Werewolf resurrected / May 2018

Generally agree except Yurt was doing anything but hiding.

Now if you are saying that one of your strategies was for Yurt to be his spastoid self and that most would read that as “Yurt being a spastoid” then I say kudos. I doubt that you could have that conversation with Yurt because well, he is a spastoid.

Now if you held that in secret then I say hats off to you.

In future games Yurt may have to be an early peek

I do agree that people tend to be afraid to make mistakes because let’s be honest who wants to be compared to you? ;)

Personally I am all about taking risks so while I know Superfreak will never agree I have zero regrets about that particular move.

One could say that I drew too much heat early and that is fair and I have given it thought. But heading in I thought if I lay too low it would raise suspicions amongst both wolves and villagers.

In the end one of my flaws is I am very competitive and I hate to lose. I hate when there is a lull in the game and nothing going on or people throw out irrelevant posts. So then I tend to post a lot. Nature abhors a void. That gets me in trouble

Grind touched on a very salient point earlier. People tend to make the mistake in thinking that one particular event is the sole reason for an outcome. For example many are trying to paint my outing myself as the reason the Village lost. Was it part of the overall story? Of course. The sole determinant? No. Anyone saying it is either doesn’t understand this game or is being disingenuous.

Any objective read of the game heading into D3 had you getting lynched and the wolves in their death throes.

Was it Rune’s vote that caused us to lose? No
Jade and Tsuke being new? No
Threedees vote? No
USFs cutesy act? No

No none of those on their own, but combined they proved devastating and allowed you the chance to win.

It was still fun and now I will forever be able to make Yurt my puppet
No, actually Yurt was playing rather subdued on D1. It wasn't until D2 that he was cleared by SF as being a spastic idiot but a villager that Yurt just simply played the village idiot role that the village had bought into and did a great job of it. At that time I started playing more openly to draw attention away from Yurt on the basis that he had pretty good cover and that sacrificing myself would be worth it if it gave him even more cover. So I wasn't really overly concerned about being suspected as a wolf or even getting lynched though I didn't want to push that envelope to far.

The thing that save our asses was the villages poor play on D3 and that we worked very well as a team.
Generally agree except Yurt was doing anything but hiding.

Now if you are saying that one of your strategies was for Yurt to be his spastoid self and that most would read that as “Yurt being a spastoid” then I say kudos. I doubt that you could have that conversation with Yurt because well, he is a spastoid.

Now if you held that in secret then I say hats off to you.

In future games Yurt may have to be an early peek

I do agree that people tend to be afraid to make mistakes because let’s be honest who wants to be compared to you? ;)

Personally I am all about taking risks so while I know Superfreak will never agree I have zero regrets about that particular move.

One could say that I drew too much heat early and that is fair and I have given it thought. But heading in I thought if I lay too low it would raise suspicions amongst both wolves and villagers.

In the end one of my flaws is I am very competitive and I hate to lose. I hate when there is a lull in the game and nothing going on or people throw out irrelevant posts. So then I tend to post a lot. Nature abhors a void. That gets me in trouble

Grind touched on a very salient point earlier. People tend to make the mistake in thinking that one particular event is the sole reason for an outcome. For example many are trying to paint my outing myself as the reason the Village lost. Was it part of the overall story? Of course. The sole determinant? No. Anyone saying it is either doesn’t understand this game or is being disingenuous.

Any objective read of the game heading into D3 had you getting lynched and the wolves in their death throes.

Was it Rune’s vote that caused us to lose? No
Jade and Tsuke being new? No
Threedees vote? No
USFs cutesy act? No

No none of those on their own, but combined they proved devastating and allowed you the chance to win.

It was still fun and now I will forever be able to make Yurt my puppet
You forgot SF's clearing Yurt as the village idiot. That was a critical error too. You're right no one mistake cost the village the game but poor team play did.
Yes, SF didn't technically clear Yurt but his comment had that affect as no one really gain said him. No one put their vote where their mouth was. The only one who consistently voted for Yurt was me. :)

You are seeing what you want to see. SF did not “technically” clear Yurt. Of course that you think that explains both of your behavior.

If you had gotten lynched like you were supposed to. Yurt was next on the list. Threedee and Rune would have taken him down.

Do you really believe that had you been lynched that Rune and Threedee would say “SF cleared Yurt”

Fuck that is crazy.

Again you are making the same mistake so many make thinking this game is binary and static and looking at one single point in time and trying to force it into a particular narrative.

I am beginning to think that you and Yurt know that you won by sheer luck and are trying to find a way to give yourselves some semblance of the credit.

What you are doing now is the “you suck” narrative but in reverse. You are saying “we won. We played great”
Superfreak posted (post #955)

You are an idiot. It is not about leading people. It is about sharing your thoughts. You provide no insight. This entire game is about people sharing their ideas. It forces the wolves to do so. If you sit around going 'I see things guys, but I don't want to share just yet' it provides cover for the wolves to pull the same stupid shit.

My reply:

Then if you thought my comments were in error, when did you attempt to refute them or provide anything.

Don't blame me just because your ability to figure things out, hinges on what others tell you to think. :D

I stated during the game that your nonsense was not helpful to the village. There was nothing to refute. You simply said you had a lot of brilliant insights and then you refused to share them. Then you simply regurgitated voting history in one of the most convoluted ways possible.

You are a fucking horrid player. You do this shit every time.
One thing that I haven't seen anyone consider, unless I skimmed over it:

What if ILA wasn't the Seer and was just trying to stay alive longer?
(We've had it happen before - Now, who was that stunning player??)

Billy could have been a Wolf just agreeing with ILA, to throw the eyes of off himself.

Billy so readily agreeing with ILA, is what made me first think that they both might have been wolves; because the wolves know who the villagers are and therefore can "clear" them as peeks.

Once ILA was lynched and it was revealed that he was the Seer, it made me believe Billy was a villager and that he knew ILA was the Seer.

Of course next time, this now gives a wolf the perfect opportunity to pretend to be the one who knows who the seer was.

You dumbass, that is precisely what I stated as the reason Billy wasn't 'cleared' day one. You seriously trying to pass this off as your insight AFTER the game is over?
I stated during the game that your nonsense was not helpful to the village. There was nothing to refute. You simply said you had a lot of brilliant insights and then you refused to share them. Then you simply regurgitated voting history in one of the most convoluted ways possible.

You are a fucking horrid player. You do this shit every time.

I remember one of the games where we played with socks he did this same exact thing. I was a wolf then so I rather enjoyed watching him drive you batshit. Have to say that it isn’t so much fun being on the other side.

No way do I profess to be good at this game as I have only played five times, but I can’t for the life of me see how USF thinks what he did was helpful.

Seemed to cause lots of confusion and diverted attention away from the actual wolves.

Oh well to each their own. Won’t stop me from playing again
Do you really believe that what I did was a desire to stay alive one more day?

You can’t be serious.

Just accept you were unhelpful to the village. Don’t take my word for it. You have a track record of being unhelpful villager. It’s ok. I still like you

While I agree he was unhelpful to the village, you deliberately outing yourself was also a mistake that hurt the village.
You say that every game; but that's because I don't fit into the mold(s) that you so desperately need.

If I went back reviewed post game comments, from games in the past; it highly probable that you've said the same thing, no matter what or how badly you screw up. :D

How come you weren't able to reveal who the wolves were and then lead the village into eliminating them??

Yes, because you do the same stupid bullshit every time. You tell us how you are 'seeing things' but that you will 'share later'. It is moronic.
I didn't say he played "great"

I said his move was decent/pretty good given the specific circumstances/game setup/the fact that he was being wagoned, and many other reasons.

I have also said it was not optimal.

What I HAVE said pretty declaratively was that the move was certainly not "the worst ever." Anyone saying that is either ignorant or disingenuous.

I don't know what I have done here to earn your disrepect. I have presented my arguments pretty well fleshed out. If you don't want to agree with me at this point, then don't agree. But to suggest I am not arguing in good faith or that my arguments are meritless I think is just not in any way accurate.

Gonna vape some kief now. peace

You have not lost my respect and I don't believe you are not arguing in good faith.

What I don't understand is that you have wholly praised IHA with little or no critique. I don't believe you ever mentioned his petty personal feud with me and how that effected his game play. Like I said previously, I warned him that his selfish hatred was bad for the village. And yet he persisted and then the villagers saw him being aggressive and wolfish.

His actions alone caused the death of the Seer. And that was the primary cause of the village loss.

If you have addressed that, I didn't see it. If you haven't, why not.

Also, thank you for verifying I was telling the truth about the mod kill thread and that I did not vote to kill Jade.
You forgot SF's clearing Yurt as the village idiot. That was a critical error too. You're right no one mistake cost the village the game but poor team play did.

Yep. And then Billy bolstered that, and after that no one thought I was a wolf.

IHA is just a sore loser and he knows he screwed the village but is too selfish to admit it. He literally thinks he did not make any mistakes. It is all someone else's fault.
Yep. And then Billy bolstered that, and after that no one thought I was a wolf.

IHA is just a sore loser and he knows he screwed the village but is too selfish to admit it. He literally thinks he did not make any mistakes. It is all someone else's fault.

Yep... my agreeing with Billy on you being village idiot definitely hurt the village.
You have not lost my respect and I don't believe you are not arguing in good faith.

What I don't understand is that you have wholly praised IHA with little or no critique. I don't believe you ever mentioned his petty personal feud with me and how that effected his game play. Like I said previously, I warned him that his selfish hatred was bad for the village. And yet he persisted and then the villagers saw him being aggressive and wolfish.

His actions alone caused the death of the Seer. And that was the primary cause of the village loss.

If you have addressed that, I didn't see it. If you haven't, why not.

Also, thank you for verifying I was telling the truth about the mod kill thread and that I did not vote to kill Jade.

Because I have no “personal petty feud” with you. Hey try saying that three times fast

Personal petty feud
Personal petty feud
Personal petty feud

It only exists in your mind. Remember you reacted the same way to Jade in the last game when Jade voted for you for shits and giggles. For some reason you have this persecution complex that leads you to believe that EVERYTHING is fucking personal.

When did this so called personal petty feud begin?

What started it?

Up until we started playing Werewolf my interactions with you have been fairly minimal and inconsequential. Trust me I have no personal feud with you. As far as JPP goes you are largely irrelevant to me albeit extremely amusing.

Now if you want to argue that I was a lightning rod out of the gate in the game then I would agree 1000%. And could that have brought undo attention? Most definitely. If you will recall which I doubt you will, I was giving just as much shit to Tsuke on D1. But your narcissism combined with your persecution complex doesn’t allow you to see past your personal feelings.

I taunt you because I know I can get a response out of you. Especially in the game. I can tell you right now I am going to do fuck with you in the next game too. Not because of any personal animus towards you but because you are fun to fuck with.

If you want further proof that you are largely irrelevant to me, you and others will notice that aside from Werewolf related musings, I largely ignore you throughout the rest of JPP?

Now why do you think that is? Let me answer. Because you matter very little to me. Hate to break it to you.
I stated during the game that your nonsense was not helpful to the village. There was nothing to refute. You simply said you had a lot of brilliant insights and then you refused to share them. Then you simply regurgitated voting history in one of the most convoluted ways possible.

You are a fucking horrid player. You do this shit every time.

Are you saying that the way people vote, has no bearing on who they might be??
Yes, because you do the same stupid bullshit every time. You tell us how you are 'seeing things' but that you will 'share later'. It is moronic.

Did you bother to go back and review how Billy and ILA were interacting; because you didn't attempt to refute what I was saying, NOT EVEN ONCE?

So why weren't you more active in arguing the point?

Is it because you suck at your own analysis? :D
I stated during the game that your nonsense was not helpful to the village. There was nothing to refute. You simply said you had a lot of brilliant insights and then you refused to share them. Then you simply regurgitated voting history in one of the most convoluted ways possible.

You are a fucking horrid player. You do this shit every time.
I have to verify that your play did help us though not to the degree SF is implying. It did provide us the opportunity to cast suspicion upon you. That's about it.

Having said that, and I''ll spare you SF's hyperbole, is that you to tend to play only the last hour of the game. Now I know your location, work and family circumstances come into play there so I take that with a grain of salt and you're just fine as a player though greater participation would make you a more valuable team mate for sure.
I have to verify that your play did help us though not to the degree SF is implying. It did provide us the opportunity to cast suspicion upon you. That's about it.

Having said that, and I''ll spare you SF's hyperbole, is that you to tend to play only the last hour of the game. Now I know your location, work and family circumstances come into play there so I take that with a grain of salt and you're just fine as a player though greater participation would make you a more valuable team mate for sure.

How dumb are you Mutt? I didn't say it helped you. I said it did not help the village.
Did you bother to go back and review how Billy and ILA were interacting; because you didn't attempt to refute what I was saying, NOT EVEN ONCE?

So why weren't you more active in arguing the point?

Is it because you suck at your own analysis? :D

Again you fucking twit... you didn't SAY anything of merit.

Had you bothered to read anything in the actual thread, you would know what I stated about their interaction and why. But you were too busy 'seeing things' that you 'didn't want to change' so you 'would tell us later' (after it didn't matter)