We Have So Much To Be Thankful To China For

Hello FreeSpeech,

It has been our own capitalists who went over there and exploited their cheap labor. Look at the upside. Our capitalists became fabulously rich in the process. Republicans have traditionally protected this economic power of the rich and powerful in America, calling it 'freedom of opportunity.' Isn't it a good thing that our rich became fabulously richer? If they used American labor they wouldn't be nearly as rich.

Are you not adamant about protecting our super-rich people?

I'm an economic nationalist and both parties are globalist the only difference is that now the Republican party now has a populist economic nationalist leading it and the Democrats are still in the pocket of the CCP.
Hello FreeSpeech,

How is America NOT a giant ponzi scheme?

America is great, fabulous nation, love my home country, but we have to be honest. Our powerful capitalists go all over the globe looking for places to exploit cheap labor. Our capitalists are very interested to exploit places with lax environmental and safety laws and regulations. And even here within our own borders, we would not have food in the grocery stores without undocumented migrant farm workers. The stark differences in wealth across our population show a heavy favoritism for the rich and powerful marked by a disdainful nonchalance and disregard to the plight of the disadvantaged. America's extreme wealth disparity paints a picture of the rich and powerful with the government seemingly wrapped around their little finger; coupled with declining upward mobility and hopeless cross-generational poverty for the powerless.

We can have both free trade and fair trade the two are not mutually exclusive. Again I'm an economic nationalist not a globalist any company shipping manufacturing overseas to the detriment of American labor should be severely disensentivized from doing so.
Tell me why I'm not surprised here...:rolleyes: Your anger is what is important, revenge etc.... :palm:

So you don't mind if the jobs go to other countries, & the hell w/ the folks back home in Ohio, they got welfare & minimum wage increases wtf more do they want;)

Are you functionally retarded? The jobs are already in other countries, in fact they are in one country IE China and having our supply chain controlled by China (or any single country other than our own) is national suicide.

WE?? Who is we?? You got some factories your are thinking of moving around?? Does you board know about it?? Share holders on board w/ that move?? asking for a friend...

"We" is the United States, the interests of multinational conglomerates run by globalist pigs sucking down Chinese cash from Emperor Xi's dick like heroine addicts does not take precedence over the national interests and the interests of American labor and point of fact having their supply chain in the hands of a single murderous totalitarian regime is not in their interests either.
He's not, in fact he's the first President in generations to stand up to China against the lamentations of members of both parties.

yeah. The trade deficit with China that he cried about went up 25 percent before Corona. Trump talks, he does not do.
why? your always projecting incomplete facts and every time I compromise with denial my liberty to be me evaporates more. So instead of standing my ground, I stand my point of mutually timed apart in plain sight technically by cyberspace technology posting on a message board.

By the way debunks 24/7 time line arguments and Einstein's relative time formula. I like my revision much better. E(Perpetual energy) = M[SUB]3[/SUB]C[SUP]3[/SUP]. E = Matter(molecular 3 states of characteristics)Contracting 3 generation results as timed apart now. That is just within my avatar. I also include magnetism, electromagnetism, 7 light wave bands 6 electrical currents, interia, momentum, centrifical force, gyroscopic effect, all the things always divided into subjective areas of interpretation withi arena of ideas always suggesting human intellect is larger than reproductive displacements here now. Oops. I instinctive blewup 7,000 years of conditioning brains to mind vocabulary as salvation for contextual souls staying in character cradle to grave serving God, Country, Community, Royal Family, sacrificing one's own time to prove loyalty to those owning property rights of patents, trademarks, copyrighted use of vernacular tribalism.

Specific gravity that can and does work backwards to inception of each species since the actual point of origin is the same random point each lifetime dies while timed apart now. Amazing what a brain can do not limited to grammar and punctuation.

I don't like being played, so I don't play word play semantics anymore since reality is going about destroying the value of my lifes efforts to live as comfortably as I provided myself in the rules that constantly change the value of what I done so far. Demanding I give up more.

Eternity debt of graitiude is paid in full. You all try to make my time a living hell, so I get in your streaming methods of endoctrination tyrants to keep the corruption going one generation after another.

My instincts are the ghost in cyberspace machine. I post here because results are so random on who agrees with me never responds. those defending their reality discredit everything I discuss.

Life goes on, and I accomplished what everyone couldn't believe possible. I can describe life and account for every lifetime present and why they role play as they have ancestrally here.

about your comfortable life... did you do that by letting people take your stuff?

the "other people" are a lot like you, by the way.

sartre says hell is other people, but pascal said three people can also sit silenty in a room peacefully.
about your comfortable life... did you do that by letting people take your stuff?

the "other people" are a lot like you, by the way.

sartre says hell is other people, but pascal said three people can also sit silenty in a room peacefully.

Again, what does letting people take it mean since most of the time when things of mine were stolen, I wasn't a witness to it being taken?

you arguing situational ethics to change the discussion from social living and active alive as timed apart. Hell is a metaphor, I know. It is also a belief of supernatural existence.
Again, what does letting people take it mean since most of the time when things of mine were stolen, I wasn't a witness to it being taken?

you arguing situational ethics to change the discussion from social living and active alive as timed apart. Hell is a metaphor, I know. It is also a belief of supernatural existence.

so you didn't know, that was just the spaced apart time fact of the situation. now's who's being situational?

I dont really enjoy this slight tone of conflict in our discourse. maybe it's just you in your insistence in your above it allness, but yet you reference your comfortable life. you got passive investments which rely on allowing the yellow menace to grow?

let's talk about social living. we can do that.
so you didn't know, that was just the spaced apart time fact of the situation. now's who's being situational?

I dont really enjoy this slight tone of conflict in our discourse. maybe it's just you in your insistence in your above it allness, but yet you reference your comfortable life. you got passive investments which rely on allowing the yellow menace to grow?

let's talk about social living. we can do that.

ha ha ha ha ha ha. centered within it all isn't above anything, unless you are part of governing everyone else thinking beyond timed apart now. That makes my insignificance to reality equal to your rank gets its privileges from those sacrificing their time trying to prove life exceeds now while willing to pay to believe anything else is possible.
ha ha ha ha ha ha. centered within it all isn't above anything, unless you are part of governing everyone else thinking beyond timed apart now. That makes my insignificance to reality equal to your rank gets its privileges from those sacrificing their time trying to prove life exceeds now while willing to pay to believe anything else is possible.

has should only be repeated in prime number quantities, ya fractal balance cretin!

but all kidding aside.....so many time bound hallucinatory suppositions do indeed destroy reality with mass delusion.

30 year mortgage? how else will you measure your death? ha ha ha
has should only be repeated in prime number quantities, ya fractal balance cretin!

but all kidding aside.....so many time bound hallucinatory suppositions do indeed destroy reality with mass delusion.

30 year mortgage? how else will you measure your death? ha ha ha

yes or no, true or false, legal or moral, with me or against us, lead or follow, left or right, top or bottom, inside or outside, added or never existed. Nobody becomes a genetic grandparent without being a parent first. Each added lifetime is a whole combination of two reproductive cells, but after birth is a half life to any children they do or don't take part in conception personal act, donating reproductive cells so others can have a baby.

You keep playing stay within social narrative and real time is not part of the discussion. But timed apart now directly links all things timed apart now. Closed universal system with no room for nothing at all occupying space. Vacuum between planets with atmospheres is saturated with subatomic matter not enough nuelei for it to materialize as a molecule. So these subatomic particles can hold a static charge, i.e. potential stored energy energized by induction until another polarity changes it to positive or negative attributes.

Again timed apart works because nature perpetual blaancing has been achieved and that would be the age of the universe defined linearly thinking outside timed apart now. Once again, you are assuming I don't want symbolism over substance part of social engineering ways to make life easier to adapt with. You say I am off base. We discussed I am against corruption, not anything else.

Dishonesty is keeping things secret so a few can have an advantage over everyone else. <leaders of faith be it academic, artistic, political, spiritual, economical, socially managing people to perform as type cast people.
yes or no, true or false, legal or moral, with me or against us, lead or follow, left or right, top or bottom, inside or outside, added or never existed. Nobody becomes a genetic grandparent without being a parent first. Each added lifetime is a whole combination of two reproductive cells, but after birth is a half life to any children they do or don't take part in conception personal act, donating reproductive cells so others can have a baby.

You keep playing stay within social narrative and real time is not part of the discussion. But timed apart now directly links all things timed apart now. Closed universal system with no room for nothing at all occupying space. Vacuum between planets with atmospheres is saturated with subatomic matter not enough nuelei for it to materialize as a molecule. So these subatomic particles can hold a static charge, i.e. potential stored energy energized by induction until another polarity changes it to positive or negative attributes.

Again timed apart works because nature perpetual blaancing has been achieved and that would be the age of the universe defined linearly thinking outside timed apart now. Once again, you are assuming I don't want symbolism over substance part of social engineering ways to make life easier to adapt with. You say I am off base. We discussed I am against corruption, not anything else.

Dishonesty is keeping things secret so a few can have an advantage over everyone else. <leaders of faith be it academic, artistic, political, spiritual, economical, socially managing people to perform as type cast people.

yes. playing with the line between social narrative and reality is how I get off. guilty as charged. this is captivation, fasci-nation, magic itself. but for good. I am a white magician.

the most deeply occulted science is psychology.
Hello Bill,

Precisely. This whole thread is about recognizing the good with the bad and the need to learn how to work through difficult situations without severing beneficial relationships.

Fortunately I believe there are plenty of ppl here & in the country that realize that, but there is no shortage of ppl that let their guts, butts & trump do the thinking for them.......
Fortunately I believe there are plenty of ppl here & in the country that realize that, but there is no shortage of ppl that let their guts, butts & trump do the thinking for them.......

what's the move with people who want to destroy you. forget trump. what's "work with them" look like?

let them bend us over, but cry about it?

get off your fucking fence of superiority bill. you agree with trump on china. be a man.
Hello FreeSpeech,

I'm an economic nationalist and both parties are globalist the only difference is that now the Republican party now has a populist economic nationalist leading it and the Democrats are still in the pocket of the CCP.

Agree to the first, disagree to the second.

We are stuck on this planet with the countries we have as trading partners, not the countries we want. US and China take advantage of one another. Both understand each is less without the other.
yes. playing with the line between social narrative and reality is how I get off. guilty as charged. this is captivation, fasci-nation, magic itself. but for good. I am a white magician.

the most deeply occulted science is psychology.

ha ha ha ha ha social narrative and reality? ha ha ha ha ha ha. Want to do art and reality next? sarcastic. anyway you have no magic Mr. Magoo. You have historical deception on your side and after birth indoctrination of each replacement reproduction trained to relive reality over and over expecting better days next generation.