Werewolf resurrected / May 2018

billy was not in danger, billy had zero heat, and he would be outing himself as a wolf by fake claiming. (if he were a wolf). doing so as a villager makes no sense at all.

But he never claimed anything, until towards the end, and then all he basically did was say "ILA was correct"; which would be perfect for a wolf trying to protect itself.
What is your opinion about his petty feud that got him killed D1? All you do is sing his praises, yet he completely screwed the village.

Had anyone else, say Mott did that,yii would be all over them for being a lousy player?

What is your love affair with IHA all about? I just don't get it. He doesn't even partake.

I don't really get you yaya. Are you trolling? I challenge you to find anyone that has had more lucid writeups on this game, that goes into more detail, than I have. Your entire post is a faulty premise. You assume my comments can only come from a place of absolute delusion, and has no merit. I am obviously not going to agree with that.

As for your comments on what you think I would say of mott, if you've paid attention - I've prob been motts biggest defender in werewolf. I am a rather large critic of anyone saying someone or something was "the worst x ever" because often times people saying that do so after acting rather cluelessly themselves, and the don't understand how many possible decision trees exist in this game. It's ludicrious to suggest that a seer claiming early in all contexts no matter what is "bad," or the "worst thing of all time." Only ignorant retards say stuff like this.

Billys role was entirely unique in this game, as a result of me trying to help balance things. As I have said repeatedly, no one would have ever batted an eye of a normal seer in a 13er revealing 2 peeks in d2 with 11 left. What ILA did was virtually the same thing.

The fact is in an 11 person roster with ILA's claim on d1 there was 3 clear villagers towards end of day. And even if you want to argue billy was not hyperclear until beginning of d2, his overall likelyhood of being villager was already skyrocketing through the stratosphere.. because, as I have said many times, billy does not take that action almost ever without being in that specific role.

Following 3 people being clear towards end of day one, that means from each villagers perspective, they have 7 valid targets, 3 of 7 which are wolves.

combinatorially, there are now 21 combos of potential wagons to run, OF WHICH 15 contain a wolf in them, which gives village, ON DAY ONE a > 70% chance of FORCING wolves into making a decision regarding their own team composition. THAT is why I say anyone claiming ILA's play was the "Worst ever" IS FUCKING STUPID.

Puff out your chest all you want, you and mott were demoralized on the morning of day 2. In large result because of the d1 actions and how they unfolded.
Horse pucky. Could have been a brilliant wolf move with a villager who didn't want to either confuse the village or didn't know what to do because they were a rookie.

Or have been Rune and just said, eff it.

it's also possible for a meteor to fall on my head.
But he never claimed anything, until towards the end, and then all he basically did was say "ILA was correct"; which would be perfect for a wolf trying to protect itself.

please do not waste my time with posts like this. It was obvious to anyone reading the thread (you were busy d1, were you really there? have you read it?) superfreak was desperately trying to get both billy and ILA to be quiet. Everyone knew what billy was doing at end of d1. he was claiming his role. I think he even said it explicitly too.
I don't really get you yaya. Are you trolling? I challenge you to find anyone that has had more lucid writeups on this game, that goes into more detail, than I have. Your entire post is a faulty premise. You assume my comments can only come from a place of absolute delusion, and has no merit. I am obviously not going to agree with that.

As for your comments on what you think I would say of mott, if you've paid attention - I've prob been motts biggest defender in werewolf. I am a rather large critic of anyone saying someone or something was "the worst x ever" because often times people saying that do so after acting rather cluelessly themselves, and the don't understand how many possible decision trees exist in this game. It's ludicrious to suggest that a seer claiming early in all contexts no matter what is "bad," or the "worst thing of all time." Only ignorant retards say stuff like this.

Billys role was entirely unique in this game, as a result of me trying to help balance things. As I have said repeatedly, no one would have ever batted an eye of a normal seer in a 13er revealing 2 peeks in d2 with 11 left. What ILA did was virtually the same thing.

The fact is in an 11 person roster with ILA's claim on d1 there was 3 clear villagers towards end of day. And even if you want to argue billy was not hyperclear until beginning of d2, his overall likelyhood of being villager was already skyrocketing through the stratosphere.. because, as I have said many times, billy does not take that action almost ever without being in that specific role.

Following 3 people being clear towards end of day one, that means from each villagers perspective, they have 7 valid targets, 3 of 7 which are wolves.

combinatorially, there are now 21 combos of potential wagons to run, OF WHICH 15 contain a wolf in them, which gives village, ON DAY ONE a > 70% chance of FORCING wolves into making a decision regarding their own team composition. THAT is why I say anyone claiming ILA's play was the "Worst ever" IS FUCKING STUPID.

Puff out your chest all you want, you and mott were demoralized on the morning of day 2. In large result because of the d1 actions and how they unfolded.

So ILAs strategy of rage posting me worked...


Just wow

IHA could do anything and you would lick him. I don't understand your fascination with him. To each their own bro.
So ILAs strategy of rage posting me worked...


Just wow

IHA could do anything and you would lick him. I don't understand your fascination with him. To each their own bro.

I'm not going around in circles with you. I have said all there is to say on this issue. People can read my numerous break down posts, and they can read your posts talking about me licking people, and they can make up their owns minds.
I'm not going around in circles with you. I have said all there is to say on this issue. People can read my numerous break down posts, and they can read your posts talking about me licking people, and they can make up their owns minds.

Butt you will go round round for IHA.

That you defend him and did in fact throw shade my way only proves he owns you.

You went out of your way to defend a loser over the winners. Wolves won, but all you care about is declaring how great ILA the Seer who died in D1 was a great player.

Are you lovers or socks?
Ooooh, great game play analysis.

You love IHA. Get married and be done with it.

He killed himself on D1 and you keep insisting he played a great game.

IHA obviously owns you.

I didn't say he played "great"

I said his move was decent/pretty good given the specific circumstances/game setup/the fact that he was being wagoned, and many other reasons.

I have also said it was not optimal.

What I HAVE said pretty declaratively was that the move was certainly not "the worst ever." Anyone saying that is either ignorant or disingenuous.

I don't know what I have done here to earn your disrepect. I have presented my arguments pretty well fleshed out. If you don't want to agree with me at this point, then don't agree. But to suggest I am not arguing in good faith or that my arguments are meritless I think is just not in any way accurate.

Gonna vape some kief now. peace
I have seen so many previous seers suck at leaving peeks to the point where it's so cryptic the village has nothing to work with. But the seer survived to mid game so that's something i guess. Seer survival isn't everything.
As for your comments on what you think I would say of mott, if you've paid attention - I've prob been motts biggest defender in werewolf. I am a rather large critic of anyone saying someone or something was "the worst x ever" because often times people saying that do so after acting rather cluelessly themselves, and the don't understand how many possible decision trees exist in this game. It's ludicrious to suggest that a seer claiming early in all contexts no matter what is "bad," or the "worst thing of all time." Only ignorant retards say stuff like this.

Mott is the worst werewolf player on JPP.
I didn't say he played "great"

I said his move was decent/pretty good given the specific circumstances/game setup/the fact that he was being wagoned, and many other reasons.

I have also said it was not optimal.

What I HAVE said pretty declaratively was that the move was certainly not "the worst ever." Anyone saying that is either ignorant or disingenuous.

I don't know what I have done here to earn your disrepect. I have presented my arguments pretty well fleshed out. If you don't want to agree with me at this point, then don't agree. But to suggest I am not arguing in good faith or that my arguments are meritless I think is just not in any way accurate.

Gonna vape some kief now. peace

You really gotta love the Yaya. For the record, didn't I predict that this is how he would respond once you posted your analysis? If you want to have more fun, you have my complete 1000% permission to post the PM that I sent you related to this. When you sent me that analysis I told you that this is how Yurt would respond. He is so fucking predictable. That is what he misses. I have no feud with him. I have had feuds with Rune and somehow that didn't get into the game. But Yurt thinks he has been elevated to Rune level? Please.

As far as feuds go, Yurt is a crab fart
Puff out your chest all you want, you and mott were demoralized on the morning of day 2. In large result because of the d1 actions and how they unfolded.

This pretty much sums it up. Apparently it isn’t enough for Yurt to have won the game and be happy with that. He has this burning desire to want to pin the loss solely on me and the move I made.

The reality is this. After D1 the Village was as in good a position as it could be given the circumstances.

We got lucky that we got a wolf. Total luck. It was more likely we killed a lazy villager.

I can’t imagine that on the morning of D2 that Yurt and Mott were celebrating going “we got those fuckers right where we want them”.

The Village should have won but didn’t. Did I make the perfect move? Never said that and won’t say that.

If the Village had won would Yurt be be saying my move was genius? Of

course not and neither would I.

Something else to consider is that once the Seer is dead, Billy’s role is irrelevant.

Next game in June?

Fuck I hate agreeing with Threedee
You know when a game starts villagers need to stop doing this as it plays right into the hands of the wolves. Everyone is so afraid of being told "You Suck you're the worst player ever" that they are hesitant to participate which gives the wolves weeds to hide in. Like we did. :)

It also makes it harder to recruit new players as those looking in on the game watch and thing "This doesn't look like fun to me".

In reality the "You Suck" catch phrase used by a player means one of two things. It's either a wolf tell or, ironically, a villager playing poorly.

Winning as the wolf team is real hard in this game under any circumstances but particularly so if you're playing against a village team that cooperates and coordinates it's wolf hunt. You want to know who the worst players in the game are? It's the asshole villagers who insist on telling everyone else how much they suck at this game.
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I have seen so many previous seers suck at leaving peeks to the point where it's so cryptic the village has nothing to work with. But the seer survived to mid game so that's something i guess. Seer survival isn't everything.
I was awesome as the seer!
You know when a game starts villagers need to stop doing this as it plays right into the hands of the wolves. Everyone is so afraid of being told "You Suck you're the worst player ever" that they are hesitant to participate which gives the wolves weeds to hide in. Like we did. :)

In reality the "You Suck" catch phrase used by a player means one of two things. It's either a wolf tell or, ironically, a villager playing poorly.

Winning as the wolf team is real hard in this game under any circumstances but particularly so if you're playing against a village team that cooperates and coordinates it's wolf hunt. You want to know who the worst players in the game are? It's the asshole villagers who insist on telling everyone else how much they suck at this game.

Generally agree except Yurt was doing anything but hiding.

Now if you are saying that one of your strategies was for Yurt to be his spastoid self and that most would read that as “Yurt being a spastoid” then I say kudos. I doubt that you could have that conversation with Yurt because well, he is a spastoid.

Now if you held that in secret then I say hats off to you.

In future games Yurt may have to be an early peek

I do agree that people tend to be afraid to make mistakes because let’s be honest who wants to be compared to you? ;)

Personally I am all about taking risks so while I know Superfreak will never agree I have zero regrets about that particular move.

One could say that I drew too much heat early and that is fair and I have given it thought. But heading in I thought if I lay too low it would raise suspicions amongst both wolves and villagers.

In the end one of my flaws is I am very competitive and I hate to lose. I hate when there is a lull in the game and nothing going on or people throw out irrelevant posts. So then I tend to post a lot. Nature abhors a void. That gets me in trouble

Grind touched on a very salient point earlier. People tend to make the mistake in thinking that one particular event is the sole reason for an outcome. For example many are trying to paint my outing myself as the reason the Village lost. Was it part of the overall story? Of course. The sole determinant? No. Anyone saying it is either doesn’t understand this game or is being disingenuous.

Any objective read of the game heading into D3 had you getting lynched and the wolves in their death throes.

Was it Rune’s vote that caused us to lose? No
Jade and Tsuke being new? No
Threedees vote? No
USFs cutesy act? No

No none of those on their own, but combined they proved devastating and allowed you the chance to win.

It was still fun and now I will forever be able to make Yurt my puppet
I have seen so many previous seers suck at leaving peeks to the point where it's so cryptic the village has nothing to work with. But the seer survived to mid game so that's something i guess. Seer survival isn't everything.
That's what I had to get through my thick head in this game. Individual survival doesn't mean anything in this game. It's which team survives that counts.
That's what I had to get through my thick head in this game. Individual survival doesn't mean anything in this game. It's which team survives that counts.

I realized that after reading one of the wikis Grind posted before last game. It was why I wasn’t worried about outing myself as Seer

It really crystallized last week playing with Tsuke as a wolf. He was obsessed with saving his own ass and less worried about the survival of the wolves