What can we do about disability and welfare fraud?

Maybe in TN they consider it safer if drivers like you push their bikes, then actually ride them; but you'ld have to ask, because I've never heard of such a stupid fucking test.
Or maybe in TN, they don't allow kickstands.

Do you now why you should never push a chain?

Are you sure your proclaimed disability is not mental, it appears to be mental the more you post.
But you've already shown that you have no integrity and your stupidity is nothing to be proud of.

Compared to you? I work even though I have severe back pain at times. Yeah I could be on disability and be a drain on society but no thanks, I can take the pain.

So lets discuss your stupidity and why you deserve to play while other work to carry your ass.
Compared to you? I work even though I have severe back pain at times. Yeah I could be on disability and be a drain on society but no thanks, I can take the pain.

So lets discuss your stupidity and why you deserve to play while other work to carry your ass.

Sure you do, you big ole viral man you. :awesome:
You impress me as one who would be searching for a lawyer, over a paper cut.
I have a sister who currently receives disability for her "bi-polar" condition. She is perfectly healthy, and able to work, she held a full-time job for over 20 years. Back when Oprah and other TV talk show hosts brought "bi-polar" to our attention, she went and had a quack doctor diagnose her as "bi-polar" and started her on meds. At first, her insurance covered her meds and all was fine, but as time went by, she continued to complain of her "condition" to every family member or anyone who would listen. Eventually, she had her quack doctor fill out the necessary forms, and she started drawing short-term disability, which evolved into long-term disability, and that is what she does today... sits at home watching Oprah, drawing a nice disability check for her "bi-polar" condition.

I now see people posting on their facebook pages everyday, about how these conditions are real and people shouldn't judge them or make mean comments because they are really sick and can't help it. I have to think our 'system' is paying for a LOT of these people to sit on their asses and complain, rather than to work and be productive members of society. I'm sorry if you think that makes me cruel or uncaring. I see babies in the hospital with terminal cancer, quadriplegic veterans who had their limbs blown off, elderly people suffering the indignity of Alzheimer's, and to me, those are the "disabled" people who need our assistance in society. Those with "bi-polar" or ADHD, or the ever-popular "chronic pain" need to take a fucking Tylenol and suck it up, Buttercup! I do not want or intend to pay for your FREE RIDE!

Considering the only pleasure your sister has in lfe is watching Oprah I hope you're thinking of getting her a new TV for Christmas. A really nice gift would be a 3-D set or maybe a less expensive high definition one with a year's cable paid.

Go for it, Dix. Show us you're not really the whiny, grumpy, shelfish, miserable guy you try to portray. :good4u:
Did I miss something?

USF is admitting to be a leech sucking off the gubmint tit?


Does he have an Obamaphone?
Not sure of the forum where you brought this from and since I'm unable to question the "original" poster; I'll ask you instead:

Why do you think that a person on a disability should have to survive on $20 per day?

Dixie is just being a meanie. :( They couldn't even get a couple of joints and pik-nik lunch for $20.00.
Poor baby, can't deal with pain so he can work but can put up with it on a fun day. Had you pegged all along. Thanks for proving most if not all my points.

Exactly which points of yours did he prove? I didn't see you try and make the point that anyone drawing disability should be bedridden, homebound and miserable.
When I took my test for my license in TN many years ago, one requirement was to push the bike in a perfect figure 8 to show you could maintain control of the bike if it would not run. If you failed during that procedure you failed the test. There is no way someone with a 10 lb weight restriction could do that with any Harley.

Oh, so now its not just motorcycles, but Harleys? lol

Once again, since you seem to be slow, there are plenty of reasons someone cannot lift more than 10 lbs. And some would not restrict them from pushing a motorcycle. Your apparently limited medical knowledge has already been established. Now you are trying to claim all disabilities with lifting limitations are the same?
You are the one that decided to go off because I have stated that I don't like to see guys that are supposedly disabled out riding motorcycles when the rest of us are working to support them and take up the slack.

And I laughed that you apparently don't have enough education to understand that there are plenty of disabilities that would not impair safe operation of a motorcycle.
Compared to you? I work even though I have severe back pain at times. Yeah I could be on disability and be a drain on society but no thanks, I can take the pain.

So lets discuss your stupidity and why you deserve to play while other work to carry your ass.

Well isn't that macho of you. So its pain that you can work thru? Then you do not have debilitating back pain, and would probablybe denied disability. Just to clarify, there are several kinds of back problems that continuing to work could cause more severe injury and even paraysis. But you could always brag to your wheelchair buddies that you kept working.

This idea that the nation has stopped working because so many are lazy or whatever is just so much drivel.
Why can't they work out of their home? Many sales people across the country do it. I know someone that has seizures and her employer supports her 100%.
Question, did she have the job before her seizures?
Or did she get the job after she started having seizures?