What Song Are You Listening To, Right Now?

I think that people's ire might be better directed at the European Parliament's disgusting waste of money. To satisfy France's megalomania, 4,000 staff are shipped from Brussels to Strasbourg for one week in every month. The opportunities for fraud and graft are legendary, yet little is said about it. They also only have to sign in to claim their daily expenses, there is nothing to stop them pissing off for the rest of the day. Neil Kinnock to his eternal shame sacked the woman whistle blower who alerted the media to the Spanish Practices that are rife in Brussels.

I'm not convinced that the public aren't already well aware of the massive abuse of the European Parliament system and amongst the Commission itself.
That's one reason why the majority of the country, myself included, have a rather negative view of the EU.

Moreover, i can't agree that the public should just focus on some worse abuse over there. To our shame the UK voter has little power to effect any degree of change in Brussels directly. The only way change will be brought about is at the Ministerial level in the Council of Ministers (and even that's a long shot). If the UK government officials we send to negotiate with our European counterparts are content to bleed the Parliamentary expenses system then why would they feel inclined to jump on their EU funded charger and set off crusading in Strasbourg?

The public anger over MP's expenses claims here can have a direct effect in terms of Constituency panels deselecting egregious offenders, public anger forcing them to step down or kicking them out at the next election.
Lucky - Jason Mraz & Colbie Caillat

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9iraoHE6JlY"]YouTube - Lucky - Jason Mraz feat Colbie Caillat (HQ) Official Music Video[/ame]
I believe that most people are apathetic about the EU and are seemingly unaware that over 70% of laws now come from Brussels. Did you know, for instance that the landfill tax will be going up to £48 per tonne by 2010? This is why so many councils are trying to implement fortnightly collections and chipping the dustbins to prepare for paying by weight. The European Parliament, only the other day, were discussing the Lisbon Treaty even though it hasn't been ratified.

I believe that on the domestic front at least 20% of MPs could be got rid of without anyone noticing as most of them are just lobby fodder and rubber stampers. Of course, the problem is that who would decide who stays and who goes?

I'm not convinced that the public aren't already well aware of the massive abuse of the European Parliament system and amongst the Commission itself.
That's one reason why the majority of the country, myself included, have a rather negative view of the EU.

Moreover, i can't agree that the public should just focus on some worse abuse over there. To our shame the UK voter has little power to effect any degree of change in Brussels directly. The only way change will be brought about is at the Ministerial level in the Council of Ministers (and even that's a long shot). If the UK government officials we send to negotiate with our European counterparts are content to bleed the Parliamentary expenses system then why would they feel inclined to jump on their EU funded charger and set off crusading in Strasbourg?

The public anger over MP's expenses claims here can have a direct effect in terms of Constituency panels deselecting egregious offenders, public anger forcing them to step down or kicking them out at the next election.
I believe that most people are apathetic about the EU and are seemingly unaware that over 70% of laws now come from Brussels. Did you know, for instance that the landfill tax will be going up to £48 per tonne by 2010? This is why so many councils are trying to implement fortnightly collections and chipping the dustbins to prepare for paying by weight. The European Parliament, only the other day, were discussing the Lisbon Treaty even though it hasn't been ratified.

I believe that on the domestic front at least 20% of MPs could be got rid of without anyone noticing as most of them are just lobby fodder and rubber stampers. Of course, the problem is that who would decide who stays and who goes?

Are you sure you're not Nigel Farage in disguise? :)

I wouldn't disagree with you on the apathetic nature of the public towards Europe but what the public do know about the EU, even if they know nothing else, is that it is massively corrupt.

The turnouts in the Euro elections are always pretty low because ordinary people don't take it seriously and those who are pretty well clued up on the workings of the EU rightly conclude that the European Parliament is essentially window dressing on a fundamentally anti-democratic project.

I don't think it's likely to happen but this expenses business does present a small chance for local activists to exert some influence on the party structures. I'd love it if, say, local Labourites were to kick out many of the New Labour incumbents and regain control over their party. The Tories, likewise, have a chance to get shot of the (and i love this word) 'squirearchy' in favour of ordinary people with normal jobs and even accents. There's also a chance for some decent independents to stand on a promise of honesty and genuine local representation, following the model of that doctor chap who stood in Kidderminster on the issue of saving his local hospital in 2001.

None of it will probably come to pass but there's more chance of that than the EU becoming more palatable.

'Horrible Eurovision Winning Song' - Norwegian Nonce with a Violin
I'm sure most of you American types spent last night eating your hot dogs, shooting your guns at burglars and having heated discussions about abortions, that kind of thing. However, you will probably have been completely unaware of the staging of the European Cup Final in the beautiful city of Roma (or Rome as proper people call it).

The contenders - Manchester Uniteds of England, the most loathed team in the land. And FC Barcelonas of Spain, even though they seem to think they come from a country called Catalonia with its own moonman language and everything.

Manchester Uniteds are "owned" by American midget Malcolm Glazers, who some of you may know from having something to do with Tampa Bay's famous Buccaneers (although in reality they're owned by a big bank). They are sponsored by AIG, the failed American insurance group. They are supported by people who do not come from Manchester, who often speak a bit like Dick Van Dyke's chimney sweep character, Bert, in 'Mary Poppins'.

Barcelona are owned by their supporters. They are sponsored by UNICEF and make no money from it. They are supported by people who you would probably choose to save from a smouldering bandwagon.

Thankfully, for the sake of all humanity, the plucky Catalans sent the thousands of Mancester Uniteds fans back to London, Dublin and Singapore with little black rain-clouds overhead. Barcelonas 2-0 Manchester Uniteds, since you ask.


Manchester Uniteds supporter: "I spent a fortune on a match-ticket and travel to Rome only to witness my beloved side humbled and now the only thing i have left is my dignity."

At least one American cove was aware of this Roman gladiatorial contest last night. Unfortunately that was because he, rather stupidly, uttered a couple of words in English, was mistaken for a Manchester United supporter by 4 friendly Roman gentlemen and promptly stabbed. That legendary Italian bravery on display there.

'Sinners and Winners' - The Holloways
Gotta love soccer. I was able to attend a Mariners - Red Sox game, and despite the abundance of Red Sox fans on Mariners' turf, I did not get stabbed, despite the verbal abuse that supporters of either team were known to receive ("Red Sox, what the hell? You live in Seattle, dude!"; "oh, no, a brainwash victim!").
Good Morning.

And what a morning it is. For today am election day in Her Majesty's realm and we are gripped with electoral fever, sneezing for democracy amid the the hacking coughs of freedom. Of course, in the usual British manner, we maintain our outward display of restrained coolness but inside each of us is bubbling and frothing like a can of Stella at a Parkinson's convention.


Euro Elections: Hats for Dogs Party tipped to gain from elector's dissatisfaction with status quo.

As you undoubtedly already suspect, i take my democratic duty to vote most seriously. So keen am i to draw little "X"'s in little boxes, while standing in slightly larger boxes, that i was up at the crack of dawn to secure my place in the queue. So prominent was i in my fluorescent orange jacket, camping stove and 4 man tent, that other passing voters could only tut to themselves and utter phrases such as "stupid twat", admonishing themselves for their own tardiness.

Those few hours soon passed and the odd party official began turning up for some last minute converting.

"Hello are you the Socialist People's Party?", i asked two chaps sporting red tinged rosettes.
"Fuck Off!...Socialist People's Party? We're the Socialist Party of Great Britain. Socialist People's Party...tut...wankers"

Anyway, after that shaky start we had a good old chin-wag about the state of the country, revolution and the forthcoming liquidation of the bourgeoisie. What a thoroughly nice chap, i thought. We've agreed to have a drink on Friday and i'm lending him my DVD of 'Life of Brian'.

So now i've slipped it in the slot i'm physically spent and there's nothing left for a chap to do bar worrying about the results, some of which won't be known until Sunday, Bloody Sunday.

'X's and O's' - The Loves
Good Afternoon.

Certainly a better afternoon than yesterday when i was so taken aback, by the shocking events i witnessed, that i almost swooned, in the manner of a 1930's starlet being propositioned by a ruffian. What was the basis of my mild fainting spell? I shall tell you.

My newly elected fascist representative was minding his own business, parading about in front of the Houses of Parliament for no discernible reason, when he was viciously set upon by a group of egg throwing anti-Nazi's. Just as we were about to hear the BNP leader's finely crafted arguments on the future direction of the nation, his revolutionary strategy for dealing with Britain's economic woes and how the blacks and the Jews were probably to blame for almost everything, he was forced to retreat to the safety of his car for fear of becoming a human egg-cup.


Anti Nazi movement to target future BNP meetings with new weapon

Eggs were the worst thing they could have thrown at Britain's favourite racist politician as well. He's very particular about his eggs is Mr Griffin. Whenever he has a fried egg at home, apparently, he's very careful to only eat the egg whites. "He's a very fussy eater is Nick, won't touch the coloured stuff at all. Sometimes he even puts it in a bag and asks one of the lads to send it to Africa or somewhere." said one of his shaven headed associates this morning.

What a liberty, eh? I bet Adolf Hitler didn't have to endure this sort of barracking on the streets of Munich, back in 1933. Things have definitely changed for the worse. I bet you couldn't even organise even a tiny anti-Jewish pogrom without health and safety officers turning up to complain about the broken glass. This country. Pah.

What sort of a world are we living in, eh? I ask you.

'White Boy with a Feather' - Jason Downs & Milk
Good Afternoon.

Certainly a better afternoon than yesterday when i was so taken aback, by the shocking events i witnessed, that i almost swooned, in the manner of a 1930's starlet being propositioned by a ruffian. What was the basis of my mild fainting spell? I shall tell you.

My newly elected fascist representative was minding his own business, parading about in front of the Houses of Parliament for no discernible reason, when he was viciously set upon by a group of egg throwing anti-Nazi's. Just as we were about to hear the BNP leader's finely crafted arguments on the future direction of the nation, his revolutionary strategy for dealing with Britain's economic woes and how the blacks and the Jews were probably to blame for almost everything, he was forced to retreat to the safety of his car for fear of becoming a human egg-cup.


Anti Nazi movement to target future BNP meetings with new weapon

Eggs were the worst thing they could have thrown at Britain's favourite racist politician as well. He's very particular about his eggs is Mr Griffin. Whenever he has a fried egg at home, apparently, he's very careful to only eat the egg whites. "He's a very fussy eater is Nick, won't touch the coloured stuff at all. Sometimes he even puts it in a bag and asks one of the lads to send it to Africa or somewhere." said one of his shaven headed associates this morning.

What a liberty, eh? I bet Adolf Hitler didn't have to endure this sort of barracking on the streets of Munich, back in 1933. Things have definitely changed for the worse. I bet you couldn't even organise even a tiny anti-Jewish pogrom without health and safety officers turning up to complain about the broken glass. This country. Pah.

What sort of a world are we living in, eh? I ask you.

'White Boy with a Feather' - Jason Downs & Milk
The guy holding the new secret weapon of the anti-Nazis, appears to be as white as the good MP's eggs in the morning.
Good Afternoon.

Certainly a better afternoon than yesterday when i was so taken aback, by the shocking events i witnessed, that i almost swooned, in the manner of a 1930's starlet being propositioned by a ruffian. What was the basis of my mild fainting spell? I shall tell you.

My newly elected fascist representative was minding his own business, parading about in front of the Houses of Parliament for no discernible reason, when he was viciously set upon by a group of egg throwing anti-Nazi's. Just as we were about to hear the BNP leader's finely crafted arguments on the future direction of the nation, his revolutionary strategy for dealing with Britain's economic woes and how the blacks and the Jews were probably to blame for almost everything, he was forced to retreat to the safety of his car for fear of becoming a human egg-cup.


Anti Nazi movement to target future BNP meetings with new weapon

Eggs were the worst thing they could have thrown at Britain's favourite racist politician as well. He's very particular about his eggs is Mr Griffin. Whenever he has a fried egg at home, apparently, he's very careful to only eat the egg whites. "He's a very fussy eater is Nick, won't touch the coloured stuff at all. Sometimes he even puts it in a bag and asks one of the lads to send it to Africa or somewhere." said one of his shaven headed associates this morning.

What a liberty, eh? I bet Adolf Hitler didn't have to endure this sort of barracking on the streets of Munich, back in 1933. Things have definitely changed for the worse. I bet you couldn't even organise even a tiny anti-Jewish pogrom without health and safety officers turning up to complain about the broken glass. This country. Pah.

What sort of a world are we living in, eh? I ask you.

'White Boy with a Feather' - Jason Downs & Milk

I was watching the rerun of Hitler: The Rise of Evil with Robert Carlisle in the lead role. There was one scene where good old Adolf was shot in the Beer Putsch of 1923, shame that the bastard didn't die there and then.
I was watching the rerun of Hitler: The Rise of Evil with Robert Carlisle in the lead role. There was one scene where good old Adolf was shot in the Beer Putsch of 1923, shame that the bastard didn't die there and then.

There is that, but remember that without Adolf there would have been no 'Guns of Navarone', 'Where Eagles Dare' or 'Allo Allo', no England fans singing the dambusters theme with their arms outstretched mimicking those Lancaster bombers, no dastardly Germanic villains in Hollywood films and, perhaps most devastating of all, no material for Stan Boardman's hilarious comedy routines which kept us all amused throughout the 1970s.

Set against that, who could possibly argue that a few dead soldiers, some economic upheaval and little a bit of genocide wasn't worth it, eh?
I was listening to some excellent jazz in my office, but after perusing the forums I can't get "Send in the Clowns" out of my head.

I see the old adage "The more things change the more they stay the same" still holds true, especially of the negative traits of humanity.