Washington Shooter...

Are you denying that Republicans fought against background checks?

You don't have a link for your Benghazi claims, do you?

I'm pointing out to you that not one mainstream republican has fought to keep weapons in the hands of the mentally ill and that you will not be able to produce one link.

And yeah, again, in the Benghazi thread where we talk about that there are links galore and videos everywhere. That one where you pretend that you can't understand English suddenly, or that you are too stupid to understand that saying it was about one thing when they knew it was another is a lie, doesn't change that those are there. I fully comprehend that like a Bush-wallower you are willing to pretend nothing The Administration does can possibly be even slightly construed in other than perfection... but it doesn't change reality.
This is why I laugh, most people are complacent and unlike you are not battle ready.

I know, it's something I preach to people when they start talking about carrying. If you're going to be complacent in it, it's better you just not carry at all.
There is plenty of evidence of mainstream Republicans fighting to prevent anyone from checking into the background of a schizophrenic to see if he should be allowed to keep a weapon.

BTW, speaking of Disingenususman, have you come up with a quote of that Lie you keep talking about regarding Benghazi?

please share that evidence with us...
There is plenty of evidence of mainstream Republicans fighting to prevent anyone from checking into the background of a schizophrenic to see if he should be allowed to keep a weapon.

BTW, speaking of Disingenususman, have you come up with a quote of that Lie you keep talking about regarding Benghazi?

Are you denying that Republicans fought against background checks?

You don't have a link for your Benghazi claims, do you?

That is not what you stated Garud...
History of mental illness and illegally shooting at people.

Watch as the Republicans fight for people like this guy to keep a right to brandish assault rifles.

You beat me to the post :/ Was gonna post the same thing basically.

Who is to blame on this one?; The "Inherently evil" black guy, The coward who turned tough guy once he picked up a gun, The gun free zone, or the Conservatives who have been cutting funding to mental health hospitals for decades now.

I say take the idiotic racist statement out of that list and you have yourself a list to work with. Start enforcing background checks without loopholes, end gun free zones and start funding mental health so they can take on more patients. The Tea baggers today are stating "the problem is poor access to mental health" are shooting themselves in the foot because they are the ones that have been cutting funding for it on multiple angles.
The media is not liberal or conservative, the media is just as affected by market forces as soap. The media is what sells. If a liberal bent sells, then the media will be liberal. If a Conservative bent is what sells, the media will be Conservative. If silliness sells, the media will be silly.
Liberal silliness is selling right now. BONUS!!!
The media is not liberal or conservative, the media is just as affected by market forces as soap. The media is what sells. If a liberal bent sells, then the media will be liberal. If a Conservative bent is what sells, the media will be Conservative. If silliness sells, the media will be silly.

If this were true then MSDNC would have more viewers and newspapers wouldn't be rejected as a source of unbiased information losing traction even online as a source that people trust for news.

The people who work in media have a bias and it shows up in their work.
Even on this board certain pro-gun people have said basically "well, there's crazy and there's crazy and you can't stop all people with mental health issues from having guns because they aren't all violent"...

So yes, conservatives are ok with crazy people having guns UNTIL they shoot up a place, then they say they shouldn't.
Shit Detector, you are a very angry person, arnt you? I hope you don't have a gun!

Dumbass, I am not angry. I just speak in Libtard to assholes like you. I own five guns; one is an AR15.

Any other dumbass questions from the moron brigade?
That is not name calling?

Just so you know, also not born in USA, have traveled all over. My four year degree is in International Relations from a good university on the East Coast. I have studied five languages and speak three. And I am the opposite of a low information voter. Now, I'm actually done here. Oh, :


In other words, you have a worthless degree and are clueless when it comes to business, reality and economics.

So who did you vote for in the last four elections?
There is plenty of evidence of mainstream Republicans fighting to prevent anyone from checking into the background of a schizophrenic to see if he should be allowed to keep a weapon.

BTW, speaking of Disingenususman, have you come up with a quote of that Lie you keep talking about regarding Benghazi?

Liar; but then, you're a brain dead Liberal. All brain dead liberals lie.
Even on this board certain pro-gun people have said basically "well, there's crazy and there's crazy and you can't stop all people with mental health issues from having guns because they aren't all violent"...

So yes, conservatives are ok with crazy people having guns UNTIL they shoot up a place, then they say they shouldn't.

Well if a government TOP SECRET security clearance screening isn't enough, what is? Those screenings take MONTHS to complete and cost thousands of dollars. Also PTSD isn't strictly military. Rape victims suffer from it too. Are you suggest that rape victims shouldn't be allowed to exercise their constitutional rights?
Are you denying that Republicans fought against background checks?

You don't have a link for your Benghazi claims, do you?

Yo pinhead; Republicans don't fight against background checks. No wonder you voted for Obama; you're a clueless dumbass.
Well if a government TOP SECRET security clearance screening isn't enough, what is? Those screenings take MONTHS to complete and cost thousands of dollars.

yeah, well, they don't work all that well.

Especially when the navy ignores warnings:
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Rhode Island police warned the Navy last month that suspected Washington gunman Aaron Alexis had reported "hearing voices" while on Tuesday the U.S. government said it will review security worldwide at military bases.

More details emerged about the history of misconduct and mental illness of the 34-year-old government contractor with a security clearance who shot dead 12 people at the U.S. Navy Yard on Monday before police killed him in a gun battle.

A Newport, Rhode Island police report said Alexis complained on August 7 about "hearing voices" and of people sending "vibrations to his body" to prevent him from sleeping.

The Newport police report said it warned Navy police after the incident, adding that Naval police said they would "follow up on this subject and determine if he is in fact a naval base contractor."

And those background checks?

Washington (CNN) -- Dozens of convicted felons got unescorted access to Navy installations for weeks and even years because an outside company hired to save money issued temporary credentials to contractors before completing proper background checks, according to a federal audit released on Tuesday.
The Pentagon inspector general's audit also found the program intended to save money probably wound up costing tax dollars instead.