Observations of those around me in life mostly. Sporting magazines etc.
Most around here pay someone to cut up their deer.
If the deer is a first one or a good one the head is stuffed and mounted. (good eating there).
Extensive Camos , deerstands, etc seem to be required equipment.
The liscence and tags alone are not cheap and must be figured into the cost.
And an 8-10K 4 wheeler to carry their lazy butts in and the deer out.
Me I just have a 4wd wheelchair, but not for hunting.
But I am only picking on the need it for food angle.
My fish I catch cost a lot per pound as well once all the costs are figured in, but I don't claim to need them for survival food.
btw I have eaten Bear and it is not very good about like groundhog. Must be mostly a macho thing to kill them.