What Song Are You Listening To, Right Now?

I know this is a big problem now in the UK but I was astounded when I read the tuition rates you posted. Those are annual fees, not including room and board?

The annual tuition for our top school, Harvard, is 22,501.07 GBP and that doesn't include room, board, books and living expenses.

The annual tuition for Univ of Pgh., a state school, is 8,906.40 GBP, again not including room, board, books and living expenses.

I should send my kids to England for college!

They are just the tuition fees, Tony Blair introduced them in the first place. It is a truism that once you go down that road it will only go one way. It is worth pointing out that student loans and tuition fees are only payable when somebody earns over £21,000 and are spread over a 30 year period. After that the debt is written off, of course that could easily change in the future! One of the justifications for the steep rises is that overseas students will not be charged so much in the future. Many universities rely on students from Asia especially China to balance the books.
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Maybe you should tell them that.

I thought I just did?
Good Afternoon to all you drunken skunks, low-down punks and gentlemen in the possession of dead hooker laden trunks.

Gingerly opening a curtain this morning i noticed the recently departed snow has returned to generally brighten things up and potentially assure the permanent absence of a few elderly relatives from seasonal banqueting tables. All good nothing bad. Moreover, the Lord's decision to instruct his weather angels to step up production of snow clouds has probably shielded his churchgoing subscribers from the distasteful sight of random pools of vomit, scattered round the town like miniature works of art painted by colour-blind pointillists. High brow shit today, eh?

Yesterday was what we know in the UK as "Black Friday", or "Black-Eye Friday" round these parts. "What, in a retrospective tribute to the sexually explicit Dennis Potter screenplay of the early 1990s?" you may very well not ask. No.

It is a reference to the Friday before Christmas when lots of workplaces close down for a couple of weeks and many have their Christmas Parties. As a consequence of residing in an emotionally crippled country, official government guidelines on workplace best-practice encourage employees to take all of the daily frustrations of the workplace, chew them up into a compact ball of concentrated hatred and swallow hard, and store in the internal bile superstore (straight down the oesophagus, turn left at the Islets of Langerhans and you can't miss it). Anyway, this usually ensures staff happiness and productivity levels are kept to an acceptable standard and work related homicides remain in single figures.

However, whenever staff leave familiar surroundings and gather together in the presence of novelty paper hats, a moderate selection of beers, and a list of tediously named cocktails misspelt in a spidery scrawl on a Babycham themed blackboard - the little man inside, who has stood sentinel over that warehouse of venom and spite, day and night for a whole year, suddenly has that one lapse in concentration and forgets to lock the doors. Cue fucking mayhem.


I'm so lucky to be working here with you wonderful people.

Those with a background in chemistry may be able to predict the outcome as this volatile compound is added to an ordinary public house on a Friday night. Then we have the catalyst of a whole host of schoolchildren, who have just broken up for the holidays, intent on drinking themselves into oblivion. Oblivion here having the definition of 3 pints of snakebite and a Pernod and Black.

The upside - they won't be out tonight. Huzzah!

'Too Much Brandy' - The Streets
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In honour of Don Van Vliet aka Captain Beefheart, who has just died.

Captain Beefheart - Big Eyed Beans from Venus

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZfNb1w7pVcA"]YouTube - Captain Beefheart - Big Eyed Beans from Venus[/ame]
Festival related greetings. I shall refrain from uttering the words "Merry Christmas" as i gather, from Fox News, that it has been banned in the USA for offending Muslims and queers.

Still, i know how you Americanians like nothing better than finding someone in authority before quickly whipping out your, rather sizeable, snooks and taking great pleasure in cocking it in their general direction. All that Boston bidness is deliciously blended water under the bridge now. So i shall venture that the majority of you people have hung some shiny shit on a manky old tree, purchased a variety of unwanted gifts for friends and relatives to sigh over and are currently preparing a liberal stockpile of alcoholic beverages to ease your transition into Boxing Day, some say the Feast of Stephen.

Now i realise i may have come across as a little curmudgeonly, being sexually abused by an elf as a ten year-old boy can do that to a chap, but i assure you i am a very Christmassy sort of cove. The rich food, the flowing drink, the opportunity for sexual assault afforded by the presence of mistletoe and, most importantly, the presents. I love it all.

Although one does have to jump through several irksome hurdles to unwrap the ultimate prize of a mini-submarine, Gulfstream jet or heavily sedated woman. Gathered round the tree opening gifts on Christmas morning, i'm sure we've all experienced that tricky moment - receiving identical gifts from two, three or even ten people. Who'd have thought human faeces in a shoe box would prove so popular year after year? Still, you have to thank your parents, insisting "you can never have too many, can you?". And, of course, one does have to do the decent thing and offer up a thousand "thank you"'s to Great Aunt Gertrude, who appears to have bestowed upon one a rather striking pair of knitted dungarees. And pissed herself.


Thankfully, this year Santa passed out in the living room before giving mother a black eye and burning down the shed.

However, caught headlong in this maelstrom of consumerism, i think it is important that we do not lose sight of the true meaning of Christmas. We should not be cowed into ignoring the story of the star leading all the king's horses and all the king's men to a humble stable in Bethnel Green, where Santa was born to a reindeer who had been raped by an angel. Of course we all know that Santa subsequently went on to found the city of Rome and lead the resistance to the tyrannical Sherrif of Nottingham, stealing from the rich to give to the poor, thereby starting the tradition of giving gifts at Christmas.

Merry Christmas bitches and ho's.

'The Man in the Santa Suit' - Fountains of Wayne
There's one of these threads in the other place, so there should, by rights, be one here as well. Come on Damo, pull your finger out, son. It was your thread after all.;)

So, as the battle of the boards gets underway in earnest, what better tune to kick things off than -

Steelers Wheel - 'Stuck in the Middle'

And, no, there isn't a prize for the poster collecting the most ears from the other tribe.:rolleyes:

Good Day.

Another Day In Paradise - Phil Collins
Good old Lenny, he's turned out some damn fine tunes over the years.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yG5e1oaen-M"]YouTube - Leonard Cohen - Everybody Knows[/ame]
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_2_gOpU0eWU"]YouTube - Sammy Hagar - Heavy Metal (With Taarna in Stereo)[/ame]

I've been on the road more than at home for more years than I care to think about. I enjoy my job (mostly). I love to travel and see new places, meet new people, and find new stories.

I have friends who seem to wish they could do something similar. But there is a price to pay for living on the road. I have spent more miles looking thru a windshield than a long haul trucker. I am a stranger in my house at times. What I do professionally saves lives. But I have had to sacrifice parts of my own life to do it. My wife understands what I do and why. This song hits home.

This weird little website has been a home when I'm on the road too. Ok, I wouldn't let this many assholes in my real home. But familiar faces make life easier at times, whether they are actual faces or just names on a screen.