What Song Are You Listening To, Right Now?

I am watching Yosemite Sam...I love the varmit, it is violent, but I can't help myself!
Well, it appears everything is back to normal after yesterday's cyber-hiccup. I have to say that i'm gladdened in heart. Having the front door slammed in one's face was traumatic enough but on top of that being informed one's cookies were not up to scratch was a heavy blow indeed. I wouldn't care but they were chocolate ones, none of your cheapo crackers and that.

At least the time was put to good use scanning the interweb for pictures of some fine bitches. Huzzah.


I bet you thought i meant something else didn't you, you filthy perverts.

I would never dream of scouring the internets for sordid pictures of ample bosomed Swedish teenage twins teaching each other how to French-kiss in the shower. I have my self respect and, more importantly, a view of women as equals rather than pieces of meat to be pawed over by ribald animals acting on their vulgar urges.

Besides, who needs the internets when you've got a tub of Vaseline and the schematics to the central heating ducts of the girls swimming baths?

'Oooooo Girl' - Northern State
I'm not here for your entertainment
you don't really want to mess with me tonight
just stop and take a second,
i was fine before you walked into my life
keep your drink just give me the money
it's just you and your hand tonight
listen up it's just not happening
you can say what you want to your boyfriends
quit spilling your drinks on me

I am so singing out loud.