Cancel 2016.11
oh man
Ok you hate me now because Im sticking with the facts.
bac I don't know if you understand how much women trash other women.
I know Darla was just playing with cowack
I know shes good people.
I just thought it needed to be said outloud.
I think she forgives me
Yes I was just playing with Cawacko, and yes I forgive you. I certainly have hips and breasts and a butt. 5'5, size 10, a double digiter as Top likes to call me! I am sure I am not everyone's type. Did you know that when Superfreak met me, he actually tried to get me into bed by looking at me, and apropos of nothing! said "I don't think you're fat Darla"! Oh it's true! So I know Desh, believe me, just because I'm not a size zero I am the target of some pity fuck attempt from Superfreak! All true! I meant no harm...well, other than to Cawacko. And he likes it!