The government can take away our rights. Thankfully, we have elections, so we have a say. But ultimately it's the government that decides what's legal or illegal.
when did we do away with juries of our peers????
The government can take away our rights. Thankfully, we have elections, so we have a say. But ultimately it's the government that decides what's legal or illegal.
Perhaps your parents should have considered abortion? So you weren't taught right from wrong? You were born with that knowledge. STFU dumbass.![]()
Blah, blah, blah, blah.....I get it. You hate facts.![]()
There are no guarantees in life. That is naive and stupid.
so now you're saying that jefferson wrote the constitution???? how fucking stupid can you be?That was Jefferson, cockbite.
provide a citation for this, you stupid fucking moron. you must have skipped history your entire grade school education..BTW, Madison’s BofR was nothing more than a political tool to get him elected. Nothing special.
then how can you say that our rights are guaranteed?????? did you start drinking early today?
Probably not, so why waste any time w/ him??
when did we do away with juries of our peers????
so now you're saying that jefferson wrote the constitution???? how fucking stupid can you be?
provide a citation for this, you stupid fucking moron. you must have skipped history your entire grade school education..
when did we do away with juries of our peers????
So you are telling us the Founding Fathers, a good number who were deists and agnostics, and who went out of their way to purposely separate Church and State, equated your 21st Century image of God with their understanding of "Creator?"
I do believe they are referring to Locke here and his concept of natural rights, Platonic concepts existing in nature before and after man, notice they didn't specify God, rather "Creator," never implying the two were the same
Your whole narrative leads to a Christian understanding of God, which from there you applied to justify a quasi theocratic state, the exact thing the Founding Fathers wanted to avoid
So then it is the will of the ppl that fulfill/backup the guarantee? Not the "Creator" or government?
again, the constitution is nothing more than a legal document that provides the framework and powers/responsibilities of the newly created federal government
the courts are not made from God, nor do they represent God. they are administered by man and judged by man
so when an innocent person is convicted in a court of God, he was on lunch break????
so if man/woman/men/women can deny rights, they are also the only guarantor of those rights as well, thus we have a jury of our peers
True, which is why rights aren't unalienable. They can be taken away.
Like Benjamin Franklin said, America is "a Republic.... if you can keep it."
What makes unalienable rights “unalienable?”
“We hold these truths to be self evident, that all Men are created equal and endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, and among these rights are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”
The second paragraph of our Declaration Of Independence says it all. It reminds us all that without a “creator” there is no such thing as unalienable rights. Thus, our entire concept of rights being incapable of being taken away is only secured by a belief in a creator of all Men, as all members of the human race without regard for sex. It was those words that ended slavery and incorporated “All Men” into the concept of unalienable rights without regard for race or creed, but the concept of a creator is in and of itself unalienable to have the unalienable power to guarantee unalienable rights to all Men. Otherwise, all Men would have to rely on human government for any guarantee of any rights, an exercise in futility to say the least.
Thus, to deny the “creator” is to deny any logical concept of unalienable rights. Think about that before you vote. Who among our politicians holds the concept of a creator as being a self evident truth? Who among our politicians holds the concept of all Men being created equal as an endowment of our creator? Who among our politicians holds America’s founding principles as “truths.” Who are the real traditional Americans? Who are America’s true patriots? If we know our history, we know the answers to all of those questions.
When has God ever stepped in to protect anyone's rights?