What Song Are You Listening To, Right Now?

Have you ever been relaxing, in the comfort of your own bed, only to be rudely awoken by some awful little insect sinking its dirty little teeth into your most delicate areas? Yes sisters, all men are bastards aren't they. However, in this case it not an amorous human-shaped louse of which i speak. Rather it is the return, to American shores, of the common bedbug.

University types have commented it is “one of the great mysteries of entomology”. Now, i have never seen one of these mysterious "entymoles", but like all moles they live underground, probably in vast subterranean mole cities at the centre of the Earth. Do you not see? This isn't some bloody amateur you're dealing with...i've seen the films of Doug McClure.

The bedbug wishes to use humankind as a mobile larder, the mole hates lawns...perfect conditions to spawn an anti-human alliance.

Come on NASA, stop fannying about with your space walking holidays and your non-stick frying pans and start making plans to destroy this unholy pact of blood and soil before it is too late. Fools.

'Drain the Blood' - The Distillers
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Welcome to the board!

Thanks. I needed some sanity. The outpatients are up in arms on the WOT board. I need to quit going there. The thoughtful conservatives hardly ever post there any more, leaving the field to the extra-chromosome right wing, who have somewhat less than a firm grip on reality.
Thanks. I needed some sanity. The outpatients are up in arms on the WOT board. I need to quit going there. The thoughtful conservatives hardly ever post there any more, leaving the field to the extra-chromosome right wing, who have somewhat less than a firm grip on reality.


You have your PM off, which I can understand, but I had no idea you could do it! I will have to email you later from home.
Uh, because you're smarter than me, and figured this way righties can't PM you with their crazy shit? ;)
Well.... I'm going to cry now. I'll stop then. I mean, I thought my stalking was a sweet expression of genuine emotion.

Police - Every Breath You Take
Well.... I'm going to cry now. I'll stop then. I mean, I thought my stalking was a sweet expression of genuine emotion.

LOL. No, no one has ever done it to me here actually, and I was just kidding. But, considering the board Zoom comes from, I can totally understand not wanting that option. I can only imagine the PM's I would have gotten on that board, and Zoom too, if we had that function there. Forget it.

You know, if Water sees this, he is going to use it as "evidence' that you are trying to get those things from me. lol
LOL. No, no one has ever done it to me here actually, and I was just kidding. But, considering the board Zoom comes from, I can totally understand not wanting that option. I can only imagine the PM's I would have gotten on that board, and Zoom too, if we had that function there. Forget it.

You know, if Water sees this, he is going to use it as "evidence' that you are trying to get those things from me. lol
Well, he fails to understand anatomy then. I just don't have the immense proportions he must think I have to get that done.