The red is to indicate that I'm signing my name in blood.
The red is to indicate that I'm signing my name in blood.
If you still need a player I'm in. If not, that's cool.
I'm thinking about what I can do to annoy SF this round. I don't want to do the poem thing again. Any suggestions?
If you still need a player I'm in. If not, that's cool.
Ooooo Bravo? Good idea! With him in the game there's a 50:50 chance I won't get lynched in the first round.WHy don't you ask some new people? I guess Onceler has turned you guys down more times than you can count? What about poet? BGRN? Who else is here? Bravo?
I can't blame you. If I was a pussy from michigan I'd deny it too.I am not from Michigan you inbred sheep fucking Ohio bastard.
No it didn't. Hell I usually get wacked in the first or second round. I lasted till like the fourth or fifth round.The poem thing got you whacked last time. Wolf.
WHy don't you ask some new people? I guess Onceler has turned you guys down more times than you can count? What about poet? BGRN? Who else is here? Bravo?
I'm thinking about what I can do to annoy SF this round. I don't want to do the poem thing again. Any suggestions?
Also, prior to this game starting, make sure you have PLENTY OF ROOM FOR PMs. Especially if you are 3D. Because fuck, that makes this game difficult to keep secrets if I get a report that you can't receive PMs.
I know what I'll do to annoy SF! I'll declare war on vowels! N mr vwls! Wh nds thm nywys?
Ohhh...not bad! Since my great grandfather was a telegrapher I was thinking about translating all my comments into morse code.Hwo aobut mxinig up eevyr ohtre lteetr in teh wrosd
But that's only for the initial assignment and for the wolves to discuss strategy. The villagers shouldn't be talking to each other.
Since we have a large group of players are there going to be any special roles? I'd like to do the Hitman/Assasin or whatever the role was called when 3D popped a cap into Grind.![]()
Ohhh...not bad! Since my great grandfather was a telegrapher I was thinking about translating all my comments into morse code.
--- ..-. / -.-. --- ..- .-. ... . / .. .----. -- / -. --- - / .- / .-- --- .-.. ..-. (of course I'm not a wolf).
For those of you who don't believe the Freak is originally from michigan and moved to Colorado I have proof. Here's a picture of his car.
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