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But since women fought so hard to be seen as responsible persons, then why don't they take the responsibility and stop becoming pregnant if they don't want to be pregnant?
Unless you're saying that women can't be troubled with being responsible for themselves!!

Now add in that women want men to be equally responsible for the pregnancy; does this mean that they get a 50/50 say in the abortion?

I'd never argue that being casual about sex is responsible but I consider that the same for men and women. Men have not had to change their attitudes towards casual sex...over the millenia...because they had no direct consequences.

Now, women have the means to make those same decisions re: casual sex. They still have physical, biological consequences, which men cannot and do not, but they now have (more) options to treat casual sex like men.

As for men having the right to make decisions re: a woman's right to an abortion...his rights stop where her's begin. Unless he can get that baby out without infringing on her rights, he'll have to live with HIS consequence....no voice in that decision.

Again...cant do much about that biological aspect....yet.

Women have had to deal with biological consequences since time began....now men do too.
I'm right about this, aren't I little goody?

Ready to admit it and stop going on relentlessly about how this should be up to the woman only?

Heh, I've never seen you be right yet. Usually you just change the subject or ignore the question. You havent asked me anything original...just read the rest of my responses in this thread.
I'd never argue that being casual about sex is responsible but I consider that the same for men and women. Men have not had to change their attitudes towards casual sex...over the millenia...because they had no direct consequences.

Now, women have the means to make those same decisions re: casual sex. They still have physical, biological consequences, which men cannot and do not, but they now have (more) options to treat casual sex like men.

As for men having the right to make decisions re: a woman's right to an abortion...his rights stop where her's begin. Unless he can get that baby out without infringing on her rights, he'll have to live with HIS consequence....no voice in that decision.

Again...cant do much about that biological aspect....yet.

Women have had to deal with biological consequences since time began....now men do too.

You see? I am right.

Little goody's position on AOD is all about power. That's why she's currently dodging me on this thread, she knows I've nailed it.

AOD is the biggest anti marriage agenda in history and nobody knows it more than she does.
Heh, I've never seen you be right yet. Usually you just change the subject or ignore the question. You havent asked me anything original...just read the rest of my responses in this thread.

Tell me why a man should get married under your conditions. Tell me why a man isn't off his rocker to marry under your conditions.

Are you ready to admit that AOD is all about empowering women and also lesbians in relationships while the degradation of the men is performed in relationships?
Heh, I've never seen you be right yet. Usually you just change the subject or ignore the question. You havent asked me anything original...just read the rest of my responses in this thread.

Don't you believe that all children should be "planned children"?

This is where the man husband immediately comes in to the picture.
This is about power, too much power for women and you know it. Removing the man from a decision on this simply gives all the power to the woman

heh heh heh heh

And this right here ^^^^ is core to the discussion for many men. Awwww, that's just too bad. If you want power, figure out how to bear the fetuses yourselves.
No, I'm not. Because it's not a person....*I* dont attach meaning where there is none.

Why do most other pro-lifers feel that it's ok to kill the unborn 'person' in the case of rape or to save the life of the 'born' person?

Hypocritical Righties only care about the fetus until it's born, then it and it's parents can go F*ck themselves and starve if they can't pay for food.
Tell me why a man should get married under your conditions. Tell me why a man isn't off his rocker to marry under your conditions.

Are you ready to admit that AOD is all about empowering women and also lesbians in relationships while the degradation of the men is performed in relationships?

I would love it if you started a thread on why men get married, because I dont know why. I think most are crazy to do so until they are actually want to reproduce.

But otherwise, you are just distracting from the subject at hand. And if abortion helps women achieve a more EQUAL role in society, how is that a bad thing? (There, back on track but Philly wont answer).
heh heh heh heh

And this right here ^^^^ is core to the discussion for many men. Awwww, that's just too bad. If you want power, figure out how to bear the fetuses yourselves.

Yup, he's just another angry, impotent little man, raging at a world that has passed him and his misogynistic attitudes behind.
I'd never argue that being casual about sex is responsible but I consider that the same for men and women. Men have not had to change their attitudes towards casual sex...over the millenia...because they had no direct consequences.

Now, women have the means to make those same decisions re: casual sex. They still have physical, biological consequences, which men cannot and do not, but they now have (more) options to treat casual sex like men.

As for men having the right to make decisions re: a woman's right to an abortion...his rights stop where her's begin. Unless he can get that baby out without infringing on her rights, he'll have to live with HIS consequence....no voice in that decision.

Again...cant do much about that biological aspect....yet.

Women have had to deal with biological consequences since time began....now men do too.

You just danced around the entire question and still haven't answered why women aren't being more responsible, since they are the one(s) that become pregnant and coupled with the knowledge that
...Women have had to deal with biological consequences since time began...
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You just danced around the entire question and still haven't answered why women aren't being more responsible, since they are the one(s) that become pregnant and coupled with the knowledge that

Sorry, that's about as comprehensive an answer as I've got.

I said I dont really know about people's decisions about casual sex. I dont know why women arent more responsible...I dont speak for all women. Just for their rights to do so for themselves.

Edit: I dont see them any more or less responsible than men and I also stand up for men's rights to speak for themselves.