What Happened to all the nice guys?

Wow now that would make one hell of a movie.

Get to writting the scrip and make a bundle off it.

But seriously that is some crazy stuff. Was the sister in law your brothers wife?

That would be awesome material for a script. Two brothers left by their wives for each other. Two brothers healing and figuring out how and why it happened to them. A great vehicle for a "sideways" type movie.

Not so much a movie as an episode of Jerry Springer. No, the sister-in-law was my sister's partner. My sister is gay and her partner of 9 years is now my ex-wife's partner.

Our relationship is very civil. We had three wonderful kids and made sure they didn't lose a parent or get involved in any bickering. My current wife and I have spent the night several times around the holidays. We do xmas and thanksgiving together, but I live 150 miles away. Last December I found out her insurance company had not paid for her car repairs after an accident last summer. We loaned her our spare car.

Yeah, I think I qualify as a nice guy. lmao
Actually Grind, I know a very attractive 22 year old. But I would not be comfortable in recommending my daughter to anyone without pointing out her Dad is a bit nuts when it comes to his "baby girl". Crazy gun-toting dads tend to make dating difficult. lol

Especially those dorks hold the door for you and notice when you change your hair. Such a turn off.

The worst is when you get randomly showered with gifts. Don't guys know women hate that $hti?

LOL man. Holding the door feels awkward for me. I certainly noticed when she'd change her hair, but I wouldn't go right out and say it, cus that would be fucking creepy.
Tiana you know what I’m starting to think? I’m starting to think that to certain guys here, “nice guy” is the same code as “she has a good personality”.

In other words; hot chicks are supposed to date ugly short guys because they think they’re so “nice” and they don’t like fat ugly girls either.

Well this reminds me of a chapter from "Don Quixote".

Which is probably why I'm still a virgin.
Not so much a movie as an episode of Jerry Springer. No, the sister-in-law was my sister's partner. My sister is gay and her partner of 9 years is now my ex-wife's partner.

Our relationship is very civil. We had three wonderful kids and made sure they didn't lose a parent or get involved in any bickering. My current wife and I have spent the night several times around the holidays. We do xmas and thanksgiving together, but I live 150 miles away. Last December I found out her insurance company had not paid for her car repairs after an accident last summer. We loaned her our spare car.

Yeah, I think I qualify as a nice guy. lmao

What a great deal for the kids to see all the cooperation and adult behavior.

I Im going to steal this idea of the two brothers and I think I will make it so the reason is their mother was a Bisexual or gay woman who entered a hetrosexual marriage because of the times social norms. They found themselfs looking for a girl just like Mom because she was Great but pretended to be hetro. A how the lies society makes us confrom to leads to chaos type of thing. One brother it can be painfully obvious that his "wife" is butch and the other can be the one no one knew was bi or gay just like Mom.

Hope you dont mind but I think Ill play with the idea.
What a great deal for the kids to see all the cooperation and adult behavior.

I Im going to steal this idea of the two brothers and I think I will make it so the reason is their mother was a Bisexual or gay woman who entered a hetrosexual marriage because of the times social norms. They found themselfs looking for a girl just like Mom because she was Great but pretended to be hetro. A how the lies society makes us confrom to leads to chaos type of thing. One brother it can be painfully obvious that his "wife" is butch and the other can be the one no one knew was bi or gay just like Mom.

Hope you dont mind but I think Ill play with the idea.

Have fun with it. If you get the book published send me a copy. And if you get a movie deal, tell'em you know a guy who would be PERFECT for the role of the brother with the wife that no one knew was bi or gay.

I have thought of trying to write something pertaining to this saga. For one thing because its fairly untouched ground. For another, it works as great anecdotal evidence against the "gay parents ruin kids" nonsense from the religious right. Since all three of our kids graduated from high school with honors (one with a 4.26GPA), and two have already graduated from college (one summa cum laude with a degree in Aeronautical Engineering) And none had any disciplinary problems in school.

*don't let me get started on my kids - there is only so much bandwidth allowed for this site*
na you still don't quite have it. Beefy is strictly referring to women who are wondering what happened to all the nice guys. Wonder women like y'all who never went for that bad , rich, powerful and sexy guy routine just don't understand the pain of those who took that bait. I thought y'all were better at empathizing with each other than that.

The post wasn't about women looking for nice guys.

The post was a bitter rant by some dude who can't understand why some gal wouldn't sleep with him, because he was so extrodinarily "nice and devoted" to her. It's about him. It's about his problems. Its not about women.

Pathetic. One of the first danger signs for a woman, is the guy that puts her on a pedestal, and professes that he will forever be kind, caring, and devoted to her forever. Putting her on a pedestal is a fantasy that she will never be able to live up to. It's not realistic. It's not normal. It's a red flag for most normal women who have their sh*t together. Often, it's a warning sign of a compulsive obsessive personality; even a stalker freak.

You don't have to put a woman on a pedestal to be a nice guy. I think most people understand this. This psycho who wrote this article doesn't get it. The fact that he was whining that she didn't reciprocate with sex, for all his compassion and friendship, tells me that this dude is a sociopath. What a loser!
I find it interesting that the needy guy glomming onto some hot chick who treats him like crap and uses him for emotional toilet paper is the one that is defined as the "nice guy".
Pathetic. One of the first danger signs for a woman, is the guy that puts her on a pedestal, and professes that he will forever be kind, caring, and devoted to her forever. Putting her on a pedestal is a fantasy that she will never be able to live up to. It's not realistic. It's not normal. It's a red flag for most normal women who have their sh*t together. Often, it's a warning sign of a compulsive obsessive personality; even a stalker freak.

I actually agree with this.
I actually agree with this.

So do I. I want to be appreciated for who I am, "warts and all", not someone's fantasy concept. That's unrealistic and spooky.

I think that one important aspect of a successful relationship is never to try to fit the other person into some ideal mold, but to remember, always, that you are two different individuals, and to respect and appreciate that. Oh, yeah, and to put up with the "warts" on occasion, too. It works for us, anyway.
I think that from this I can safely make two hypothsesis's:

1. Libertarians were the nerds you didn't fuck in high school.

2. Conservatives were the idiots you didn't fuck in high school.