What Song Are You Listening To, Right Now?

I awoke bright and early this fine Thursday morning only to discover i had a nasty frog in my throat. Pierre, i think he said his name was. Christ knows how he managed to get into the house.

After some sustained gargling i felt myself once again and began to muse on the prospects for the day. For today is a big day for Gordon Browns, and the politicians, for it am election day. Huzzah! Unfortunately it is not the big one, merely a local affair with the sideline of a London mayoral contest.

Yes, it is one of those rare days when a strange looking gentleman hanging around a primary school fiddling with his pencil behind a curtain is not seen as a potential sex-offender but, rather, as a fine upstanding citizen taking part in the democratic process.

"That's all well and good but, when the counting's done, will the government be celebrating with fizz or have a face full of jizz?", i hear you ask.

Who knows how the fickle British public will react although if i were a Labour man i'd be casting the skunk-eye toward Gordon Browns, while preparing to wash that man right out of my hair.

'I Don't Like You Anymore' - The Last Shadow Puppets
Don't you just love elections? This probably doesn't sound as strange to you weirdos, as you're all into the politics thing as well, but whenever an election rolls by, be it the pomp of a general or the mediocrity of a local, domestic or foreign, i find myself sat in front of the telly-box at half past two in the morning watching results from places i've barely heard of.

After our local elections last night the results, so far are thus.

Conservative 44%
Lib Dems 25%
Labour 24%
(proportion of the national vote)

Labour's worst showing since the 1960's. And, with counting only begun this morning, there's the distinct possibility that the Tories will win the London mayoral race as well.

The airwaves are full of Labour ministers telling reporters "there is no crisis", perhaps the surest sign of a crisis. I've already lost count of the number of staunch Labour types insisting they'll "never vote for Labour again". A Labour Party spokesman played down rumours that Gordon Browns was seen daubing the word 'Revenge' on the walls of the Cabinet Office with his own shit.

'Running On Empty' - The D4
Fucking Boris Johnson has only gone and won the London fucking mayoral election, I cant believe the stupid suburb dwelling fuckwits that live around London were gullible enough to vote him in, he'll be mowing them down in his 4x4 with his army of chinless 'colleagues' before they know it.

Me? I didnt vote cause I failed to register in time, me am a total hypocrite and I deserve Boris.

If Hillary wins tomorrow, we really are in trouble.

REM - Its the end of the world as we know it.
Speaking as someone who doesn't live in London, and doesn't particularly like it, i think it is fantastic that they elected Boris. He'll either surprise everyone with his ability to run a huge metropolis or he will fail dramatically, sending London plummeting into a spiral of doom the like of which she has never before witnessed, but in a quirky and humorous manner which will make people say "Oh, it is an awful shame that London is a smouldering pile of ash but you have to admit it brought a smile to your face".

Anyway, i am just going to say how fucking excellent Bank Holiday Mondays are. You can go out and drink and drink and drink. It is great. And i saw a Morrisman.

'Colourful Life' - Cajun Dance Party
"because I was High" - Afroman

True story Tiana.

I've smoked blunts with afroman and his crew. They stayed at my house when they played at a frat party in my town.

I've also smoked blunts with 2 gubernatorial candidates, one in my own state and one in a different state.

I guess the point I'm making is... I smoke a lot of blunts.
I can't imagine being in my mid 30s doing that.

Umm I would definitely be willing to do that in my mid 30s.

More than willing.

Boundlessly ecstatic.

Think about it. His sole job is to travel around with his friends performing at bars and college campuses, and smoke weed and stay for free at the homes of his adoring fans.

Make me an offer, and I'll do that TONIGHT.
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Umm I would definitely be willing to do that in my mid 30s.

More than willing.

Boundlessly ecstatic.

Think about it. His sole job is to travel around with his friends performing at bars and college campuses, and smoke weed and stay for free at the homes of his adoring fans.

Make me an offer, and I'll do that TONIGHT.

Yeah.....talk to me when you hit 27.

You'd be surprised how much less you're able to party when get up in your twenties.

At this rate, I'm thinking by the time I hit 35, I'll never see 11:30PM outside of my homebase ever again.
What in the world is going on?

For the first time since Saturday afternoon i decide to post in a state of stone cold sobriety and i find the board adorned with all manner of weird acoutriments. A confused cove presses the wrong button and is slapped round the chops with a baffling array of boxes asking for one's preference on "Block Footers" and suchlike. I shall be having none of that tommyrot, do you hear me?

One has more pressing matters to attend to.

I have become a hunter, ladies and gentlemen. None of that gathering shit for me, oh no. One is getting back to nature and pitting one's wits 'gainst one's prey, with a steely determination and not a little blood-lust.

What's that you say? You thought all us namby-pamby pansy-ass Europeans were too busy sipping fine Chianti's with dungeon bound Aunties, after being comprehensively de-gunned by our totalitarian governments? Think again, sister. One may not be packing quite so much Glock as, say, a motorcycling ninja, but if air-rifles are your thing then prepare to swing.

Yes, this monstrous creature is my target.

Behold...the beast.


Hillary - the very essence of evil.

Of course, my rat does not possess its own rubber ring and has no access to swimming facilities. It has been sighted skulking about in the back garden stealing food left out for cuter wildlife. With my trusty gun, Barack, loaded up with the pellets of righteous justice, Hillary's days are numbered.

You is going down, bitch (and not in a good way).

'Thou Shalt Always Kill' - Dan le Sac VS Scroobius Pip
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