What Song Are You Listening To, Right Now?

Trashmen - Surfin Bird

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZThquH5t0ow"]YouTube- The Trashmen : Surfin' Bird ( 1963 )[/ame]
After a tedious, delay ridden trip on the Labour government train we have finally arrived at our destination, five years after setting off. Yes, today is general election day and the country gets to decide whether to get back on board the Gordon Browns steam-train, jump on the David Camerons diesel locomotive or opt for the brand new tilting high speed Nick Cleggs Pendolino. Whichever one we get on we're all going to find out, pretty rapidly, that the track runs out 5 minutes into the journey. Happy days.

The last minute polls give the Tories a 7-9 point lead over the other two, which would mean the Conservatives having the largest number of seats but not enough for an overall majority. However, there are so many "undecided" voters that virtually anything could happen.

Who to vote for?

Labour types offer a positive message, warning that electing the Conservatives would fulfil "the ancient prophesy" leading to: the sun vanishing for one hundred years; a pestilence of boils, locusts and flies; and an army of demonic ravens feeding on the decaying corpses of our children.

The Tories offer the vapid message of "change" and little else. I do wonder where they get these utterly preposterous notions from. Despite Labour being in power for the last 13 years, the worst economic downturn anyone can remember, and a hideously unpopular Prime Minister who spent most of the campaign apologising to old women for calling them names, the fact that most of the country doesn't trust the Tory party speaks volumes.

Looks like it's the Lib Dems for me again this year. I loathe a whole host of their policies but they have no chance of getting elected here and the more votes they get nationally, the stronger the message for electoral reform.

Here's hoping for a hung parliament and a night enlivened with the satisfying images of a dozen weeping government ministers.

'Strange Victory Strange Defeat' - The Silver Jews
Krokus - Ballroom Blitz
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eEnE5DHrJkE"]YouTube- Krokus - Ballroom Blitz[/ame]
After a tedious, delay ridden trip on the Labour government train we have finally arrived at our destination, five years after setting off. Yes, today is general election day and the country gets to decide whether to get back on board the Gordon Browns steam-train, jump on the David Camerons diesel locomotive or opt for the brand new tilting high speed Nick Cleggs Pendolino. Whichever one we get on we're all going to find out, pretty rapidly, that the track runs out 5 minutes into the journey. Happy days.

The last minute polls give the Tories a 7-9 point lead over the other two, which would mean the Conservatives having the largest number of seats but not enough for an overall majority. However, there are so many "undecided" voters that virtually anything could happen.

Who to vote for?

Labour types offer a positive message, warning that electing the Conservatives would fulfil "the ancient prophesy" leading to: the sun vanishing for one hundred years; a pestilence of boils, locusts and flies; and an army of demonic ravens feeding on the decaying corpses of our children.

The Tories offer the vapid message of "change" and little else. I do wonder where they get these utterly preposterous notions from. Despite Labour being in power for the last 13 years, the worst economic downturn anyone can remember, and a hideously unpopular Prime Minister who spent most of the campaign apologising to old women for calling them names, the fact that most of the country doesn't trust the Tory party speaks volumes.

Looks like it's the Lib Dems for me again this year. I loathe a whole host of their policies but they have no chance of getting elected here and the more votes they get nationally, the stronger the message for electoral reform.

Here's hoping for a hung parliament and a night enlivened with the satisfying images of a dozen weeping government ministers.

'Strange Victory Strange Defeat' - The Silver Jews

Maybe the fact that Labour stitched up the constituency boundaries has a lot to do with it, as well.

Ramstein - Amerika

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Maybe the fact that Labour stitched up the constituency boundaries has a lot to do with it, as well.

Even taking that into account the failure to get more than 37% in pre-election polls is a shocking indictment of a campaign marked by complete failure to articulate any kind of message to the public as why they should cast a vote Cameron's way.

The "heir to Blair" certainly isn't in electoral terms, although in terms of trustworthiness there's very little between them.
Even taking that into account the failure to get more than 37% in pre-election polls is a shocking indictment of a campaign marked by complete failure to articulate any kind of message to the public as why they should cast a vote Cameron's way.

The "heir to Blair" certainly isn't in electoral terms, although in terms of trustworthiness there's very little between them.

I am just going to vote Conservative now, not that it will do much good as Clegg is my MP and has a thumping great majority. The message is very simple, to me at least, we are screwed unless we get the budget deficit down. If that shit Blair had his way we would have been in the Euro by now and right royally fucked with cherries on top rather than just common or garden fucked. I'll give Brown credit for keeping us out but not for much more.
I am just going to vote Conservative now, not that it will do much good as Clegg is my MP and has a thumping great majority. The message is very simple, to me at least, we are screwed unless we get the budget deficit down. If that shit Blair had his way we would have been in the Euro by now and right royally fucked with cherries on top rather than just common or garden fucked. I'll give Brown credit for keeping us out but not for much more.

We seem to be stuck in the same "my vote doesn't count" boat, but i'm in a rock solid Conservative seat. Personally, i loathe the lot of 'em.

I'm getting ready for an all-nighter and i'm preying that harridan of an ex-home secretary, Ms Smiths, Charles Clarkes, Hazel Blear and that hideous slug of a man, Ed Ball, get their comeuppance tonight. Oh and Tony bloody McNultys.

Bloodbath ahoy. :D
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We seem to be stuck in the same "my vote doesn't count" boat, but i'm in a rock solid Conservative seat. Personally, i loathe the lot of 'em.

I'm getting ready for an all-nighter and i'm preying that harridan of an ex-home secretary, Ms Smiths, Charles Clarkes, Hazel Blear and that hideous slug of a man, Ed Ball, get their comeuppance tonight. Oh and Tony bloody McNultys.

Bloodbath ahoy. :D

Ed Balls and his smarmy bitch of a wife Yvette Cooper, I would also say Mandelson but he isn't even an MP.
Well, you have to tell us all how it turns out because you know how our papers will cover it. (As a side note, and with misspellings and no true comprehension of how the system over there works.)

I'm still wondering why you'd have people voting for guys who look like the kid we used to bully all the time in Jr. High just because he calls himself "Labour" (one of those secretly sexual extra 'u's there).


Thankfully we do know what a vote is so we can pretend to understand stuff and nod sagely as they tell us who "won" in some land of magical faeries on the other side of the pond. We'll then say things like, "Well, the Conservative Party over there is about as Conservative as Karl Marx!" and strut about as if we made sense.

Pink Floyd - Us and Them
Well, you have to tell us all how it turns out because you know how our papers will cover it. (As a side note, and with misspellings and no true comprehension of how the system over there works.)

I'm still wondering why you'd have people voting for guys who look like the kid we used to bully all the time in Jr. High just because he calls himself "Labour" (one of those secretly sexual extra 'u's there).


Thankfully we do know what a vote is so we can pretend to understand stuff and nod sagely as they tell us who "won" in some land of magical faeries on the other side of the pond. We'll then say things like, "Well, the Conservative Party over there is about as Conservative as Karl Marx!" and strut about as if we made sense.

Pink Floyd - Us and Them


I'm sure one of us will be around to give you all the gossip; the big hitters, quitters and filthy old squitters; the ballot box losers and embittered accusers, the Tory erections and Labour rejections. All that bidness.

And if we're not here WM seems to take a keen interest in our parochial vote casting techniques.
Well, you have to tell us all how it turns out because you know how our papers will cover it. (As a side note, and with misspellings and no true comprehension of how the system over there works.)

I'm still wondering why you'd have people voting for guys who look like the kid we used to bully all the time in Jr. High just because he calls himself "Labour" (one of those secretly sexual extra 'u's there).


Thankfully we do know what a vote is so we can pretend to understand stuff and nod sagely as they tell us who "won" in some land of magical faeries on the other side of the pond. We'll then say things like, "Well, the Conservative Party over there is about as Conservative as Karl Marx!" and strut about as if we made sense.

Pink Floyd - Us and Them

Are you talking about the Millipede Brothers?
