What genres of music suck the most?

The irony is I sit at home because I am usually not in a hurry and just mess on my phone for a minute. But I will argue strenuously about removing urinals from public facilities any day.

We're on the same page here. It gives me an excuse not to hear my wife bark orders for a while. And who wants to sit where some fat guy had his ass a minute before, or splashed all over the seat?

Any woman who claims that she wants a man in a women's public bathroom has never walked into a public men's room. There is an exceeding large population of men, probably a large majority, who have no concept of how to hit a close, large target without half of it ending up on the sides and floor. Urinals are cleaner but they still leak all over the floor underneath. It's fucking gross and why I don't wear shoes in the house.
The place I grew up in was so weird. It was a rural place in the middle of nowhere, but everyone listened to gangster rap. I hated country and rap, and later in high school I hated nu metal and post-grunge too, so you can guess how popular I was.
The place I grew up in was so weird. It was a rural place in the middle of nowhere, but everyone listened to gangster rap. I hated country and rap, and later in high school I hated nu metal and post-grunge too, so you can guess how popular I was.

Your choice in Music had nothing to do with your "popularity", Watermark.
The place I grew up in was so weird. It was a rural place in the middle of nowhere, but everyone listened to gangster rap. I hated country and rap, and later in high school I hated nu metal and post-grunge too, so you can guess how popular I was.

A classmate of mine at tech school on Keesler was from Nebraska, and uber white that his friends teased him about it. He liked gangsta rap.
The place I grew up in was so weird. It was a rural place in the middle of nowhere, but everyone listened to gangster rap. I hated country and rap, and later in high school I hated nu metal and post-grunge too, so you can guess how popular I was.
That and you poor. No one likes poor people.
All I really listen to probably 95% of the time is country music, both old and new, so it's my favorite, and if I had to pick a genre that I just don't like and can't get into it's probably rap/r&b. The other 5% of the time I may listen to pop/rock top 40 on the radio.
This thread is not about your favorite music. It's about music that blows chunks...like Country.
So you only like 'em store bought?
No I just like them, but a great pair of natural tits are far better. Taylor Swift was flat chested but appears to have resorted surgery to correct her natural deficiency.

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To piss off snowflakes, bottom feeders and racists
I know...I was really shocked. She hates rap too. When I grew up on a farm everyone liked Rap. Particularly the Holsteins.

I don't hate rap it's just not a type of music that I'm into. I like to sing along with the lyrics and you can't really do that with rap. Plus country is just easier to listen to when you're driving and more relatable in my opinion.
I don't hate rap it's just not a type of music that I'm into. I like to sing along with the lyrics and you can't really do that with rap. Plus country is just easier to listen to when you're driving and more relatable in my opinion.
Well Norah...as I said in the OP...what music isn't simpler than Country and as for being relatable well who can't relate to the underwhelming things in life? These are not the things great art is made from. I mean if your into rural Walmart mullet chic you might have a point but how many suburban bougies can relate to that?

As for Rap if you can't sing along you're either not listening or not trying. Eminem is awesome to sing along with. He has the beat and the rhythm, the motion.

By the way...you know who turned me on to Eminem? Mark Martin of all people.
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Well Norah...as I said in the OP...what music isn't simpler than Country and as for being relatable well who can't relate to the underwhelming things in life? These are not the things great art is made from. I mean if your into rural Walmart mullet chic you might have a point but how many suburban bougies can relate to that?

As for Rap if you can't sing along you're either not listening or not trying. Eminem is awesome to sing along with. He has the beat and the rhythm, the motion.

By the way...you know who turned me on to Eminem? Mark Martin of all people.

I've tried to listen to Eminem before and it's just not for me. You're welcome to listen to whatever makes you happy though.
I find it difficult to enter into all this 'hate' business that Americans so go in for, but the music I always switch off is Country and Western, because it seems so fake. If rap is music, I would probably do the same: mostly I just don't understand the accents, though, so who knows?
Well Norah...as I said in the OP...what music isn't simpler than Country and as for being relatable well who can't relate to the underwhelming things in life? These are not the things great art is made from. I mean if your into rural Walmart mullet chic you might have a point but how many suburban bougies can relate to that?

As for Rap if you can't sing along you're either not listening or not trying. Eminem is awesome to sing along with. He has the beat and the rhythm, the motion.

By the way...you know who turned me on to Eminem? Mark Martin of all people.

Rap is the definition of simple music.
Country isnt exactly symphonic but is more than thump thump thump.
Rap is the definition of simple music.
Country isnt exactly symphonic but is more than thump thump thump.
You obviously don't listen to Rap. It is structurally far more complex than Country and lyrically speaking...give me a break. Nothing is simpler than Country there. Granted Rap lacks something to be desired where melody is concerned but your comments show you not only don't lisen to Rap...you don't understand it...or even try too.