What Song Are You Listening To, Right Now?

Have you met 007 yet? He is an ex-pat now living in Boston but originally from Huddersfield, I think?? Such a nice chap, he has just come back from a a two month ban.

Yes, i've sort of 'met' him.

I gather he doesn't like you very much.
Good Morning.

I trust you are all thoroughly refreshed after the long weekend just passed? Of course, catching up on the posts from the last few days suggests some of you seem to have been quite, ahem, 'refreshed' all weekend (i'm surprised at you WB). Nothing wrong with that, mind. Some of my best friends are semi-functioning alcoholics. There's no better place to be on a warm (nearly) summer's day than in the beer garden of a country pub, surrounded by friendly faces, laughter and vomit.

However, not all people are so civilised in these straightened times. Inevitably, some people like to take a drink and things turn a bit nasty. Take these right-wing English Defence League (EDL) chaps, some say politicised football hooligans, who, in a complete disregard for the concept of irony, took to the streets of London yesterday to demonstrate against extremism. I suppose some people get a little tipsy and make minor spelling mistakes on political message boards, others wrap themselves in a flag, call for muslims to be deported and chant patriotic songs and slogans for hours on end, before giving a Nazi salute at a war memorial. Ah, makes one proud to be British, what?

To be fair to the EDL, they did make the point that is was wrong to label their entire organisation fascist because of the actions of a few misguided members, before continuing their chants about muslim murderers. Call me old fashioned, but if I'd wanted to see faces contorted with hatred spouting all manner of vile racial obscenities, all taking place in a malevolent climate of imminent violence, i'd have gone to visit my parents, damn it.

'The Irony Of It All' - The Streets
Juke Joint!
