I think I have a good solution for the vigilante next time.

A day vigilante, but shoots via private message to the mod.

So you get the ability to daykill, remove a player from the board, but you don't get the power of clearing yourself. Which is probably a pretty decent/fun balance
It's unfortunate seer died n1 as all the cool roles really didn't have the opportunity to be realized. Even just 1 more night of roleblocking/watching/vigilante hunting/seer hunting would have been awesome. oh well. that's the way it goes sometimes
Not lynching granule has potential worse consequences. Do you see this or no?

Not lynching granule opens you up to the absolute worse case scenario. No other situation has worse potential results.
It had far more potential gain too. It would have forced the wolves out of cover and would have provided more valuable information and it would have increased the odds of killing an active wolf. It had a far greater "Best Case Sencario" consequences. Don't you see this or no? If wolves were equal to villagers you're argument would be valid but wolve have a 3 to 1 value over villagers.

With out the Mod Kill rule though you'd be absolutely correct. Lynching Granule would have been the only way to go.
Granule wasn't mod killed, he was lynched.

And as far as water's "inactivity/modkill" I am not even going to go into that, because it would be pointless. I think one or two people will be clever enough to read everything and figure out what happened, or was being attempted I should say, but I will never comment on it.

Think what you want. Water was fucking irrelevant.
Excuse me. I stand correct. Granule was mod killed, regardless his inactivity and Watermarks non-vote really hurt the village was my point.


Absolute soul read by rana concerning darla. People aren't giving rana enough credit. Not to mention pegging damocles as well.

Pretty impressed by rana this game.

Especially considering Im pretty sure I had a convo with her in one of the early games about how one can pick up stuff just by the tone of a particular player. And she nailed it with darla this time around.

Nothing is irrelevant in this game, and this can show how even when you have little to initially go on (ex: day1) there is still stuff to look for if one becomes well versed in how people sound in various roles.

Yep, I was saying to Damo, shit for someone hopped up on cold medicine she sure is nailing our asses. But don't worry, I was definitely prepared to come out here and attack her as a big stupid dope head and tell her she better go take another hit of Nyquil!
Yep, I was saying to Damo, shit for someone hopped up on cold medicine she sure is nailing our asses. But don't worry, I was definitely prepared to come out here and attack her as a big stupid dope head and tell her she better go take another hit of Nyquil!
I wouldn't have listened. I was to dead.
Oh I"m sure Yurt didn't have you fooled but he sure fooled everyone else by spazzing out on you. LOL I have to give credit where it's due. Yurt played well.

He fooled me at first, but when he used the, you are getting personal line on Christie, I thought, yep, wolf. I also thought Christie at first, but when she posted the Dung quotes, I thought villager, a wolf wouldn't go to the trouble! I was going back and forth between 3d and WM for third wolf until Yurt went off on Christie.
Yep, I was saying to Damo, shit for someone hopped up on cold medicine she sure is nailing our asses. But don't worry, I was definitely prepared to come out here and attack her as a big stupid dope head and tell her she better go take another hit of Nyquil!

I get the "big stupid dope head" line used on me all the time. I use drug use as a cover for how absolutely brilliant I really am.

I am laughing at myself, I almost can't finish this post!
You suspected SF? Hell he did a great job of clearing himself. Didn't you see how he spazzed out on me? What more could he have done to clear himself as a villager?

He convinced me, plus Darla was avoiding him, another clue. Their exchanges are usually hilarious. The feminist and the conservative man. It could be a series.