Washington Shooter...

That's bullshit. It's what you guys want to believe. What is Fox New's nightly rating? Who tops the talk radio market.

What an amusing buffoon you are; are you a Libtard by any chance? Libtards have a propensity for uttering incredibly stupid things like FOX News when ignoring that MSNBC, CNN, ABC, NBC and CBS constitute the bulk of the TV news industry with a leftist bias and obvious leftist agenda.

The fact that Fox kicks their ass in ratings doesn't change this reality. One against five and you ass clowns still whine and rant your leftist bias doesn't have the monopoly it once had. It's about as retarded as whining about Rush Limbaugh having an unfair advantage of three hours a day.

Liberals are so incredibly stupid it is impossible to explain.
Haha...It's the crowd mentality. They surround themselves with like-minded people and think the whole country/world is like them, when the opposite is true. Most of these folks have never left the US, and many have probably never traveled out of state.

Haha...It's the Liberal crowd mentality. Liberals surround themselves with like-minded people and think the whole country/world is like them, when the opposite is true. Most of these Liberals have never left the US, and many have probably never traveled out of state.

Carry on asshat.
Haha...It's the crowd mentality. They surround themselves with like-minded people and think the whole country/world is like them, when the opposite is true. Most of these folks have never left the US, and many have probably never traveled out of state.

I think they are a small minority that has found a big voice at least temporarily. When the tea baggers are isolated and destroyed then their screaming will subside.

The REpublican party knows it has to do this sooner or later or it spells their end.
Thats bullshit and you know....most media outets have admitted time and time again to being liberal, supporting the left, slanting news to put the left in
a favorable light and voting left.....its common knowledge and obvious.

Not to leftwing tards like jarod and desh
Lack of mental health facilities and treatment is just another of the excuses for the problem that isn't the fix. It's all about American attitudes to guns and killing with them. And that has a lot to do with your military based society and your wars. Why does everyone want to avoid coming to terms with that? Because they really don't care?

Many of us care. Imagine if Ronald Reagan didn't take the solar panels off the White House in 1981 (that Carter installed)? It drives one crazy to think where this country could have been in terms of job growth, green energy, etc. if things had taken a different course. The train wreck that Reagan put in motion doomed this country. It was during the 80s that wages started to stagnate while production increased and people had to borrow against their homes to buy all the pretty things they could not afford, microwaves, VCRs, etc. It's been a race to the bottom ever since and the Democrats were just as complicit in many ways although the majority of the blame rests with the GOP, specifically NAFTA and Glass-Steagull.

Oh, we care. But this country is ruled by the plutocracy whose job it is to make sure politicians continue to do what's good for the rich and bad for everyone else. We also cut education and refuse to address the birth control needs of young people (while pushing sex every possible outlet....hello Miley) so that many of our young men knock up their girlfriends and join the military, thereby providing endless fodder for the war machine. How many of our military families start out where everyone, including Mom and Dad is under 21?
What an amusing buffoon you are; are you a Libtard by any chance? Libtards have a propensity for uttering incredibly stupid things like FOX News when ignoring that MSNBC, CNN, ABC, NBC and CBS constitute the bulk of the TV news industry with a leftist bias and obvious leftist agenda.

The fact that Fox kicks their ass in ratings doesn't change this reality. One against five and you ass clowns still whine and rant your leftist bias doesn't have the monopoly it once had. It's about as retarded as whining about Rush Limbaugh having an unfair advantage of three hours a day.

Liberals are so incredibly stupid it is impossible to explain.

Somehow the knuckledraggers always get the best of the smartest people in the room
Lack of mental health facilities and treatment is just another of the excuses for the problem that isn't the fix. It's all about American attitudes to guns and killing with them. And that has a lot to do with your military based society and your wars. Why does everyone want to avoid coming to terms with that? Because they really don't care?

Many of us care. Imagine if Ronald Reagan didn't take the solar panels off the White House in 1981 (that Carter installed)? It drives one crazy to think where this country could have been in terms of job growth, green energy, etc. if things had taken a different course. The train wreck that Reagan put in motion doomed this country. It was during the 80s that wages started to stagnate while production increased and people had to borrow against their homes to buy all the pretty things they could not afford, microwaves, VCRs, etc. It's been a race to the bottom ever since and the Democrats were just as complicit in many ways although the majority of the blame rests with the GOP, specifically NAFTA and Glass-Steagull.

Oh, we care. But this country is ruled by the plutocracy whose job it is to make sure politicians continue to do what's good for the rich and bad for everyone else. We also cut education and refuse to address the birth control needs of young people (while pushing sex every possible outlet....hello Miley) so that many of our young men knock up their girlfriends and join the military, thereby providing endless fodder for the war machine. How many of our military families start out where everyone, including Mom and Dad is under 21?
Haha...It's the Liberal crowd mentality. Liberals surround themselves with like-minded people and think the whole country/world is like them, when the opposite is true. Most of these Liberals have never left the US, and many have probably never traveled out of state.

Carry on asshat.

Wow, you like name calling, don't you? Because you are a mature Republican.

The difference between our two posts is that mine is true, yours isn't. The more educated one is, (ie travel is a part of that), the more likely one is to lean liberal. The reason of course, if that Republican policies make no sense. Do me a favor, instead of name calling (Asshat...you are SO clever!) tell me when tax cuts for the rich have ever stimulated the economy? Just one small example that actually resulted in growth.

I'll give another FACT to chew on: In the last 50 years, Republicans have held the presidency 8 years long than Dems, but Dems have created 20 million more jobs. Also, look up how the stock market does when Dems are in charge. This public information is easily found online. You can study the data, and then get back to us.

Most of the world does lean liberal. Because we are sane people with human values. I'm sorry the right wingers in this country do not see what an isolated bunch they really are. Too bad they have so much power.
Many of us care. Imagine if Ronald Reagan didn't take the solar panels off the White House in 1981 (that Carter installed)? It drives one crazy to think where this country could have been in terms of job growth, green energy, etc. if things had taken a different course. The train wreck that Reagan put in motion doomed this country. It was during the 80s that wages started to stagnate while production increased and people had to borrow against their homes to buy all the pretty things they could not afford, microwaves, VCRs, etc. It's been a race to the bottom ever since and the Democrats were just as complicit in many ways although the majority of the blame rests with the GOP, specifically NAFTA and Glass-Steagull.

Oh, we care. But this country is ruled by the plutocracy whose job it is to make sure politicians continue to do what's good for the rich and bad for everyone else. We also cut education and refuse to address the birth control needs of young people (while pushing sex every possible outlet....hello Miley) so that many of our young men knock up their girlfriends and join the military, thereby providing endless fodder for the war machine. How many of our military families start out where everyone, including Mom and Dad is under 21?

The quality of your post is certainly the exception for this forum. I wonder why you continue to bother when it's above the heads of most here. However, I agree totally with placing the initial blame on Reagan. It was the beginning of a mentality amongst so many Americans that was the opposite of progress. And to this day they are hanging their hats of supply side mentality which was largely due to the Reagan influence. Even though it was proven to be a failing strategy by Bush2 they haven't let it go.

The biggest problem currently has to be the mentality that has been drummed into the heads of the tea partiers. How could they as mostly middle class and poor and disadvantaged people become convinced to do the political bidding of their very enemies? This would make a worthwhile discussion here on this forum where intelligent discussions are sorely lacking.

Is there a possibility that intelligent discussion could make something of this forum? As it is it's pretty worthless in my opinion.
Wow, you like name calling, don't you? Because you are a mature Republican.

It’s not name calling you moron; it is an accurate description of your brain dead posts.

I am amused that you don’t whine like a little girl when Desh utters her vulgar stupidity. So now you’re a moron, and a hypocrite.

The difference between our two posts is that mine is true, yours isn't.

Wrong; but then you are a brain dead dullard with the logic and intelligence of a lemming.

The more educated one is, (ie travel is a part of that), the more likely one is to lean liberal. The reason of course, if that Republican policies make no sense. Do me a favor, instead of name calling (Asshat...you are SO clever!) tell me when tax cuts for the rich have ever stimulated the economy? Just one small example that actually resulted in growth.

I have a college degree, was born in Germany, traveled throughout Europe, have been to Mexico, the Caribbean, Thailand, Cambodia lived in seven different states in different regions and could dance circles around your moronic leftist talking points.

Tax cuts are not just for the rich you moron; they are for everyone. But you’re too stupid to comprehend the truth, reality or the facts.

I have a question for you; when did tax increases stimulate the economy?

Here are a few more for you; where did you study economics? Do you have a degree? If so, what is it in?

Now put up, or shut the fuck up before you remove all doubt about what a dimwitted dullard you are.

I'll give another FACT to chew on: In the last 50 years, Republicans have held the presidency 8 years long than Dems, but Dems have created 20 million more jobs.

That’s a lie; but then you are a brain dead leftist dullard who has obviously swilled way too much DNC Kool-Aid. I’ll tell you what, provide a credible link to your claims that supports your emotional hysterics and we will go from there and I will prove what an incredibly uninformed idiot you really are.

What is apparent is that you couldn’t recognize a fact if it walked up and slapped your thick mush filled head.

Also, look up how the stock market does when Dems are in charge. This public information is easily found online. You can study the data, and then get back to us.

If you think that the stock market is an indicator of economic health, you’re dumber than a log. But then you make this obvious whenever you post here.

Most of the world does lean liberal.

Wow; there’s a compelling argument. Most of the world is filled with Liberal dullards, therefore being a dullard is good.
You’re a moron of incredible proportions.

Because we are sane people with human values. I'm sorry the right wingers in this country do not see what an isolated bunch they really are. Too bad they have so much power.

Another incredibly stupid claim lacking in historic perspective, reality or the facts; next you will be telling me that Obama has created 7.5 million jobs.

Dismissed dipshit; you're more evidence of the low information dullards who voted for this buffoon of a President. The DNC needs gullible uninformed fools like you.
Is there a possibility that intelligent discussion could make something of this forum? As it is it's pretty worthless in my opinion.

Some folks are good eggs and don't engage in the name calling and I shouldn't either. I would like to see more reasoned discussion amongst the left on how to deal with the Middle East. But, this is the shooter thread and most sane people agree on top reasons these things happen. Before I get to work I will add that I found it laughable that my Senator Diane Feinstein called for a 'renewed debate on gun violence' or some such nonsense like that. Really? Good plan. (LOL)
It’s not name calling you moron; it is an accurate description of your brain dead posts.

Dismissed dipshit; you're more evidence of the low information dullards who voted for this buffoon of a President. The DNC needs gullible uninformed fools like you.

That is not name calling?

Just so you know, also not born in USA, have traveled all over. My four year degree is in International Relations from a good university on the East Coast. I have studied five languages and speak three. And I am the opposite of a low information voter. Now, I'm actually done here. Oh, :

Shit Detector, you are a very angry person, arnt you? I hope you don't have a gun!
How was he able to kill the guards if they had guns?

I thought having guards at facilities with guns would stop this kind of thing.

Maybe they should instead install bathtubs to stop shootings!

Because the guards were complacent. Its easy to kill armed people when they are not ready mentally for an attack.
Wow, you like name calling, don't you? Because you are a mature Republican.

The difference between our two posts is that mine is true, yours isn't. The more educated one is, (ie travel is a part of that), the more likely one is to lean liberal. The reason of course, if that Republican policies make no sense. Do me a favor, instead of name calling (Asshat...you are SO clever!) tell me when tax cuts for the rich have ever stimulated the economy? Just one small example that actually resulted in growth.

I'll give another FACT to chew on: In the last 50 years, Republicans have held the presidency 8 years long than Dems, but Dems have created 20 million more jobs. Also, look up how the stock market does when Dems are in charge. This public information is easily found online. You can study the data, and then get back to us.

Most of the world does lean liberal. Because we are sane people with human values. I'm sorry the right wingers in this country do not see what an isolated bunch they really are. Too bad they have so much power.

Now take a look at who was in charge of Congress during the best economic periods and the worst.
History of mental illness and illegally shooting at people.

Watch as the Republicans fight for people like this guy to keep a right to brandish assault rifles.

Do you have evidence of any mainstream republican fighting for a guy with schizophrenia to keep weapons? Link us up, Disingenuousman!
Do you have evidence of any mainstream republican fighting for a guy with schizophrenia to keep weapons? Link us up, Disingenuousman!

There is plenty of evidence of mainstream Republicans fighting to prevent anyone from checking into the background of a schizophrenic to see if he should be allowed to keep a weapon.

BTW, speaking of Disingenususman, have you come up with a quote of that Lie you keep talking about regarding Benghazi?
There is plenty of evidence of mainstream Republicans fighting to prevent anyone from checking into the background of a schizophrenic to see if he should be allowed to keep a weapon.

BTW, speaking of Disingenususman, have you come up with a quote of that Lie you keep talking about regarding Benghazi?

Utter nonsense. Truly. If you have a link, then link it otherwise you're just sputtering diarrhea of the disingenuous mind like Desh.

And yes, go back to the thread, there are quite a few examples you have ignored in quite a few posts. It's how you have proven you have the superpower of Disingenuity. Disingenuousman!