What makes unalienable rights “unalienable?”

I find it strange that leftists use the example of a mere 4 prominent founders to paint the entire founding of the US as being Secular Humanist in nature.

History is just an ILLUSION....until its revised with left wing propaganda. LMAO. Reality: The Unites States of America came from the fact that PEOPLE were fleeing Europe in search of Religious Freedom, as evidenced in history actual. The United States was the first nation on earth to be founded by "PROTESTANTS"......The US was founded upon the principle of religious freedom, the peoples transcending right to worship how they wished, not how the state mandated. Today, there are over 900 different types of religion being worshiped freely in the United States, ranging from Christianity to Islam to Buddhism, Hinduism, even to the worshiping of the GREAT SPIRIT by native Americans...etc., In fact the very first amendment to the US CONSTITUION guarantees FREEDOM of RELIGION not freedom from religion.

In fact the Constitution makes it unambiguously clear with Article Vl of the 1st amendment...."No religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to hold office...…."

Preceding the US Constitution there was a history of many legal compact agreements among THE PEOPLE that founded the United States of America. The first legal governing compact was the MAYFLOWER COMPACT that was drafted to govern the original PROTESTANTS fleeing religious persecution.

History Actual points to the fact that William Blackstone and his "Commentaries on the Laws of England"......influenced the US system of legal jurisprudence more than any other legal ideology. Blackstone mirrored his government principles from the Judeo/Christian philosophy that can be easily seen first and foremost in constituting a SEPERATION OF POWERS in 3 distinct bodies of government. Established via text found in the Holy Scriptures.

Its very easy to document the historical fact that Blackstone influenced the founding principles of the United States of America.....its just as easy to document that Blackstone was influenced by the Holy Scriptures in writing his "Commentaries on the Laws of England".....that the authors of the Untied States Constitution used as a reference in formatting the US system of Checks and Balances in order to curtail human corruption.

Simply read the history of William Blackstone and you will find the idea of the American Justice System and its oversight protections...that include a separation of powers. https://www.blackstoneinstitute.org/_oldsite/sirwilliamblackstone.html
I find it strange that leftists use the example of a mere 4 prominent founders to paint the entire founding of the US as being Secular Humanist in nature.

History is just an ILLUSION....until its revised with left wing propaganda. LMAO. Reality: The Unites States of America came from the fact that PEOPLE were fleeing Europe in search of Religious Freedom, as evidenced in history actual. The United States was the first nation on earth to be founded by "PROTESTANTS"......The US was founded upon the principle of religious freedom, the peoples transcending right to worship how they wished, not how the state mandated. Today, there are over 900 different types of religion being worshiped freely in the United States, ranging from Christianity to Islam to Buddhism, Hinduism, even to the worshiping of the GREAT SPIRIT by native Americans...etc., In fact the very first amendment to the US CONSTITUION guarantees FREEDOM of RELIGION not freedom from religion.

In fact the Constitution makes it unambiguously clear with Article Vl of the 1st amendment...."No religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to hold office...…."

Preceding the US Constitution there was a history of many legal compact agreements among THE PEOPLE that founded the United States of America. The first legal governing compact was the MAYFLOWER COMPACT that was drafted to govern the original PROTESTANTS fleeing religious persecution.

History Actual points to the fact that William Blackstone and his "Commentaries on the Laws of England"......influenced the US system of legal jurisprudence more than any other legal ideology. Blackstone mirrored his government principles from the Judeo/Christian philosophy that can be easily seen first and foremost in constituting a SEPERATION OF POWERS in 3 distinct bodies of government. Established via text found in the Holy Scriptures.

Its very easy to document the historical fact that Blackstone influenced the founding principles of the United States of America.....its just as easy to document that Blackstone was influenced by the Holy Scriptures in writing his "Commentaries on the Laws of England".....that the authors of the Untied States Constitution used as a reference in formatting the US system of Checks and Balances in order to curtail human corruption.

Simply read the history of William Blackstone and you will find the idea of the American Justice System and its oversight protections...that include a separation of powers. https://www.blackstoneinstitute.org/_oldsite/sirwilliamblackstone.html

It is not "secular humanist," but as you noted, "freedom of religion," or no religion if desired, and "not how the state mandated," separation of church and state
Not at all, only for insurgency and revolution.

If you are an organicist of COTUS, the DoI does not count. If you are a living document kind of guy, then the DoI does not count.
TAUGHT..........taught from what? from who? My parents didn't go to church, and I only went for a few months, but I know right from wrong............and it wasn't learned from a church that had a pedophile as it's pastor

Perhaps your parents should have considered abortion? So you weren't taught right from wrong? You were born with that knowledge. STFU dumbass. :laugh:

the founders have many statements about the rights of the people and that there is no 'list' of them............
the constitution is a legal document that provides the framework of the federal government. end of story.

Blah, blah, blah, blah.....I get it. You hate facts. :laugh:
we're all still waiting for you to produce ANY historical documentation that exposes Madisons collusion that has him saying 'fucked ya' to the people at large during ratification

That was Jefferson, cockbite.

BTW, Madison’s BofR was nothing more than a political tool to get him elected. Nothing special.

Leftist believe Men are the universe's "HIGHEST" power, right? That's why leftist should never, ever control the seats of any governance anywhere. They have zero principles, conscience or integrity, they're simply power lusting tyrants!

When has God ever stepped in to protect anyone's rights? Righties should never, ever control the seats of any governance anywhere. They have no connection to reality and their only immutable principle is greed.

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I think you ask a very good question.

It is only guaranteed by a national agreement as in the founding, that humankind is endowed/guaranteed with individual unalienable rights by a power higher than themselves. Name that power, the “creator” or by any other name the power is “JUSTICE.” Only as long as the nation’s majority believe that, does the nation have the possibility of justice & liberty, otherwise, Other Men in governing power will own our lives, our property, our liberty & deny our pursuit of happiness.

IOW, your higher power is completely imaginary and has no actual power.

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Then you know where it comes from, right? Can you let us in on your secret?

Yes! Let’s talk about “WHO” guarantees them!

I contend unalienable rights are guaranteed by a power of “right” & “wrong” higher than any mental ability inherent in humankind. I contend that the founders in majority accepted & agreed on that concept/principle. I believe & find evidence that America is & was founded on the proposition that “all men are created equal & endowed by their “CREATOR” with “CERTAIN” unalienable rights.” If you know differently, I’m interested.
Words. No God has ever enforced your "guarantee". That's always been up to us fallible humans.

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ONLY men & women can deny your rights, proving humans have no inherent justice in their souls! Individual rights are unalienable. Mankind is endowed by their "CREATOR" by certain unalienable rights. Our founders believed and agreed, I'll set my position with those founding geniuses & leave human justice to the fools!
Yet there are many countries where those rights do not exist. Where is the guarantor of those rights?

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