I find it strange that leftists use the example of a mere 4 prominent founders to paint the entire founding of the US as being Secular Humanist in nature.
History is just an ILLUSION....until its revised with left wing propaganda. LMAO. Reality: The Unites States of America came from the fact that PEOPLE were fleeing Europe in search of Religious Freedom, as evidenced in history actual. The United States was the first nation on earth to be founded by "PROTESTANTS"......The US was founded upon the principle of religious freedom, the peoples transcending right to worship how they wished, not how the state mandated. Today, there are over 900 different types of religion being worshiped freely in the United States, ranging from Christianity to Islam to Buddhism, Hinduism, even to the worshiping of the GREAT SPIRIT by native Americans...etc., In fact the very first amendment to the US CONSTITUION guarantees FREEDOM of RELIGION not freedom from religion.
In fact the Constitution makes it unambiguously clear with Article Vl of the 1st amendment...."No religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to hold office...…."
Preceding the US Constitution there was a history of many legal compact agreements among THE PEOPLE that founded the United States of America. The first legal governing compact was the MAYFLOWER COMPACT that was drafted to govern the original PROTESTANTS fleeing religious persecution.
History Actual points to the fact that William Blackstone and his "Commentaries on the Laws of England"......influenced the US system of legal jurisprudence more than any other legal ideology. Blackstone mirrored his government principles from the Judeo/Christian philosophy that can be easily seen first and foremost in constituting a SEPERATION OF POWERS in 3 distinct bodies of government. Established via text found in the Holy Scriptures.
Its very easy to document the historical fact that Blackstone influenced the founding principles of the United States of America.....its just as easy to document that Blackstone was influenced by the Holy Scriptures in writing his "Commentaries on the Laws of England".....that the authors of the Untied States Constitution used as a reference in formatting the US system of Checks and Balances in order to curtail human corruption.
Simply read the history of William Blackstone and you will find the idea of the American Justice System and its oversight protections...that include a separation of powers. https://www.blackstoneinstitute.org/_oldsite/sirwilliamblackstone.html