What Song Are You Listening To, Right Now?

SpongeBob Squarepants theme song...

SongeBob Squarepants, SpongeBob Squarepants, SpongeBob Squarepants!!!!

Nest will be Leno Verde by Alma Andina
When i spy with my little retrospective eye all those programmes, produced in the last Century, which highlighted those technical innovations which would be commonplace to ourselves, the overlords of this 21st century wonderland, it is a little hit and miss, no? I mean i would love to be a-whizzing round town in my modish hover car to the strains of a cloned MC Hammer but i have to make do with a hover mower, which doesn't exactly leave the ladies wanting to defy Mr Hammer by touching it.

Now it all becomes clear exactly why i am not being fined for sky-speeding by policemen with rocket powered hats. It is because those barmy boffins down at the lab have their hands full undoing all of the Lord's hard work.
Can you believe it? They are planning on creating human-animal embryos by merging human cells with animal cells.

"What possible reason would they have for doing such a thing", i hear you ask. I must confess that was my natural reaction upon hearing of this diabolism with my one hundred per cent human ears. Have these devils thought of the consequences, i mused. Imagine, if you will, a human spider hybrid. It's not going to be like the film Spiderman, all shooting webs and catching goblins and that. No, you're going to have chaps running round stranger's bathrooms terrorising householders; too big to squash with a rolled up copy of Horse & Hound and with eight legs akimbo, too large to flush down the plug-hole. More importantly where are these arachnosapiens supposed to find a suitable trouser? I have no shame in admitting i was disturbed and not a little fretful. Then it dawned on me.

Hitherto i had merely been dwelling on the negative aspects, the tabloid scare story and the fabled 'nightmare scenario' alike. What of the goodness which may emerge from this genetic chop suey? Think about it, my friends, and ruminate on the exquisite possibilities. Imagine cures for cancer, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and Mississippi. Imagine longer lifespans in rude health, like those bionic pensioners in Cocoon and Cocoon 2. Imagine a future where genetic disease, suffering and pain are a thing of the past. Imagine marching into Iran at the head of an army of man-ants, a billion strong, sweeping all before your legions and crushing the fundamentalist mullah with your God-fearing mandibles of Jesus. Onward my soldiers!

'Antmusic' - Adam Ant
"It's not our intention to create any bizarre cow-human hybrid, we want to use those cells to understand how to make human stem cells better."

Wow, but they could do that? That is very freakish. Maybe it's better to just let climate change run its course after all.