What if everyone voted? The case for 100 percent democracy.

There is no Immigration clause in our federal Constitution. We should have no illegal problem nor any illegal underclass because all foreign nationals in the US should be known to the general Government and federally identified for civil purposes.

In Article I, $8 of the Constitution of the United States: "To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization, ..."
In Article II, $2: He shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur;..."

The borders of the various States also form a border adjacent to other nations. Those borders are defended by the United States. Any treaty concerning immigration with said nation may be created and confirmed by the United States.

Any foreign national that happens to ignore such treaties and enter the United States illegally is a problem. It is criminal. The United States government or the State government is within their perfect right to deal with such as an invasion, and to repel such invasion by force.
If you truly believed this, you would have done something about it other than egg the insurrection on from behind the shadow of anonymity JPP provides.

Unless you are just a coward.

Are you?

There was no insurrection on Jan 6th. The insurrection was by Democrats by conducting a silent coup and installing Biden as Chief Puppet.
You can't lay your problems on anyone else, dude.
Universal voting takes seriously the Declaration of Independence’s insistence that government is legitimate only when it is based on the “consent of the governed.” The Founders did not say “some of the governed” (even 66.8 percent). Including everyone in our system of government would live up to the promise made at the birth of our republic. Universal voting would tear down barriers and elevate our civic obligations.

More than two dozen democratic countries have versions of compulsory participation. One of the most successful models is Australia’s. The United States adopted the secret ballot after Australia tried it first. We should do the same with universal voting.


If that happened in my life time, you'd wouldn't see a GOP/conservative majority in the 3 branches of gov't for a LONG time!
Everything I typed in this thread on this is a fact.
Learn what 'fact' means. Buzzword fallacy.
If it offends people?
Guess how much I care?
Apparently not at all.
Everything I stated about these idiots is true.
Poor people tend to be stupider/less intelligent.
Not a fact. Bigotry.
Stupid people are easier to con and they do not understand important political ideas.
Nor are they generally capable of deducing complex issues.
They should NOT be allowed to vote.
So you want to discard the Constitution of the United States and the various State constitutions. Gotit.
Especially considering there are FAR more stupid people than smart people.

What is your exact solution then, Benjamin Washington Jefferson?
Let me guess?
Change nothing.
You haven't defined The Problem. Insult whole populations is not going to get you anywhere. Using buzzwords like 'fact' when you don't know what it means doesn't help you either.
Fuck that!!!

There is no fucking way I am voting for a candidate unless they are up to the job and ALL of their major, policy positions merge with mine.
And considering 99.9% of all politicians I have been able to vote for were useless pieces of human excrement (no matter their party affiliation), IMO?
That means I would be forced to vote for a candidate whom I think will do FAR more harm than good.

AND even if I am given the option of 'not voting for any candidate'?
How dare the assholes in government, FORCE me to do so.

Again...FUCK THAT!!!

Vote 3rd party. Vote for Mickey Mouse. You are Trumpy, so you almost did that.
You haven't defined The Problem. Insult whole populations is not going to get you anywhere. Using buzzwords like 'fact' when you don't know what it means doesn't help you either.


1) I defined EXACTLY what the problem is.
And you honestly cannot see that?
Wow...you are less intelligent than I thought.
A LOT less.
And/or - you let your emotions cloud your judgement.

2) if you do not know that poor people historically score much lower on IQ tests?
Than you are pretty ignorant on this subject.
It's common knowledge.

3) and clearly I struck a nerve.
I suspect you either fear you are below average IQ and/or you/your family are poor and resent anyone insinuating that poor people are generally stupid.

I notice that whenever you are bothered about something - but have no data to back up your point - you resort to your nonsensical 'blah fallacy' nonsense. And vague ad hominem's.

And a little advice...telling someone they do not know what a common word means - when you have zero, unbiased, factual evidence to back it up - just makes you look ridiculous.
It is IMPOSSIBLE for you to be able to accurately make that statement.
Yet - you made it anyway.
And in a matter of fact manner to boot.
Which makes you look even worse in that regard.

I truly believe you think (hope?) you are more intelligent than you really are.
And you use deflection, erroneous word usage and ad hominem's to try and cover up that (apparent) fact.
Maybe it works on stupid people you are used to.
But it generally does not work on people of higher intelligence/education (I suspect).
To me?
It just looks silly...like you are trying to prove to the world you are more intelligent than you are.

Anyway, since you are clearly triggered and making little sense (your original response to me was pure gobbledygook - I wonder if you realize that.).
I am not wasting any more time on you on this.
We are done here and I will not read your undoubtedly long, 6 trillion quotes response.

So why did I type such a long response?
Because you are trying to act like a bully to cover your obvious feelings of inadequacy.
And I like to put bullies in their place.
It's my thing.

Have a nice day.
Vote 3rd party. Vote for Mickey Mouse. You are Trumpy, so you almost did that.

You just lied.
I never said I supported Trump as POTUS in ANY WAY.
Yet you said I did (in essence)...a flat out lie.

So, you are a liar...good to know.

Well, I try not to waste too much time with liars.

So...bye now.
You just lied.
I never said I supported Trump as POTUS in ANY WAY.
Yet you said I did (in essence)...a flat out lie.

So, you are a liar...good to know.

Well, I try not to waste too much time with liars.

So...bye now.

You lied about my positions and statements several times in the past day or so.

1) I defined EXACTLY what the problem is.
And you honestly cannot see that?
Void argument. You never defined The Problem.
Wow...you are less intelligent than I thought.
A LOT less.
And/or - you let your emotions cloud your judgement.
2) if you do not know that poor people historically score much lower on IQ tests?
Than you are pretty ignorant on this subject.
It's common knowledge.
You don't get to speak for everyone. You only get to speak for you. Omniscience fallacy.
3) and clearly I struck a nerve.
I suspect you either fear you are below average IQ and/or you/your family are poor and resent anyone insinuating that poor people are generally stupid.

I notice that whenever you are bothered about something - but have no data to back up your point - you resort to your nonsensical 'blah fallacy' nonsense. And vague ad hominem's.

And a little advice...telling someone they do not know what a common word means - when you have zero, unbiased, factual evidence to back it up - just makes you look ridiculous.
Learn what 'fact' means. Buzzword fallacy. Insult fallacies.
It is IMPOSSIBLE for you to be able to accurately make that statement.
Yet - you made it anyway.
And in a matter of fact manner to boot.
Which makes you look even worse in that regard.

I truly believe you think (hope?) you are more intelligent than you really are.
And you use deflection, erroneous word usage and ad hominem's to try and cover up that (apparent) fact.
Maybe it works on stupid people you are used to.
But it generally does not work on people of higher intelligence/education (I suspect).
To me?
It just looks silly...like you are trying to prove to the world you are more intelligent than you are.

Anyway, since you are clearly triggered and making little sense (your original response to me was pure gobbledygook - I wonder if you realize that.).
I am not wasting any more time on you on this.
We are done here and I will not read your undoubtedly long, 6 trillion quotes response.

So why did I type such a long response?
Because you are trying to act like a bully to cover your obvious feelings of inadequacy.
And I like to put bullies in their place.
It's my thing.

Have a nice day.

Insult fallacies. Trolling. Bigotry. No argument presented.
There was no insurrection on Jan 6th. The insurrection was by Democrats by conducting a silent coup and installing Biden as Chief Puppet.
You can't lay your problems on anyone else, dude.

Have you any idea how stupid statements like that make you look? You are wrong dudette.
You just lied.
I never said I supported Trump as POTUS in ANY WAY.
Yet you said I did (in essence)...a flat out lie.

So, you are a liar...good to know.

Well, I try not to waste too much time with liars.

So...bye now.

Lied? You are a Trumpy. That we know. Whether you were too lazy to vote is unknown.
Fuck that!!!

There is no fucking way I am voting for a candidate unless they are up to the job and ALL of their major, policy positions merge with mine.
And considering 99.9% of all politicians I have been able to vote for were useless pieces of human excrement (no matter their party affiliation), IMO?
That means I would be forced to vote for a candidate whom I think will do FAR more harm than good.

AND even if I am given the option of 'not voting for any candidate'?
How dare the assholes in government, FORCE me to do so.

Again...FUCK THAT!!!

Short sighted opinion. You could always cast a protest write-in vote for yourself.

American don't like to be required to do anything.
They want to go about their lives as if each person owned his/her own planet and can do whatever he/she wants?

They perverted concept of freedom is more important than living well to them.

America has a character problem.
For example, we can invade some Middle Eastern shithole country, or even Vietnam, to enrich our corporate war profiteers,
but when Russia invades an actual, civilized European country, we sit on our hands like cowards.

We didn't even interfere in World War II until the Axis Powers declared war on us.
Superpower my ass.
Short sighted opinion. You could always cast a protest write-in vote for yourself.

American don't like to be required to do anything.
They want to go about their lives as if each person owned his/her own planet and can do whatever he/she wants?

They perverted concept of freedom is more important than living well to them.

America has a character problem.
For example, we can invade some Middle Eastern shithole country, or even Vietnam, to enrich our corporate war profiteers,
but when Russia invades an actual, civilized European country, we sit on our hands like cowards.

We didn't even interfere in World War II until the Axis Powers declared war on us.
Superpower my ass.

Discard of the Constitution of the United States and the constitutions of the various States. Denial of history.
I forgot about Milquetoast Macaw. He's still around?
I can't read his posts, though.
One assumes that they're the same as always.
"Freedom of not choosing" in this context is merely an excuse to be lazy and disengaged.

You want to have all the benefits of heaping scorn on both sides without the responsibility of having to do anything to earn it.

I think you're afraid that if there's 100% voter turnout, you'll end up even more marginalized and isolated than you already are.

I think it would be a huge wakeup call because you wouldn't be able to posture that there is some "Silent majority" that agrees with you on things like this.
WTF are you whining about now? I vote every election...........Every state and local election...........I am active in grassroots activism...........hell, I started the open carry movement in TX in 2008...........

I think you're quite daft and mentally irregular