What Song Are You Listening To, Right Now?

Given that we beat the US at football does that mean we are better than them at everything else? I believe it does. I now believe that driving a Leyland Daf van is a superior experience to driving a cadillac and that the University of East London is better than Harvard. Bloody right.

Thanks for that visa nonsense guys, now I have to provide itineraries for my tedious work trips to the US to the US government as well as the fifteen other (non-governmental) departments on your side of the pond who like to get involved in organising work things.

Golden Slumbers - The Beatles
What's all this duelling directors bidness then?

As if they didn't have enough to worry about already, what with King Kong perishing in that terrible fire last week and the lunatic Tom Cruises still making films, Hollywood has been rocked to its core by a cataclysmic clash of cinematographers. Spike Lees, the controversial film director, has been having a pop at Magnum-toting movie-maker Harry "Dirty Clint" Eastwoods, accusing him of not employing any black actors to die at Iwo Jima or something.

Needless to say the tough ex-cop and former prize-fighter wasn't going to take the comments of kung-fu master Spike Lees lying down. He should "shut his face", said Eastwoods before threatening to set his orange monkey, Clive, on the Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon director.

It's just like Biggie and Tupac all over again.

How this will resolve itself i have no idea, although i have to say i'm hoping for a fist fight. I think that, even at the age of 71, Clint could take Spike, even without primate assistance.

'Kill the Director' - The Wombats
I can't remember who said "you can't put a price on freedom". However, as George Michaels found out, his record company certainly could and e-Bay sellers could add insult to injury by rounding that figure down considerably.

Yesterday our unpopular and embattled Prime Minister, Gordon Browns, faced a crucial vote in Parliament to extend the period of pre-charge detention from a measly 28 days to a hearty 42 days. This, we were assured, was a matter of principle and not a matter intended to wrong foot the opposition, which turned into a must-win vote to save the Prime Minister's reputation. The government would argue their case on the facts.

The government had lots of facts, none to bolster their case for locking people up without charge for six-weeks, but lots of facts nonetheless. These facts mainly comprised of one of two statements - firstly, "there are terrorists everywhere" and secondly, "if we don't do this people are going to die". As compelling as those facts were not everyone was convinced - the opposition parties, Labour MP's with a sense of shame (all 36 of them) a host of former Attorney-Generals and Lord Chancellors, the prosecutors office and other people with some passing legal or historical knowledge.

It seemed that the government were going to lose the argument despite repeating their facts in increasingly shrill tones. The government began to threaten dissenting Labour MP's. That didn't work. So they offered to bribe them instead with money for their pet projects, knighthoods and safe Labour seats. That sort of worked but it was still looking a bit dicey.


Brown: Sign away your freedom and i'll give you a gold-plated leopard.

The government won their vote with a majority of 9. Those 9 votes came from the DUP, the reactionary Northern Irish protestants, some say bigots. Who knows why they voted for the government? Well, most people. It apparently starts with a 1 and is followed by point two billion pounds. Inflation is really having an impact on the value of Judas' original 30 pieces of silver, no?

A weak Prime Minister with a weak argument using taxpayers money to bribe his way to a victory. Democracy in action there ladies and gentlemen. Thank God for the unelected House of Lords which will chew this travesty up and spit it back in the face of that bloated Scotch c*** in Downing Street.

'Reap What You Sow' - The Twang
I was most pleasantly surprised to find that the board was still working this morning; i was half expecting the internets to be broken, replaced with a big out of order sign.

That is because today is a Friday which coincides with it also being the thirteenth day of the month. To put it bluntly, it is Friday the 13th. And, as we all know, Friday the Thirteenth is officially the unluckiest day in the world. Just accept it, you're all doomed.


I'm not necessarily saying that you're going to fall down the stairs...

I'm not quite sure how Friday the 13th became cursed by God. The common consensus is that it derives from Jesus inviting the 13 members of his coven to dinner in the old abandoned camp by the lake, where, one-by-one, they were hacked to death by Jason Priestly. Whatever the origin, you can't argue with the facts.

So if you haven't already been electrocuted by your toothbrush or bitten by your toilet, do keep a keen eye open for potential lack of luck based disaster. The situation report here is "so far so good". I did have the misfortune to cut myself shaving this morning but when you consider it was only my face, i think you'll agree i got off lightly. Stay vigilant.

'Destiny or Circumstance' - Ian Brown
Well, as for Gordon's latest legislative victory. It helps to put it in perspective. The country that gave us the Magna Carta (albeit a document protecting privilege) also gave us Star Chamber. It seems to me that you've got Star Chamber back again, but it pales into comparison with what Bush and his mates can get up to. Typical Brits, falling short again. Sometimes it can be endearing though, in a Mike Bassett manner. There's just not enough mongrel in British politics to get down to the depths of depravity that Bush managed.

Chris Rea Auberge
I was most pleasantly surprised to find that the board was still working this morning; i was half expecting the internets to be broken, replaced with a big out of order sign.

That is because today is a Friday which coincides with it also being the thirteenth day of the month. To put it bluntly, it is Friday the 13th. And, as we all know, Friday the Thirteenth is officially the unluckiest day in the world. Just accept it, you're all doomed.


I'm not necessarily saying that you're going to fall down the stairs...

I'm not quite sure how Friday the 13th became cursed by God. The common consensus is that it derives from Jesus inviting the 13 members of his coven to dinner in the old abandoned camp by the lake, where, one-by-one, they were hacked to death by Jason Priestly. Whatever the origin, you can't argue with the facts.

So if you haven't already been electrocuted by your toothbrush or bitten by your toilet, do keep a keen eye open for potential lack of luck based disaster. The situation report here is "so far so good". I did have the misfortune to cut myself shaving this morning but when you consider it was only my face, i think you'll agree i got off lightly. Stay vigilant.

'Destiny or Circumstance' - Ian Brown
The King of France, desperate for cash to run his war, in conjunction with the Pope back in 1307, October 13th, sent out groups of men who executed a plan to arrest men who were in the order of the Knights Templar all on that same day simultaneously. The men, all French Templars, were subsequently tortured until they admitted to misdeeds and were summarily executed. A few escaped and made their way into the United Kingdom, it is often believed that they began the Fraternity of the Freemasons, or that they all became Freemasons in order to continue the brotherhood under a different identity.

This action to kill men who were innocent of the charges is believed to have caused the "unlucky" 13.

The move was made to decrease the power of the church who sanctioned and ran the Templars, and which had become the central banking system in Europe. In this it was largely successful.
The King of France, desperate for cash to run his war, in conjunction with the Pope back in 1307, October 13th, sent out groups of men who executed a plan to arrest men who were in the order of the Knights Templar all on that same day simultaneously. The men, all French Templars, were subsequently tortured until they admitted to misdeeds and were summarily executed. A few escaped and made their way into the United Kingdom, it is often believed that they began the Fraternity of the Freemasons, or that they all became Freemasons in order to continue the brotherhood under a different identity.

This action to kill men who were innocent of the charges is believed to have caused the "unlucky" 13.

The move was made to decrease the power of the church who sanctioned and ran the Templars, and which had become the central banking system in Europe. In this it was largely successful.

Well, blow me down. I didn't know that.

Hold on a cotton' pickin' second.

You're a big cheese in the freemasons aren't you, Damo? Are you, in fact, one of the these original French Templetons living the life of the "Highlander" - being all immortal and hanging around with a toupee sporting Sean Connerys whilst waiting for the quickening?

I have to tell you, i'm narrowing my eyes and casting a suspicious glance in your direction.
Well, as for Gordon's latest legislative victory. It helps to put it in perspective. The country that gave us the Magna Carta (albeit a document protecting privilege) also gave us Star Chamber. It seems to me that you've got Star Chamber back again, but it pales into comparison with what Bush and his mates can get up to. Typical Brits, falling short again. Sometimes it can be endearing though, in a Mike Bassett manner. There's just not enough mongrel in British politics to get down to the depths of depravity that Bush managed.

Chris Rea Auberge

If i were a betting man, i'd say that the chances of this Bill becoming law is around 4-1 against. Then again, i bet on England to win the World Cup in 1998 so my record on fortune telling is, how shall we say...patchy to bloody awful.

A cynic may suggest that it's time for the security services to allow some more terror plots to come to fruition in order to ensure the smooth running of the legislation through Parliament. That, however, could never happen.
Well, blow me down. I didn't know that.

Hold on a cotton' pickin' second.

You're a big cheese in the freemasons aren't you, Damo? Are you, in fact, one of the these original French Templetons living the life of the "Highlander" - being all immortal and hanging around with a toupee sporting Sean Connerys whilst waiting for the quickening?

I have to tell you, i'm narrowing my eyes and casting a suspicious glance in your direction.
Boy that would be cool. Unfortunately, however much those Templars might have contributed the Freemasons are now an average age of 70 and they sit around arguing over whether to pay the rent, and how much aid to give to Bob's kid.
Boy that would be cool. Unfortunately, however much those Templars might have contributed the Freemasons are now an average age of 70 and they sit around arguing over whether to pay the rent, and how much aid to give to Bob's kid.

Well maybe you're not the immortal i thought you were but look on the bright side, you're obviously seen as the Marlon Brandos style hell-raising youth element of the local masonic lodge.

Do those 70 year old's often refer to you as "Fonzie"?
Well maybe you're not the immortal i thought you were but look on the bright side, you're obviously seen as the Marlon Brandos style hell-raising youth element of the local masonic lodge.

Do those 70 year old's often refer to you as "Fonzie"?
LOL. Yes, quite often. Tomorrow I'm jumping a shark down at the bay. You coming to watch?
LOL. Yes, quite often. Tomorrow I'm jumping a shark down at the bay. You coming to watch?

I wouldn't miss it for the world. It's just going to be me and Potsie though. We've decided to dump Ralph Malf for looking a little too much like a sex offender.
I wouldn't miss it for the world. It's just going to be me and Potsie though. We've decided to dump Ralph Malf for looking a little too much like a sex offender.
Well, I'm going to go hit the Juke Box and see what comes out. Tell Chachie to stop hitting the shrimp, there's better things to do with that. You'd think with Joanie he'd already know... Sheesh!
If i were a betting man, i'd say that the chances of this Bill becoming law is around 4-1 against. Then again, i bet on England to win the World Cup in 1998 so my record on fortune telling is, how shall we say...patchy to bloody awful.

A cynic may suggest that it's time for the security services to allow some more terror plots to come to fruition in order to ensure the smooth running of the legislation through Parliament. That, however, could never happen.

I've just finished watching an episode of Spooks (it's the last season's episodes for you in the UK).

Given your references to England, World Cup and all.

Listening to:

Beatles - Day Tripper

Them's was the days.

Before the surveillance society. Before Belmarsh.
Jimmy Webb - Galveston. Damn! How the hell did Glenn Campbell's version trump Webb's?

Um - I suppose advocacy isn't welcome.