that benefit.

LOL, Obama signed it after the Democrat-controlled Senate passed it.

Sucks to be you.

Not as bad as it sucks to be one of those obstructionist Righties responsible for shutting down the Government and delaying the payments to those families.

8% approval rating for House Republicans right now...NICE JOB!
Dung, superior teabagger burn!

Except it isn't. After Obamas' DoD refused to pay although Congress and Obama authorized them to do so, the House passed another bill TODAY

Today the House of Representatives voted, 425-0, to authorize the expenditure of funds for the death gratuity.

Now lets' see what happens...



“In the last week of September, the Department of Defense’s Comptroller Robert Hale warned that the death gratuity and other benefits would be affected by shutdown,” this aide said. “Following week, Congress passed, and the President signed the Pay Our Military Act which included authorization for all military benefits. Everyone felt relieved, believing military pay and benefits are protected.”

Then Thursday and Friday of last week, the aide said he and other Republican colleagues started to hear whispers from third parties that there was a problem with Death Gratuity. The House wasn’t notified by the Obama administration or made aware that Department of Defense felt they lacked authorization to pay that benefit.


And NONE of this would have happened if Congressional REPUBLICANS cared at all about the men and women serving in the armed forces.

Congressional REPUBLICANS are responsible for the Government shutdown and therefore responsible for any fallout that comes from the shutdown.
Not as bad as it sucks to be one of those obstructionist Righties responsible for shutting down the Government and delaying the payments to those families.

Except that it was Obamas' DoD that refused to pay, as I've proven in this thread.

January 3?

Yes. That's the date that the 113th Congress convened. Was that confusing to you?

Now, I posted the relevant statutory language and gave you a link to the bill. You tell me what part authorizes bereavement payments to the families of members of the Armed Forces that are killed.
Yeah, the VFW isn't supposed to take a political stand like this. It violates their non-profit status.
Except it isn't. After Obamas' DoD refused to pay although Congress and Obama authorized them to do so, the House passed another bill TODAY

Today the House of Representatives voted, 425-0, to authorize the expenditure of funds for the death gratuity.

Now lets' see what happens...


EVERY SINGLE SITUATION that arises due to Republican shutdown of the Government is the responsibility of those selfsame Republicans.

I know you can't admit that what I say is the truth...your hatred for Obama won't let you.
Yes. That's the date that the 113th Congress convened. Was that confusing to you? Now, I posted the relevant statutory language and gave you a link to the bill. You tell me what part authorizes bereavement payments to the families of members of the Armed Forces that are killed.

A House aide confirmed the “death gratuity” was supposed to be covered by the Pay Our Military Act signed by President Obama last week.

When “whispers from third parties” were heard at the end of last week about problems with the gratuity, Rep. Joe Wilson wrote to SecDef Chuck Hagel asking for clarification.

He apparently did not receive a response, and the Administration never formally notified Congress that the death benefits would not be paid.

House Republicans learned about the failure to pay benefits for the families described above by watching the Today Show on NBC.

But sure, let’s give this Administration total control over our health care. I’m sure we’ll be promptly notified if there are any problems.

And this situation arose because obstructionist Republicans forced a Government shutdown that kept those families from receiving their rightful benefits.


Obama signed the bill into law last week, and all parties were under the impression it would allow the death benefits to be paid...

But don't worry the House passed another bill today to address the issue, if the Democrat-controlled Senate allows it to pass and if the Democrat president signs it.

Then we'll see...
A House aide confirmed the “death gratuity” was supposed to be covered by the Pay Our Military Act signed by President Obama last week.

When “whispers from third parties” were heard at the end of last week about problems with the gratuity, Rep. Joe Wilson wrote to SecDef Chuck Hagel asking for clarification.

He apparently did not receive a response, and the Administration never formally notified Congress that the death benefits would not be paid.

House Republicans learned about the failure to pay benefits for the families described above by watching the Today Show on NBC.

But sure, let’s give this Administration total control over our health care. I’m sure we’ll be promptly notified if there are any problems.


In summary, you can cite to no statutory language authorizing the payments because none exists. And none exists because the House Republicans are idiots. "Supposed to" doesn't really work.
In summary, you can cite to no statutory language authorizing the payments because none exists. And none exists because the House Republicans are idiots. "Supposed to" doesn't really work.

Fair point. Shouldn't you be telling Dirty Harry Reid whose Democrat-controlled Senate passed the bill and dumbass Democrat Obama who signed it into law last week?

President Barack Obama was “very disturbed” when he first learned the Defense Department would be unable to pay death benefits to the families of fallen soldiers and directed the administration to find a solution, White House spokesman Jay Carney said.

They thought it was "supposed to" as well...but the House passed another bill today.


Million Vet March Oct 13

By Ross Kaminsky on 10.8.13 @ 7:58PM

For any military veteran (or supporter of military veterans) who will (or can) be in Washington, DC this Sunday, October 13th, I encourage you to join in the Million Vet March.

It will take place at 9 AM, beginnnig at the World War II Veterans Memorial, as a protest by veterans and others against the Obama administration’s reprehensible, petulant closing of open-air memorials to those who have given “their last full measure of devotion” to our great nation.

As one web site notes, “The Administration has closed down war memorials that are normally open 24/7 and that do not have any staff to guard them under normal circumstances.”

Several organizations, including Special Operations Speaks and Brats for Veterans, as well as individuals with ties to veterans and veterans-related groups, have organized the non-partisan event.

The former group offered this statement:

The Obama Administration is using the government shutdown as an excuse to keep our veterans from acknowledging the debt owed to them and their predecessors. This is unforgivable. It is also unjustified, as no taxpayer funds are spent by keeping these shrines open. We will open them ourselves, if that’s what it takes.

Please “like” the march’s Facebook page (over 36,000 likes at the time of writing this note) and share widely.

More information here:
http://1mvetmarch.wordpress.com/And here:
So it's Obama's fault that a resolution drafted by House Republicans doesn't say what House Republicans want it to say?

Now, maybe there's a way to magically transform the words "to members of the Armed Forces" to mean "to members of the Armed Forces or their families or next of kin" but I seem to remember Obama getting blasted for stretching the language of the law to meet his desired ends.

Well, if that was the case, it was fixed and passed today by the House....and the Senate has said they will not bring it up for a vote in the Senate...

SO....who the fucks fault is that....???

and it also proves your lame attempt at spin and excuses for the Dims is pure bullshit.....
And NONE of this would have happened if Congressional REPUBLICANS cared at all about the men and women serving in the armed forces.

Congressional REPUBLICANS are responsible for the Government shutdown and therefore responsible for any fallout that comes from the shutdown.

How come the Senate Democrats already REFUSED to bring it up in their chamber ?......

come on zippy...spin away....we know you've got more excuses....you're the top Dem. apologist on the site and you
never let the truth distract you......
How come the Senate Democrats already REFUSED to bring it up in their chamber ?......

come on zippy...spin away....we know you've got more excuses....you're the top Dem. apologist on the site and you
never let the truth distract you......

Money bills must originate in the House, the Senate is expected to pass the fix from all reports I've seen.
How come the Senate Democrats already REFUSED to bring it up in their chamber ?......

come on zippy...spin away....we know you've got more excuses....you're the top Dem. apologist on the site and you
never let the truth distract you......

There would be no need for this to be brought up in the Senate if OBSTRUCTIONIST REPUBLICANS hadn't shut down the Government.