What Song Are You Listening To, Right Now?


Have never had any problems with others listening. Try clicking the little triangles or the 'down' arrow to download.

(shameless self promotion)
Windows Media Player cannot play the file. One or more codecs required to play the file could not be found.

I keep getting this
wow, the files are mp3 files.
I have no idea why it wont work on your computer. this is the first time anyone has had any trouble. Sorry I cant help.

I was just taking a quick gander at the Guardian this morning (the online version, i hasten to add - wouldn't want anyone to get the idea that i'm a communist or, even worse, a teacher) when i came across this story of people in Haiti eating mud pies, so hard have they been hit by the "credit crunch" and associated food price rises.

They are eating these pies made out of mud in order to fill them up and quell the burning hunger in their bellies. This got me thinking, which is always a worrying phenomenon. Yesterday, the BBC were regaling us with tales of scientific breakthroughs proving that fat children tend to possess some crazy gene which stops them feeling full.

I imagine feckless parents up and down the land looking over the mountains of chocolate cake, laid out on the breakfast table, exchanging knowing glances with their perfectly spherical offspring - "See. It's God's fault that you're the same size, weight and density of a minor planet. Now eat up your trough of lard, there's a good boy, and if you're very lucky i may just let you lick the frying pan clean".

I suppose we should be grateful that hard pressed British families have not yet been sufficiently squeezed by the global economic downturn that they can no longer afford to buy their children pudding. If finances ever became as tight as they are in the streets of Port-au-Prince, and we all started to eat the very ground that we are standing on, the lack of this "stop-eating-cake-you-fat-bastard gene" amongst the nations children could see the surface area of the British Isles reduced by an area the size of the British Isles in a mere matter of hours.

'Food For Thought' - UB40 (perhaps the only decent UB40 track in existence)
As i type this i am awaiting the imminent partial eclipse of the sun. An exciting event and no mistake. In Britain we are not getting the full eclipse as the Chinese have bought up the rights to it in order to enhance their staging of the Olympics and all that bidness.

Nevertheless we are due, shortly, to see the sun being eaten up by the moon before being spat back out again, probably because the sun is too hot for the delicate moon's mouth or something. I don't pretend to understand the science of astronomy myself, as i'm a Leo and far too full of my own self importance for my own good, but i am going to meet a stranger who will bring fortune into my life very soon.

Anyway, a few minutes have passed since i started staring intently at the sun with my powerful binoculars and i have to report that, so far, i can't see a thing. Literally. I think i have broken my eyes.

(It's a good job i took that course in blindfolded typing last Summer, what?)

'Blinded By the Sun' - The Seahorses
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wad8yhgvAjA"]YouTube - Love In This Club REMIX PART 2 FEATURING BEYONCE W/ LYRICS[/ame]

Love in this Club Remix - Usher ft Beyonce, Lil Wayne