You haven't defined The Problem. Insult whole populations is not going to get you anywhere. Using buzzwords like 'fact' when you don't know what it means doesn't help you either.
1) I defined EXACTLY what the problem is.
And you honestly cannot see that? are less intelligent than I thought.
A LOT less.
And/or - you let your emotions cloud your judgement.
2) if you do not know that poor people historically score much lower on IQ tests?
Than you are pretty ignorant on this subject.
It's common knowledge.
3) and clearly I struck a nerve.
I suspect you either fear you are below average IQ and/or you/your family are poor and resent anyone insinuating that poor people are generally stupid.
I notice that whenever you are bothered about something - but have no data to back up your point - you resort to your nonsensical 'blah fallacy' nonsense. And vague ad hominem's.
And a little advice...telling someone they do not know what a common word means - when you have zero, unbiased, factual evidence to back it up - just makes you look ridiculous.
It is IMPOSSIBLE for you to be able to accurately make that statement.
Yet - you made it anyway.
And in a matter of fact manner to boot.
Which makes you look even worse in that regard.
I truly believe you think (hope?) you are more intelligent than you really are.
And you use deflection, erroneous word usage and ad hominem's to try and cover up that (apparent) fact.
Maybe it works on stupid people you are used to.
But it generally does not work on people of higher intelligence/education (I suspect).
To me?
It just looks you are trying to prove to the world you are more intelligent than you are.
Anyway, since you are clearly triggered and making little sense (your original response to me was pure gobbledygook - I wonder if you realize that.).
I am not wasting any more time on you on this.
We are done here and I will not read your undoubtedly long, 6 trillion quotes response.
So why did I type such a long response?
Because you are trying to act like a bully to cover your obvious feelings of inadequacy.
And I like to put bullies in their place.
It's my thing.
Have a nice day.