Today's America is two incompatible nations trying--with no success--to live within the same borders and under the same government.
Each side subscribes to ideology that has zero overlap with the ideology of the opposite side.
Neither side can make sufficient concessions to the other without completely abandoning the principles that allow its members to even live with themselves and sleep at night.
Whoever wins a presidential election, 49.75% of the electorate will viscerally hate the new president.
If the new president of either party does not have his/her own party in control of both legislative bodies, he/she can pass no legislation.
If the new president doesn't have his/her own party controlling the senate. he/she can get no appointments confirmed.
All governance is limited to what can be accomplished by executive orders, and a hostile SCOTUS can halt even that.
If the founders could have envisioned this, they'd have known that they were giving us a pig shit constitution in terms of form of government.
It seemed progressive at the time, but virtually EVERY newer democracy has more efficient government.
Even then, virtually none of those has as polarized a citizenry.
So tell me, those of you who preach unity,
How the hell do you unify this country?
You're not going to do it.
It's not possible to do.
Trying to do it is time better spent on more possible solutions.
PARTITION is the only one of them that needn't involve violence...
but violence remains on the table nonetheless.
Loving America too much to split it up is, in reality, hating it to the point of making it unlivable.
A split up is probably the only way to resolve our problems. Joe Biden will try to work things out the "we can all get along" way...but I doubt he will be successful.
We need to break the United States into AT LEAST three countries...with some kind of working agreement amongst them. (The danger is that we may end up like India and Pakistan.)
The West Coast has a natural constituency...just as does the Northern East Coast.
What may be needed, however, is a massive asteroid strike.
Democracy, strangely enough, may be the problem. Democracy leads to Libertarianism...and Libertarianism leads to anarchy and chaos.
We are seeing that play out...and have not evolved enough philosophically to deal with the problem reasonably.
As I suggested, what may be needed is a massive asteroid strike.