‘We’ve all broken the Ten Commandments’: Evangelical Christians on why they’re still backing Trump

Cry some more

Who's crying other than leftist loons like you? I'm pointing at you and laughing.

the nations, who will hear about all these decrees and say, “Surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people.”
compare that to what the nations will say about a "great nation" who ignores the rape and murder of 12 year olds........
Indeed, you finally found some truthiness. Trump's administration was full of corruption, greed, resignations, the deaths of over a million Americans due to downplaying a lethal pandemic, a recession (that predates said pandemic), tax cuts for the rich and shit for you and me, massive numbers of undocumented ppl crossing the borders, the rise of white supremacy and racism, misogyny, antisemitism, and copious butt-kissing of various despotic leaders who hate America.

You're describing Biden and the Democratic Party halfwit. Leftists are the most dishonest morons on the planet. :palm:

Biden's administration -- none of the above.


TD Projection translator :

I'm trolling NHB's thread because I can't stand anything negative being said about trump or his supporters like myself. I am truly a loser. :thumbsup:
Why did trump pay her $130,000 then ?

He didn't. In fact, Trump had nothing to do with it. It was all that serial liar Cohen's idea.

The judge and jury saw that trump did in fact pay her hush money and he committed fraud. You can pretend it didn't happen all you want. It won't change the facts.

Wrong. The judge instructed the jury that they could pick from a cornucopia of unproven crimes and that they didn't even have to all agree on which unproven crime it was.

Accounting entries made without intent are not crimes. In fact, they are even misdemeanors. In this case, one that had run out the Statute of limitations.

This will easily be overturned as there were numerous reversable errors. Of course, you, being a mentally unstable, low IQ moron can only parrot what you hear from MSNBC like a mindless lemming on steroids.