how much of that decision was based upon the fear mongering propaganda we were fed??????Everybody waiting in line with me to get the vaccination was incentivized by not wanting to get the virus.
how much of that decision was based upon the fear mongering propaganda we were fed??????Everybody waiting in line with me to get the vaccination was incentivized by not wanting to get the virus.
LOL. You cannot force people to take a vaccine. AssHat is correct.
So what is the reason for vaccine?
it is a test for mindless acceptance of authority.
it is a test for whether one will allow tyranny into ones own body.
it is a test for techno-tyrannical possession.
Okay. So what is in the vaccine?
5g controlled nanobots, and vitamin c.
Wouldn't that something the experts can easily find out?
depends on the experts. many experts lie. nano is so very nano. our media is tightly controlled. any scientist who even discusses this is deplatformed.
ill try to sneak a vial out of walgreens in my butthole. if you see me on the news, it'll be me.
Okay. So what is in the vaccine?
I'm not positive about this, but I believe that the ingredients are protected from the public because of intellectual property and patent laws.........
LOL. Then you'll have nanobutt.
a bad case....
That will not stop some experts from analyzing it. No different from analyzing drinks and food.
it's a violation of federal law to reverse engineer intellectual property. didn't you know that?
And yet people still do it.
and they get prosecuted for it............just like it's against the law to rob banks, but people still do it
In the case of 7 of 9, it's good cases of tits and ass.
Like who? Something as important as this, you'd think someone would leak it. Think Wikileaks and such. And there's always Tor.
BTW, Wine is based on reverse engineering of Windows. That is why it is able to run most Windows games.
go on bitchute and see the adverse reactions that arent even allowed on youtube.