‘We’ve all broken the Ten Commandments’: Evangelical Christians on why they’re still backing Trump

Funny can't hear you laughing over the maga bitching and whining over a thread they dislike. Someone is laughing at you fools and having fun doing so, that's for sure.


IKR? Toxic has a long and stories history of coat-tailing lefty women on forums, and buddying up with virulent racists like Truth Defecator to mock and bully them. Ask Phan and Christiefan sometime about their experiences with the crazy skank.

More projection.
He didn't. In fact, Trump had nothing to do with it. It was all that serial liar Cohen's idea.

Wrong. The judge instructed the jury that they could pick from a cornucopia of unproven crimes and that they didn't even have to all agree on which unproven crime it was.

Accounting entries made without intent are not crimes. In fact, they are even misdemeanors. In this case, one that had run out the Statute of limitations.

This will easily be overturned as there were numerous reversable errors. Of course, you, being a mentally unstable, low IQ moron can only parrot what you hear from MSNBC like a mindless lemming on steroids.
Cohen's idea was to pay a random porn star $130,000 for nothing?

It is true. Every President has sinned and if sin were disqualifying in the eyes of Evangelicals, they would never get to vote.

What's "surprising" is how feverishly they support Trump. You'd think there would be a hint of nose-holding, on the part of Evangelicals, while supporting and voting for Trump, but it's the opposite.

Few will admit it out loud, but many evangelicals believe the God quite literally hand picked Trump. God carried Trump to a shocking underdog win in 2016 and would have put Trump back in the White House in 2020 if not for Dems stealing the election.
what's suprising about wanting to stop the various and sundry globalist stupidities?
Troll posts are troll posts...nothing more... There's not a thing wrong with pointing that out...
....who don't have a chance in hell of winning. So, you prefer to sit on the fence and let everyone else decide. Got it. ;)
Absolutely! I'm not giving my Presidential vote to either party until they stop nominating absolute garbage for candidates.