What Song Are You Listening To, Right Now?

Lay Your Hands - Simon Webbe

What a lovely song.

Charver, that latest one was top class, 'perfectly spherical children'! I must admit that I dont see that many fat kids around near me, I guess most of the fatties are up North where the diet involves more pies.
It's always the way isn't it? You take a short political nap for a few short weeks and you awake to see the collapse of western capitalism. Still it's good to see America isn't losing its collective head by doing something out of character like becoming the biggest advocate of socialism since the heady days of the Russian party conference scene of 1917.

Anyway, that's old news.

Last night i stopped up to watch the Vice Presidential debate, which didn't start until 2 o'clock in the morning. Now there's commitment for you. I have to be honest though, the build up had led this British audience member to expect an almighty car crash of an event. I was anticipating gaffes galore, flagons of faux pas and, at the very least, a slip of the tongue by one side or the other which would lead to a declaration of war on Luxembourg.

Very disappointing.

That Joe Bidens chap seemed a little too distracted by trying not to look grumpy, as he reeled off statistic after statistic of statistical stuff - proving categorically that John McCain talks as much tommyrot (74.6% of the time to be picky) as any other politician. However, he seemed to know what he was talking about in that he did try to relate his answers to the questions asked, albeit in a very dull and plodding manner.

Sarah Palins, however, was a different kettle of fish. To this simple minded cove she came over as someone who had been locked in a rural retreat for the last 72 hours preparing to answer an essay question in the way she had been taught no matter what the actual question was. She knew the name of the leader of North Korea and let everybody know it. She also managed to crowbar the word "also" into almost every available sentence also, sometimes squeezing three "also's" into a five word sentence also.

And i know it was the early hours of the morning and i admit i hadn't had the best night's sleep the previous night, lying awake wondering if America will destroy life as we know it and all that bidness, but did that woman wink at me? If i was sitting on a mountain of gold and my financial future looked secure i'd love to see President Palins invading Europe in order to impose creationism and save the unborn. Sadly, i'm sitting on a chair and my financial future is looking as rosy as an anaemic albino caught in the middle of an explosion in a whitewash factory. She scares the beejesus out of me and no mistake

Happy days.

'She Makes My Nose Bleed' - Mansun
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It's always the way isn't it? You take a short political nap for a few short weeks and you awake to see the collapse of western capitalism. Still it's good to see America isn't losing its collective head by doing something out of character like becoming the biggest advocate of socialism since the heady days of the Russian party conference scene of 1917.

Anyway, that's old news.

Last night i stopped up to watch the Vice Presidential debate, which didn't start until 2 o'clock in the morning. Now there's commitment for you. I have to be honest though, the build up had led this British audience member to expect an almighty car crash of an event. I was anticipating gaffes galore, flagons of faux pas and, at the very least, a slip of the tongue by one side or the other which would lead to a declaration of war on Luxembourg.

Very disappointing.

That Joe Bidens chap seemed a little too distracted by trying not to look grumpy, as he reeled off statistic after statistic of statistical stuff - proving categorically that John McCain talks as much tommyrot (74.6% of the time to be picky) as any other politician. However, he seemed to know what he was talking about in that he did try to relate his answers to the questions asked, albeit in a very dull and plodding manner.

Sarah Palins, however, was a different kettle of fish. To this simple minded cove she came over as someone who had been locked in a rural retreat for the last 72 hours preparing to answer an essay question in the way she had been taught no matter what the actual question was. She knew the name of the leader of North Korea and let everybody know it. She also managed to crowbar the word "also" into almost every available sentence also, sometimes squeezing three "also's" into a five word sentence also.

And i know it was the early hours of the morning and i admit i hadn't had the best night's sleep the previous night, lying awake wondering if America will destroy life as we know it and all that bidness, but did that woman wink at me? If i was sitting on a mountain of gold and my financial future looked secure i'd love to see President Palins invading Europe in order to impose creationism and save the unborn. Sadly, i'm sitting on a chair and my financial future is looking as rosy as an anaemic albino caught in the middle of an explosion in a whitewash factory. She scares the beejesus out of me and no mistake

Happy days.

'She Makes My Nose Bleed' - Mansun

Charver! I thought maybe you had left and weren't going to write these anymore. I missed them.

She scares me too.
Charver! I thought maybe you had left and weren't going to write these anymore. I missed them.

She scares me too.


To quote George Costanzas, out of Seinfeld, "everytime i think i'm out, they drag me back in".

She scares you because you're what psychologists would define as normal. Does that schmaltzy half-baked nonsense that she spouted in lieu of answering questions actually work with "mainstreet America"?

Fox news' focus group certainly seemed to think she had put on a performance on a par with Kennedy, Lincoln or Churchill during their pomp.

To quote George Costanzas, out of Seinfeld, "everytime i think i'm out, they drag me back in".

She scares you because you're what psychologists would define as normal. Does that schmaltzy half-baked nonsense that she spouted in lieu of answering questions actually work with "mainstreet America"?

Fox news' focus group certainly seemed to think she had put on a performance on a par with Kennedy, Lincoln or Churchill during their pomp.

LOL. I didn't see the FOX focus group, but that's pretty funny. I don't really know what mainstreet America is exactly, and I think that any opinion I would give on that kind of kitchsy sctick, would be irrelevent. I'm what those people would call an elitist because when I speak, I pronounce words in full.
LOL. I didn't see the FOX focus group, but that's pretty funny. I don't really know what mainstreet America is exactly, and I think that any opinion I would give on that kind of kitchsy sctick, would be irrelevent. I'm what those people would call an elitist because when I speak, I pronounce words in full.

I'm shocked.

Next you'll be telling me that you don't greet everyone you know with a friendly wink.

(Oh, just to make it clear, i don't want you getting the idea that i'm an avid Fox viewer. I watched the debate, rather patriotically, on the BBC but i find the unintentional comic levity of Fox's political coverage helps keep me awake in the early hours.)
A lot of alsos and a wink are all some Americans need.

They may get nick named this the Alsos camp.

I call them assholes.

This is a really great song that I love listening to, except I have a 7 minute version of it from itunes, that is just beautiful. This is the only version I could find on youtube though.

To quote George Costanzas, out of Seinfeld, "everytime i think i'm out, they drag me back in".

She scares you because you're what psychologists would define as normal. Does that schmaltzy half-baked nonsense that she spouted in lieu of answering questions actually work with "mainstreet America"?

Fox news' focus group certainly seemed to think she had put on a performance on a par with Kennedy, Lincoln or Churchill during their pomp.

I came home from work, and my dad was watching the debate. Naturally, I had been listening to it on the radio beforehand and chuckling at Palin's idiocy and the thousand time she had to remind me of what a gosh darn maverick she was, doncha know. And I had told my dad earlier today about her "What Newspapers do you read?" "Oh, uhm, all of em!" comment.

So I come in, and my dad immediately tells me "You know that dumb lady you told me about? Well she sure is holding her own against this six term senator!"

To which I did not respond.

So yes, Charver, that does work in middle America.
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Darla would enjoy this song, or at least the sentiment.

“In These Shoes?” - Kirsty MacColl

Good news is on the horizon. For the last month, or so, i have been casting the green tinged eye of jealousy toward you the assorted movers and shakers of America. Thanks to your wise and sagacious government's egalitarian approach to the housing market every American is now a property owner. That kind of thing makes a foreign chap feel a little inadequate don't you know?

While it is true to say that my own investment vehicle, UK government plc, has bought me a bank to play with, i'm finding it increasingly difficult to hold my head up high when conversing over the electric keyboard with you American sorts and your exciting and exotic sounding Ninja mortgage book.

Now there is a very real prospect that i am soon to become the proud new owner of the entire British banking sector. As i understand it, and bear in mind that i'm no Blaise Pascals, Billy Price-Waterhouse-Coopers or Henry Paulsons, i am paying 50 billion of our English squids for a whole swathe of High Street banks. To be honest i never realised that i had a spare 50 billion in filthy lucre lying about, but i'm damn glad the Chancellor of the Exchequer has found it, by Jove.

So, i'm paying out all this cash to Mr Barclays, Mr RoyalBankofScotlands, et al., and in return they are going to lend that money to me, asking nothing save a hefty slice of tasty interest pie. Why ever didn't we think of this before?

So, my fellow finance barons, i can confidently fix you with a steely gaze and tip my, newly mortgaged, bowler hat in your general direction. Good Day.

'Accident Waiting to Happen' - Billy Bragg
Good news is on the horizon. For the last month, or so, i have been casting the green tinged eye of jealousy toward you the assorted movers and shakers of America. Thanks to your wise and sagacious government's egalitarian approach to the housing market every American is now a property owner. That kind of thing makes a foreign chap feel a little inadequate don't you know?

While it is true to say that my own investment vehicle, UK government plc, has bought me a bank to play with, i'm finding it increasingly difficult to hold my head up high when conversing over the electric keyboard with you American sorts and your exciting and exotic sounding Ninja mortgage book.

Now there is a very real prospect that i am soon to become the proud new owner of the entire British banking sector. As i understand it, and bear in mind that i'm no Blaise Pascals, Billy Price-Waterhouse-Coopers or Henry Paulsons, i am paying 50 billion of our English squids for a whole swathe of High Street banks. To be honest i never realised that i had a spare 50 billion in filthy lucre lying about, but i'm damn glad the Chancellor of the Exchequer has found it, by Jove.

So, i'm paying out all this cash to Mr Barclays, Mr RoyalBankofScotlands, et al., and in return they are going to lend that money to me, asking nothing save a hefty slice of tasty interest pie. Why ever didn't we think of this before?

So, my fellow finance barons, i can confidently fix you with a steely gaze and tip my, newly mortgaged, bowler hat in your general direction. Good Day.

'Accident Waiting to Happen' - Billy Bragg

A classic Charver.
Tiana's Opus, "We're all going to be broke, uninsured, and in soup lines if McCain wins"

Appendicitis will mean you’re dead. Definitely don’t get cancer.

On the plus side we’ll all be fabulously thin and no calorie counting required.
Appendicitis will mean you’re dead. Definitely don’t get cancer.

On the plus side we’ll all be fabulously thin and no calorie counting required.

That's true. I need see the glass as half full. although, I won't be able to afford any new clothes in my fabulously starvation thin body. Oh well, who cares, I'll just wear bikini's all day!