why? your always projecting incomplete facts and every time I compromise with denial my liberty to be me evaporates more. So instead of standing my ground, I stand my point of mutually timed apart in plain sight technically by cyberspace technology posting on a message board.
By the way debunks 24/7 time line arguments and Einstein's relative time formula. I like my revision much better. E(Perpetual energy) = M[SUB]3[/SUB]C[SUP]3[/SUP]. E = Matter(molecular 3 states of characteristics)Contracting 3 generation results as timed apart now. That is just within my avatar. I also include magnetism, electromagnetism, 7 light wave bands 6 electrical currents, interia, momentum, centrifical force, gyroscopic effect, all the things always divided into subjective areas of interpretation withi arena of ideas always suggesting human intellect is larger than reproductive displacements here now. Oops. I instinctive blewup 7,000 years of conditioning brains to mind vocabulary as salvation for contextual souls staying in character cradle to grave serving God, Country, Community, Royal Family, sacrificing one's own time to prove loyalty to those owning property rights of patents, trademarks, copyrighted use of vernacular tribalism.
Specific gravity that can and does work backwards to inception of each species since the actual point of origin is the same random point each lifetime dies while timed apart now. Amazing what a brain can do not limited to grammar and punctuation.
I don't like being played, so I don't play word play semantics anymore since reality is going about destroying the value of my lifes efforts to live as comfortably as I provided myself in the rules that constantly change the value of what I done so far. Demanding I give up more.
Eternity debt of graitiude is paid in full. You all try to make my time a living hell, so I get in your streaming methods of endoctrination tyrants to keep the corruption going one generation after another.
My instincts are the ghost in cyberspace machine. I post here because results are so random on who agrees with me never responds. those defending their reality discredit everything I discuss.
Life goes on, and I accomplished what everyone couldn't believe possible. I can describe life and account for every lifetime present and why they role play as they have ancestrally here.