Washington Shooter...

You beat me to the post :/ Was gonna post the same thing basically.

Who is to blame on this one?; The "Inherently evil" black guy, The coward who turned tough guy once he picked up a gun, The gun free zone, or the Conservatives who have been cutting funding to mental health hospitals for decades now.

I say take the idiotic racist statement out of that list and you have yourself a list to work with. Start enforcing background checks without loopholes, end gun free zones and start funding mental health so they can take on more patients. The Tea baggers today are stating "the problem is poor access to mental health" are shooting themselves in the foot because they are the ones that have been cutting funding for it on multiple angles.

You voted for Obama didn't you? Know how I can tell? You're a dumbass.

Good lord; how many dumbasses are there on this forum that are going to continue spamming the forum with their stupidity.

Background checks would have done NOTHING to prevent any of these mass shootings from occurring you idiots. Get a fucking clue and grow up for Christs sake.

Bunch of gun grabbing loony tunes.
yeah, well, they don't work all that well.

Especially when the navy ignores warnings:


And those background checks?

So if months of screening and thousands of dollars doesn't do the trick, what will? Decades of checking and millions of dollars? Do you want only rich people to exercise rights? Do you want to restrict victims?
So if months of screening and thousands of dollars doesn't do the trick, what will? Decades of checking and millions of dollars? Do you want only rich people to exercise rights? Do you want to restrict victims?

In this case, I want the govt background checkers to do their jobs AND I want the Navy to pay attention to warnings AND I want better mental health care AND I want funding so that the background check system is fully up to date with people who shouldn't have guns AND I would hope this guy would have been reported.

In this case, since we can't ban guns altogether and since all the safety systems failed, the only thing that might have helped (and I agree, it's a long shot) would have been a waiting period.

Welcome to your brave new world.
Can you imagine the number of people that fucked up so that this insane person could do what he did, have the job he had, with a Secret Clearance, given
an honorable discharge from the service, treated for insanity by the VA and not reported to someone, allowed to enter the Navy base, with a loaded shotgun, etc.....

with a barracks full of Marines that are not allowed to have their weapons or ammunition readily available close by....

All the things that had to go wrong in the system is staggering....and we have pinhead that blames the gun, always the gun.
I wonder if the nut had a few sticks of TNT strapped to his back instead of a gun, would the pinhead be blaming the TNT
Can you imagine the number of people that fucked up so that this insane person could do what he did, have the job he had, with a Secret Clearance, given
an honorable discharge from the service, treated for insanity by the VA and not reported to someone, allowed to enter the Navy base, with a loaded shotgun, etc.....

with a barracks full of Marines that are not allowed to have their weapons or ammunition readily available close by....

All the things that had to go wrong in the system is staggering....and we have pinhead that blames the gun, always the gun.
I wonder if the nut had a few sticks of TNT strapped to his back instead of a gun, would the pinhead be blaming the TNT

I read he had a General discharge, not an honorable.
The media is not liberal or conservative, the media is just as affected by market forces as soap. The media is what sells. If a liberal bent sells, then the media will be liberal. If a Conservative bent is what sells, the media will be Conservative. If silliness sells, the media will be silly.
The only media that says it like it should be is Fox News. You cannot tell me that NBC, CBS, ABC, MSNBC, NYTimes and CNN are not slanted big time toward Liberal spin. Liberals control/own those media outlets, do I need to spell it out any more? I honestly believe that George Soros and his cabal think tanks are some of the leaders that these Media giants take their walking orders from. I believe that some posters on this Forum are somehow connected to Soros's group of Socialists, possibly financially, like in get paid to post all over the net, when they are not here, they are somewhere else posting Leftist spin. Here we have a huge story about a Shipyard shooting and these Libs are complaining about there being too many posts on the subject. Another ploy is to flood the Forum with a bunch of BS posts to dilute the real important stories. They did it on the old Board and they try it here. Of course, this is just my personal opinion, and opinions are like a-holes, everyone has one.
In this case, I want the govt background checkers to do their jobs AND I want the Navy to pay attention to warnings AND I want better mental health care AND I want funding so that the background check system is fully up to date with people who shouldn't have guns AND I would hope this guy would have been reported.

In this case, since we can't ban guns altogether and since all the safety systems failed, the only thing that might have helped (and I agree, it's a long shot) would have been a waiting period.

Welcome to your brave new world.

The Navy pretty much just does whatever the fuck it wants. Take it from a guy who operates radar systems near airspaces that the Navy practices flying over. No respect for the fucking rules.
Do you have evidence of any mainstream republican fighting for a guy with schizophrenia to keep weapons? Link us up, Disingenuousman!

They are fighting to make sure we don't get a chance to look and see if he is schizophrenic, thus allowing him to keep and accumulate weapons.
Utter nonsense. Truly. If you have a link, then link it otherwise you're just sputtering diarrhea of the disingenuous mind like Desh.

And yes, go back to the thread, there are quite a few examples you have ignored in quite a few posts. It's how you have proven you have the superpower of Disingenuity. Disingenuousman!

Sorry Damo, you can pretend all you want, nobody provided a quote and I addressed all of the posts and illustrated how none of them showed lies and how some were not even addressing Benghazi.
If this were true then MSDNC would have more viewers and newspapers wouldn't be rejected as a source of unbiased information losing traction even online as a source that people trust for news.

The people who work in media have a bias and it shows up in their work.

If that's the case, and if its not what the people want, MSNBC would go out of business. Maybe they will, but I suspect they are simply a mirror of what the audience wants to see, otherwise they would turn the channel. I got rid of MSNBC as part of my cable subscription because it was not something I wanted or liked.
The only media that says it like it should be is Fox News. You cannot tell me that NBC, CBS, ABC, MSNBC, NYTimes and CNN are not slanted big time toward Liberal spin. Liberals control/own those media outlets, do I need to spell it out any more? I honestly believe that George Soros and his cabal think tanks are some of the leaders that these Media giants take their walking orders from. I believe that some posters on this Forum are somehow connected to Soros's group of Socialists, possibly financially, like in get paid to post all over the net, when they are not here, they are somewhere else posting Leftist spin. Here we have a huge story about a Shipyard shooting and these Libs are complaining about there being too many posts on the subject. Another ploy is to flood the Forum with a bunch of BS posts to dilute the real important stories. They did it on the old Board and they try it here. Of course, this is just my personal opinion, and opinions are like a-holes, everyone has one.

Don't tell anyone, I don't want Grandmaster Soros to stop paying me.
In this case, I want the govt background checkers to do their jobs AND I want the Navy to pay attention to warnings AND I want better mental health care AND I want funding so that the background check system is fully up to date with people who shouldn't have guns AND I would hope this guy would have been reported.

In this case, since we can't ban guns altogether and since all the safety systems failed, the only thing that might have helped (and I agree, it's a long shot) would have been a waiting period.

Welcome to your brave new world.

A couple of things; what signs did people have that this man was not mentally capable? He was described as helpful, kind, respectful and was self-taught and fluent in Thai? This incredibly dense notion that this guy would not have committed this crime had he had proper mental healthcare is amazingly stupid and unrealistic.

In the great state of California, the lawyers in the ACLU forced the state to release mental patients out onto the streets based on the claim that the State has no right to hold individuals, even with severe mental handicaps, against their will.

Seems leftists can't make up their mind what their illogical views are.

Second, the man obtained a shotgun. Now last time I looked, libtards like Biden said that shotguns are okay; are they now saying they are not okay?

How would a waiting time of 10 days have changed anything in this case? That's right, it would not have.

Lastly, would stricter gun laws cause criminals to not be able to obtain a weapon to commit crimes? The common sense answer is no, they do not because criminals DONTOBEY LAWS.

Now I don't know why it is so hard for emotionally driven leftists to comprehend the most obvious facts; but you are a testament that even the obvious is beyond your capacity to comprehend.
Originally Posted by Jarod View Post

They are fighting to make sure we don't get a chance to look and see if he is schizophrenic, thus allowing him to keep and accumulate weapons.

again, that is nonsense.

You're being polite and generous with Jarod; he really is an idiot. He has to be all of 15 to make such incredibly stupid comments.
Thought this was interesting

Alexis came to Sharpshooters Small Arms Range in Fairfax County on Saturday and tested out an AR-15 semiautomatic rifle. While in the store, Alexis also inquired about buying a handgun, according to the store’s attorney.

But he didn’t make that purchase. In the long lead-up to Alexis’s spree, this was one time when he was denied something he wanted.

The reason was not Alexis’s arrests or his struggles with mental health. It was his out-of-state address. Federal law does not allow dealers to sell handguns directly to out-of-state residents, the gun shop’s attorney said. The gun would have had to be shipped to a licensed dealer in Alexis’s home state.

Instead, he bought the shotgun, which Virginia law allows out-of-state residents to purchase on the spot. Alexis passed federal and state background checks and took the weapon home, along with two boxes of shells.
Can you imagine the number of people that fucked up so that this insane person could do what he did, have the job he had, with a Secret Clearance, given
an honorable discharge from the service, treated for insanity by the VA and not reported to someone, allowed to enter the Navy base, with a loaded shotgun, etc.....

with a barracks full of Marines that are not allowed to have their weapons or ammunition readily available close by....

All the things that had to go wrong in the system is staggering....and we have pinhead that blames the gun, always the gun.
I wonder if the nut had a few sticks of TNT strapped to his back instead of a gun, would the pinhead be blaming the TNT

Treated for insanity, bawahahahaha, you have such a way with words