What Happened to all the nice guys?

Tiana you know what I’m starting to think? I’m starting to think that to certain guys here, “nice guy” is the same code as “she has a good personality”.

In other words; hot chicks are supposed to date ugly short guys because they think they’re so “nice” and they don’t like fat ugly girls either.

na you still don't quite have it. Beefy is strictly referring to women who are wondering what happened to all the nice guys. Wonder women like y'all who never went for that bad , rich, powerful and sexy guy routine just don't understand the pain of those who took that bait. I thought y'all were better at empathizing with each other than that.
Oh the other day my bf actually did give me a black eye, and I sat around thinking back to this nice guy I used to know, who used to sit right next to me, and I liked him as a friend, but I used him for emotional intimacy but wouldn’t have sex with him until he finally moved on and…I really regretted it and now me and my black eye are sad.
Personalize much?

And pretending you have never known a person like we describe only makes you seem dishonest. It is my experience that they are impossible to avoid. I feel sorry for them. It is sad.
Chap, didn’t you post your myspace or something once? Aren’t you really hot looking? If you are the one I am thinking of, then you are. So you won’t be able to really “get” many of these posts about the poor “nice guys”.

naa not there yet. Nice guys can be hot too. Keep trying
For those who claimed Beefy's post was crap, think back to high school (when we men were learning how to be men), and think about the popular guys who got the attention and more from women. Nice sweet guys? Or emotionally unavailable assholes?

I was a nice guy who learned (unfortunately). I see my oldest son going thru much of the same thing. Luckily he has not let society change who he is.

Good for him. No matter where the perspective is coming from, changing the kind of person you want to be and feel most real being for sex, friendship, money, gift showers or anything as trivial as one person not recipricating a relationship is a disastor of the soul.

I never had to change who I was with my hubby. I was some poor chick with average looks and a different way of seeing the world than the average person when I met this adonis who had shoulder length blonde hair that was so shiny it looked like tinsel a huge smile full of perfect teeth, bright blue eyes and ripped from head to toe from years of wrestling, football and swimming. I took one look at him and said "I am about to get my heart ripped to shreds" but this is going to be worth it.

Guess what? He was everything inside that I had told my self I would be alone for life if I couldnt find it. I told my self I would marry someone no matter how they looked if I could find the right person. (my boyfriend before him could prove that on the looks part, He was a fun and entertaining person when I met him but I later realized even the homely ones will cheat) As it turned out he is brilliant,very funny, down to earth, kind and as honest as the day is long. The other funny thing was he was never fooled by the world arround him to want other than what he really wanted. He wanted someone to join him in creative ways of looking at the world and someone who could surprize him with their perspective on the way the world spinned. I have always supplied that and much more to him as he has to me.

BTW my hubby also was a straight A student and a stoner as well as a ripped athlete. The stoners didnt know he was straight A. The striaght As didnt know he was a stoner and the jocks well they didnt think much about anything. I bet very few of any of them KNEW him.

Sorry ladies , no gift showers no ,"Oh your hair looks nice today,is that a new dress ?" Many times of "I was going to stop and get some flowers on the way home and forgot " on mothers day (he did come home with them this year I have to give him). When hes playing his favorite video game I still will get no answer or a terse one if I dont pay attention to which monster hes fighting before I ask. He still cant figure out there is a whites and colors baskets for dirty clothes. But you will find no two happier people when we get to hash out the worlds problems or just kinda getting goofy with some imagined situation and taking it seven ways to heaven.

Love what you love and who you love and the world be damned. Dont let this fucked up world tell you who and what makes you happy. I always told my son when he was growing up that all I wanted for him was to be a decent and a happy human being. Dont hurt others, Secure your future financially(cant be happy if you are too poor, Ive tried it and its not for 99.9 people) and then do what YOU love as much of the time as you can.
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I don't think this is whining. Certainly if a women was complaining that she couldn't find a decent man many of you who call this thread whining would be supportive of her problem. (or at least less antagonistic)

I think the idea presented is not so farfetched. I have seen a lot of women chase the "bad boy" types, and all the while be complaining that there are no nice guys.
I don't think this is whining. Certainly if a women was complaining that she couldn't find a decent man many of you who call this thread whining would be supportive of her problem. (or at least less antagonistic)

I think the idea presented is not so farfetched. I have seen a lot of women chase the "bad boy" types, and all the while be complaining that there are no nice guys.

Yeah whinning is the new word to say when you want someone to feel bad for sharing their pinion or feelings.

I have seen women do just what this story shows but I have also seen the nice guy pass up the nice girl to spend months clingging to the Very hot chick to try and get in.

None of it is really whinning its just us all failling about in life trying to find a life we want.
Meg's theory II

"Nice guys" are just alpha wanna be's. IMO most guys have the potential to be nice just as they have the potential to be total asses and arrogant pricks. The nice ones just tend to be the ones who could never pull off the arrogant alpha act for whatever reason...lacking "hotness", too shy, gay and hiding it, etc...

That being said, I think the arrogant alpha act is a scam too. Those guys tend to be that way for a reason, and it's usually not a good one.

"Nice guys" are just alpha wanna be's. IMO most guys have the potential to be nice just as they have the potential to be total asses and arrogant pricks. The nice ones just tend to be the ones who could never pull off the arrogant alpha act for whatever reason...lacking "hotness", too shy, gay and hiding it, etc...

That being said, I think the arrogant alpha act is a scam too. Those guys tend to be that way for a reason, and it's usually not a good one.


Very good :clap:

Its a total act to get in her pants. I think its a waste of time personally.
"Nice guys" are just alpha wanna be's. IMO most guys have the potential to be nice just as they have the potential to be total asses and arrogant pricks. The nice ones just tend to be the ones who could never pull off the arrogant alpha act for whatever reason...lacking "hotness", too shy, gay and hiding it, etc...

That being said, I think the arrogant alpha act is a scam too. Those guys tend to be that way for a reason, and it's usually not a good one.


I’d say this is a pretty good analysis. Every nice guy I’ve ever known has screwed over some girl in the past. My bf, who is a “nice guy” told me this one story, I swear to God I almost broke up with him. I was like, you did what? And he said, well you know, I was young and I was doing drugs at the time. I said, whatever, don’t ever tell me a story like that one again.
I’d say this is a pretty good analysis. Every nice guy I’ve ever known has screwed over some girl in the past. My bf, who is a “nice guy” told me this one story, I swear to God I almost broke up with him. I was like, you did what? And he said, well you know, I was young and I was doing drugs at the time. I said, whatever, don’t ever tell me a story like that one again.

So what did he do?
I’d say this is a pretty good analysis. Every nice guy I’ve ever known has screwed over some girl in the past. My bf, who is a “nice guy” told me this one story, I swear to God I almost broke up with him. I was like, you did what? And he said, well you know, I was young and I was doing drugs at the time. I said, whatever, don’t ever tell me a story like that one again.

every girl has her stories 2!
I’d say this is a pretty good analysis. Every nice guy I’ve ever known has screwed over some girl in the past. My bf, who is a “nice guy” told me this one story, I swear to God I almost broke up with him. I was like, you did what? And he said, well you know, I was young and I was doing drugs at the time. I said, whatever, don’t ever tell me a story like that one again.
Do tell! Inquiring minds what do know!
I’d say this is a pretty good analysis. Every nice guy I’ve ever known has screwed over some girl in the past. My bf, who is a “nice guy” told me this one story, I swear to God I almost broke up with him. I was like, you did what? And he said, well you know, I was young and I was doing drugs at the time. I said, whatever, don’t ever tell me a story like that one again.

One time I took this girl, Rhonda, to a street fair a couple towns over. We were on line for some ride or another when her friend comes up. Friend tells her about this really cute guy that she needs to meet over at the (whatever). She says OK, and leaves me standing in the line with her 12yr sister to go meet 'hottie boy.' I told little sister that it looked like she was my date for the evening. We had tons of fun. Of course, when it came time, I returned 12yr (unharmed) to her parent's home, alone.
One time I took this girl, Rhonda, to a street fair a couple towns over. We were on line for some ride or another when her friend comes up. Friend tells her about this really cute guy that she needs to meet over at the (whatever). She says OK, and leaves me standing in the line with her 12yr sister to go meet 'hottie boy.' I told little sister that it looked like she was my date for the evening. We had tons of fun. Of course, when it came time, I returned 12yr (unharmed) to her parent's home, alone.

But are these things happening when you guys are teenagers? It sounds like it to me Trog. I don’t equate that with grown men and women.