What Song Are You Listening To, Right Now?

"Tom Sawyer"


Though his mind is not for rent,
Dont put him down as arrogant.
His reserve, a quiet defense,
Riding out the days events.
The river

And what you say about his company
Is what you say about society.
Catch the mist, catch the myth
Catch the mystery, catch the drift.

The world is, the world is,
Love and life are deep,
Maybe as his eyes are wide.

No, his mind is not for rent
To any God or government.
Always hopeful, yet discontent,
He knows changes arent permanent,
But change is.

And what you say about his company
Is what you say about society.
Catch the witness, catch the wit,
Catch the spirit, catch the spit.

The world is, the world is,
Love and life are deep,
Maybe as his skies are wide.
“Distant Early Warning”


An ill wind comes arising
Across the cities of the plain
There's no swimming in the heavy water
No singing in the acid rain
Red alert
Red alert

It's so hard to stay together
Passing through revolving doors
We need someone to talk to
And someone to sweep the floors

The world weighs on my shoulders
But what am I to do?
You sometimes drive me crazy
But I worry about you

I know it makes no difference
To what you're going through
But I see the tip of the iceberg
And I worry about you...

Left and rights of passage
Black and whites of youth
Who can face the knowledge
That the truth is not the truth?


I know it makes no difference
To what you're going through
But I see the tip of the iceberg
And I worry about you

Have you have ever woken from a satisfying slumber, only to be overwhelmed by a desperate craving to hunt down a Thompson's gazelle, before tearing open it's throat with your razor sharp incisors?

No? Then i can confidently diagnose that you are not, in fact, a lion.

If i were a psychiatrist, in real life world, i would now be in the position to charge some deluded capitalist fat-cat three bags of cash for that little titbit, so be grateful you're getting it on the house, free, some say gratis.

'People Are Strange' – Echo & the Bunnymen
Have you have ever woken from a satisfying slumber, only to be overwhelmed by a desperate craving to hunt down a Thompson's gazelle, before tearing open it's throat with your razor sharp incisors?

No? Then i can confidently diagnose that you are not, in fact, a lion.

If i were a psychiatrist, in real life world, i would now be in the position to charge some deluded capitalist fat-cat three bags of cash for that little titbit, so be grateful you're getting it on the house, free, some say gratis.

'People Are Strange' – Echo & the Bunnymen
Sweet, the Lost Boys Soundtrack... They did a surprisingly good cover!
I believe it was 19th US President, Rutherford B. Hayes, who said, "I hate those meeces to pieces!".

Take a look at this recent footage from behind the, fashionable, bamboo curtain - http://www.bbc.co.uk/mediaselector/...2738.stm&news=1&bbram=1&nbwm=1&bbwm=1&nbram=1

If your former President had not perished under the wheels of a dairy wagon whilst being pursued by James Garfield, following a heated argument over a decomposing crow, he would be shocked. Shocked and appalled, ladies and gentlemen.

'Cool for Cats' - Squeeze
Tracy Byrd - Drinkin' Bone

The Drinkin' Bone's connected to the Party bone,
The Party Bone's connected to the stayin' out all night long,
And she won't think it's funny, and I'll wind up all alone...
And the Lonely Bone's connected to the Drinkin' bone...

I expect the excitement is palpable in America today. David Beckham has finally arrived in Los Angeles, the only place in the world where the golden couple's gauche mien and insipid personality traits are welcomed as cardinal virtues.

I'm sure David will lead the Los Angeles Hotdogs to unlimited silverware and his wife will have the opportunity to observe the fate of other young ladies, blessed with equivalent talent, as she drives by the polluted metropolis' many diners on the way to purchase some solid gold lightbulbs or something.

'Coming into Los Angeles' – Arlo Guthrie
I realised that the anniversary of my father's death passed unnoticed for the first time this year. I miss him...

Mike & The Mechanics - The Living Years